5 foods to never eat (Trim Down Club)

1. Concentrated fruit juice/ 100% fruit juice
2. Margarine
3. High carb comfort foods on their own (without protein/ low carbs) - including wholewheat bread
4. Such a long presentation I zoned out on this one
5. Genetically modified corn - found in many foods like cereals


  • _noob_
    _noob_ Posts: 3,306 Member
    3 and 5 don't bother me.

    most GMO corn is bred to be more disease and drought resistant so it's actually going to better for you than you might think, especially if it's grown in a hot or drought prone area (less aflatoxin if the plant is less stressed). They bred most of the nutrition out of corn eons ago because it tastes like crap.

    In HS I worked for an LSU Ag experiment station on the corn crew and one of our experiments was to determine which breeds at what moisture harvested resulted in the most fungal contamination/aflatoxin.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member
    So, with number 3, it's ok for me to eat a Krispy Kreme so long as I have it with bacon? Noted.
  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    1. Concentrated fruit juice/ 100% fruit juice
    2. Margarine
    3. High carb comfort foods on their own (without protein/ low carbs) - including wholewheat bread
    4. Such a long presentation I zoned out on this one
    5. Genetically modified corn - found in many foods like cereals


    What were they trying to sell you?
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    1. Concentrated fruit juice/ 100% fruit juice
    2. Margarine
    3. High carb comfort foods on their own (without protein/ low carbs) - including wholewheat bread
    4. Such a long presentation I zoned out on this one
    5. Genetically modified corn - found in many foods like cereals

    #4 was processed soy, claiming it's a 'marketing gimmick used to dumb down consumers'

    On #3, they didn't seem to mean "high carb" to mean "has plenty of carbs" - it's like they were using "high" and "low" to refer to "simple" and "complex" carbs.

    I watched that insanely overlong video to see what they were selling. They're selling a lie and using lies to back it up. They cite natural news and mercola to back up their claims. GMO isn't the big scary that naturalnews would lead you to believe. See one overview at http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4112

    They also claimed that green tea 'burns fat', that there's information "being hidden from us" and that their program works without effort or any counting of calories. Promises of weight "naturally disappearing" with no exercise. They talk about something called "fat burning mode" that you will be in, even as you "eat all the desserts that they're eating" when dining with friends.

    It's a joke, start to finish.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    In HS I worked for an LSU Ag experiment station on the corn crew and one of our experiments was to determine which breeds at what moisture harvested resulted in the most fungal contamination/aflatoxin.

    In one of my genetics classes in college we were discussing GMOs and someone had genetically modified some plant (corn maybe?) with a gene that produces scorpion toxin. It acts as a natural pesticide, no chemicals on your food, and there was no scorpion toxin actually produced in the food. However, bacteria actually have the ability to incorporate random pieces of DNA into their own genome, and so in theory, if you ate that corn, bacteria in your gut could start producing scorpion toxin. Granted, the chances of that happening are incredibly rare, but still...

    Of course, my favorite GMO discussion involved the timing of genes and genes that are activated at night only or say when a plant has been harvested. A farmer in California had modified a relatively standard crop to produce THC, but only after it's harvested. So, when they tried to arrest him, he said he had no THC on his property, it didn't start being produced until it was on the trucks and off his property; he wasn't involved. No clue how that went for him. I'm thinking not well.
  • xinit0
    xinit0 Posts: 310 Member
    someone had genetically modified some plant (corn maybe?) with a gene that produces scorpion toxin. It acts as a natural pesticide, no chemicals on your food, and there was no scorpion toxin actually produced in the food. However, bacteria actually have the ability to incorporate random pieces of DNA into their own genome
    A farmer in California had modified a relatively standard crop to produce THC, but only after it's harvested. So, when they tried to arrest him, he said he had no THC on his property, it didn't start being produced until it was on the trucks and off his property

    Please cite sources for your urban legends.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    someone had genetically modified some plant (corn maybe?) with a gene that produces scorpion toxin. It acts as a natural pesticide, no chemicals on your food, and there was no scorpion toxin actually produced in the food. However, bacteria actually have the ability to incorporate random pieces of DNA into their own genome
    A farmer in California had modified a relatively standard crop to produce THC, but only after it's harvested. So, when they tried to arrest him, he said he had no THC on his property, it didn't start being produced until it was on the trucks and off his property

    Please cite sources for your urban legends.
    Dr. Wilde's lecture in Genetics 301, which would have been Spring 2001 (I think) at Texas A&M. Other than that, I got nothing.
  • javirodz
    javirodz Posts: 1
    4. Soy (processed)
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    1. Concentrated fruit juice/ 100% fruit juice
    2. Margarine
    3. High carb comfort foods on their own (without protein/ low carbs) - including wholewheat bread
    4. Such a long presentation I zoned out on this one
    5. Genetically modified corn - found in many foods like cereals

    1) If it fits into your calories or macros, than it's great! If there is no added sugar there is nothing wrong with juice (and even with some added sugar it's fine in moderation).

    2) Nothing wrong with margarine provided it is without trans fats... but even than, moderation.

    3) Nothing wrong with high carb foods.

    4) Soy - There is a lot of crap out there about soy. I consume it but I consume non GMO soy. Nothing wrong with soy. It is a great protein source especially for vegetarians and vegans.

    5) It would be hard to find non gmo corn. Nothing wrong with it in moderation though.
  • The video would be 1000 times more effective if they kept it down to 45 seconds. The best thing for our bodies is to eat as many foods as possible that don't have ingredients. I assume that is what the video said. I had to turn it off.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    All margarine, or just those with trans fat?
  • silver_arrow3
    silver_arrow3 Posts: 1,373 Member
    1. Concentrated fruit juice/ 100% fruit juice
    2. Margarine
    3. High carb comfort foods on their own (without protein/ low carbs) - including wholewheat bread
    4. Such a long presentation I zoned out on this one
    5. Genetically modified corn - found in many foods like cereals

    Honestly, I don't even care. I'm pretty sure I have an ad that pops up with the same headline (5 foods never to eat) and it shows a freakin' banana. Seriously? Don't eat bananas? I take just about as much stock in that as not eating whole wheat bread. GIMMIE MY CARBS!
  • cadaverousbones
    cadaverousbones Posts: 421 Member
    What is wrong with 100% fruit juice?
  • What is wrong with 100% fruit juice?

    Pure sugar, no fiber.

    That said, eat/drink whatever you want.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Nope. I eat whatever I want, if it fits in my macro and calorie goals.

    I just happen to not like fruit juice and margerine.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    I have a new list of my own that is better.

    1. Celery - There's just no point unless it's a way for peanut butter to reach my mouth.
    2. Pickled beets. Nasty.
    3. Those disgusting, flavorless, chalky heart-shaped candies.
    4. That's about it. Can't think of any other foods I'd never eat.
  • ladymiseryali
    ladymiseryali Posts: 2,555 Member
  • explosivedonut
    explosivedonut Posts: 419 Member
    Never say never.

    1. Perfect for mixed drinks! Everyone needs a screwdriver. At least, I need one or 10 before I post on these forms.
    2. I... never minded margarine. I liked butter better. But margarine is cheaper, so if you can't afford butter, it's fine.
    3. My whole wheat bagels and peanut butter post workout laugh.
    4. I zoned out on how silly this list is, so there's that.
    5. Just corn? Oddly specific. Why? If you are eating anything other than that crazy looking multi colored corn, chances are it has been genetically modified in some way, shape, or form (either by actual GM or by breeding for specific traits. DAMN YOU GREGOR MENDEL!!!!!!!!)
  • lautour
    lautour Posts: 89 Member
    Five foods to never eat (just my opinion):

    1. Foods that make you physically sick (unless, of course, getting sick is part of the experience like brain freeze or the coveted milkshake diarrhea)

    2. Foods that have been on the floor longer than seven seconds (I'm being generous)

    3. Foods cooked by Jeffrey Dahmer (always suspect but especially important now that he's dead, zombie foods are almost always no-go)

    4. Foods that look like one thing but they're really another, like this cake which is a very wrong thing to do in my opinion:


    5. Most babies (my mom wanted me to add this)
  • KatieHall77
    KatieHall77 Posts: 129 Member
    That's a cake!??!

    Anyhow, thanks op for posting, I think we've all seen the ad popping up more than displaced Nigerian Princes, I was always curious what it said. Especially since it's always accompanied by a picture of a banana, I'm shocked bananas are not on the list.