You Deserve a Little Something, Right?



  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    I have been on lots of diets and have always rewarded myself for each 3kg loss - a manicure, a pedicure, a trip out somewhere nice etc. but I've always fallen off the wagon eventually and then gained back the weight that I've lost. This time it's not a short term quick fix, it's a whole lifestyle change for ever, no going back. So I'm not rewarding my short term goals this time, but when I get to goal weight......... I think I might go shopping :wink:
  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    Hi there. well i have to be honest and say that food wise i have learned that a little of what you fancy is good for you .. but always in moderation and i work it into my weekly intake of calories.
    However in saying that i have rewarded myself with new experiences along the way, i have only been member for bout month here but have been on this journey since early June this year and have just passed my 5st off mark and decided to treat myself to a bike.
    I haven't been on one since i was ...well a long long time ago .. lets just say over 25yrs lol but i know that it will only help this journey and get my fitness on the right track..
    good luck in your journey x
  • 2dare2dream
    2dare2dream Posts: 104 Member
    For those of you that aren't into rewarding yourselves, I understand. For me, other than for my health, I need an incentive! I know it's such an extrinsic approach to weight loss, but sometimes it works.

    Dont bash your self for rewarding yourself little treats along the way honey, its not the path you take that is important just that you reach your destination. The same path doesnt work for everyone, do what works for you ..
  • tomwatso
    tomwatso Posts: 1,304 Member
    I buy new clothes. What is the point if one gets in shape and one does not show it off?
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    How do you guys reward yourselves for losing a few pounds, and how often? ( i.e., every 5 pounds, etc.)
    I rewarded myself when I lost so much weight I needed new clothes. Reward: New clothes. Then, a trip.
  • At 30 pounds I bought a pair of jeans that fit so that I don't have to just wear pants and skirts with stretchy waists.
  • Clothes, earrings, new fitness material. All are such good ideas. But never food lol!
  • GoRun2
    GoRun2 Posts: 448 Member
    I did celebrations for every 5 lbs. Running socks, running shorts, running bra, running top, workout pants, running hat and so on.

    I lost 30 lbs and I was going for every trick in the book to get me there. I am at goal. I'm thinking about celebrations for maintaining my weight.

    For maintenance, a new dress for New years Eve. Last years dress is tooo big :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    My reward for every 10 lbs I lose is to set up another goal of 10 more lbs to lose, Helps keep me motivated for the long haul.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Clothes... not as a reward, though. I've bought new clothes several times because I literally have nothing to wear. Everything I own, including my coats and shoes, is falling off me. This week I bought two coats that actually fit.

    I like the idea of a reward once I hit my goal (which will be in 6 pounds, yay!). Something really fun to do with other people. I'd love to celebrate with a fruit cake (those beautiful cakes made out of fruit). Or maybe I'll just walk all day, or hike to the next county, which I can do now, LOL. I'll have to give it some thought.
  • Clothes... not as a reward, though. I've bought new clothes several times because I literally have nothing to wear. Everything I own, including my coats and shoes, is falling off me. This week I bought two coats that actually fit.

    I like the idea of a reward once I hit my goal (which will be in 6 pounds, yay!). Something really fun to do with other people. I'd love to celebrate with a fruit cake (those beautiful cakes made out of fruit). Or maybe I'll just walk all day, or hike to the next county, which I can do now, LOL. I'll have to give it some thought.
    Congrats on your weight loss!
  • bump
    Thank you! You guys are really inspiring!
  • RunBrew
    RunBrew Posts: 220 Member
    I reward myself with the satisfaction that I'm 5 lbs closer to not being a fatass.
  • lebbyloses
    lebbyloses Posts: 133 Member
    When I hit my half-way mark and also when I hit my goal weight I intend to do something for myself, but I haven't 100% decided on what that will be. I'm wavering on the idea that for each I will get a tattoo I've been wanting (one is small and simplistic in design, the other is somewhat larger with more detail). I know others give themselves something for every 5-10lbs lost, but I'm happy enough losing that weight that I don't need little prizes. Having to invest more time and truly earn my rewards, as it were, makes me feel even better about my accomplishment.

    I'd be careful with this. Not because it's not a wonderful idea, but just because depending on how much weight you're actually losing your skin might change. If I were going to get another tattoo, I'd wait till I had maintained for a few months just so the changes would have stopped.

    I have got myself a massage for every 20 pounds lost! It's a treat, it makes me feel very good in my body, and it helps with all the weird soreness and tightness from trying new workout routines. On a practical note I also get some new clothes, but that's more because I need them and I can't look like a slob at work. I'm buying as few clothes as I can, as cheaply as I can, because I hope my size will change further. But it's awfully tempting to get more and I may brave the mall thanksgiving weekend to see if I can get some deals.
  • I've honestly stopped thinking that way.
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I buy more fitness equipment...
    Me too. And flourescent Nike runners.
  • Why do some of you feel that you don't have to reward yourselves?
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    When I hit my half-way mark and also when I hit my goal weight I intend to do something for myself, but I haven't 100% decided on what that will be. I'm wavering on the idea that for each I will get a tattoo I've been wanting (one is small and simplistic in design, the other is somewhat larger with more detail). I know others give themselves something for every 5-10lbs lost, but I'm happy enough losing that weight that I don't need little prizes. Having to invest more time and truly earn my rewards, as it were, makes me feel even better about my accomplishment.

    I'd be careful with this. Not because it's not a wonderful idea, but just because depending on how much weight you're actually losing your skin might change. If I were going to get another tattoo, I'd wait till I had maintained for a few months just so the changes would have stopped.

    I have got myself a massage for every 20 pounds lost! It's a treat, it makes me feel very good in my body, and it helps with all the weird soreness and tightness from trying new workout routines. On a practical note I also get some new clothes, but that's more because I need them and I can't look like a slob at work. I'm buying as few clothes as I can, as cheaply as I can, because I hope my size will change further. But it's awfully tempting to get more and I may brave the mall thanksgiving weekend to see if I can get some deals.

    Oh believe me, I know :) I have two tattoos already and while they were neither in a location that altered greatly (I had them both done prior to my weight gain) I know it's a possibility. My halfway point tattoo would be on the top of my foot and simplistic in design, so I feel rather safe in regards to it maintaining its shape. The second one I want on my outer thigh and it is one I would definitely want to wait on to get since my legs are changing shape as I lose weight.

    I appreciate you looking out for me! It can be really frustrating to have a tattoo shif and change shape, especially when a decide sized piece can be so expensive.
  • monbot
    monbot Posts: 97 Member
    Instead of weight loss, I reward myself when I reach a fitness goal; like finishing my first 5km fun run or completing the 30 day shred. And I always reward myself with fitness related things, to entice me to work out more!