No exercises allowed (except of walking)



  • callie006
    callie006 Posts: 151 Member
    Sorry- accidental double post
  • prosperkat
    prosperkat Posts: 59 Member
    I would suggest a clear protein drink like Isopure - they are sugar-free, come in fruit flavors, do not have any "bits" (absolutely clear) and the protein will help you keep on track. They can be found in health food stores.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Still count the calories in everything you consume. Aim for a similar calorie amount as you were having before, and you should be fine. It doesn't matter if the calories are in liquid or solid form, as far as weight loss/maintenance (satiety is another issue, but unfortunately you're going to have to deal with it for the 2 weeks :frown: )

    You can have a protein shake once or twice a day to help get your needed protein levels. Fruit smoothies, especially if you can mix in some vegetables, will be good for nutrients. Possibly add some greek yogurt to them, too.

    You may also look into meal replacement shakes like Ensure. (Not the ones for weight loss, necessarily, I'm thinking more about nutrition supplements).

    Yes, liquid supplements may be more sugary, but you can help balance that out with protein, etc. And in the end, it's going to be calories that affect whether you gain, lose, or maintain weight, not just sugar. As long as you track that (and keep, walking! It'll be good for you) you should be fine.
  • xxcooneyxx
    xxcooneyxx Posts: 221 Member
    As a cardio junkie, I can understand how walking doesn't feel very effective. Still, a few months back, I started walking A LOT because I moved in with my boyfriend and his wonderful dog is extremely obese. I love that dog, but my boyfriend works over 60 hours a week so he doesn't have a lot of time to walk the dog, and the dog has suffered for it. I started walking the dog every day and as he lost weight we started taking longer and longer walks. Monday we walked ten miles. The dog has lost about 12 lbs of the 25 he needs to lose, and he is much happier and healthier. I have also lost weight since switching a lot of my exercise to walking. Sure, it's not as fast of a burn as other things you could be doing, but don't just write off the effectiveness of walking. I was really pleasantly surprised at how well it works.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,299 Member
    Like everyone else I feel for your situation.

    I agree with callie006. you need to be giving yourself nutrients for repair and to get over the "shock" to your system. You may not have access to the meal supplement someone suggested for the very ill or elderly but how about full milk,or channel Island type also known as A2 believed to be more easy to digest. In an ordinary way you may choose to avoid milk but as a way to achieve some sort of balanced diet in the next couple of weeks. There are the milk substitutes too if you are unable to drink milk. Just a thought.

    Enjoy the walking, but don't over do the exercise because it is hard for a body to heal and work very hard at the same time, prioritise for a while.

    Take care
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    thanks for posts, everyone. My aim is not to loose weight within this two weeks but i'd like to maintain it and not to destroy what i already achieved.. My meal intake has changed a lot. I eat lots of raw veggies and fruit and nuts sometimes plus i love kickbox (contact one) and cardio and walking was just everyday routine, i didn't take seriously as a main exercise.

    Of course priority one is get the implants healed (got 12 implants into the upper jaw) and am aware it takes time. On the other side i feel stuck and caught as i cannot do what i usually do. Hopefully after 2 weeks i'll be allowed to do some more exercises and eat some food.

    thanks for support, you are amazing!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Hi everyone,

    been on MFP since September. I did various exercises, attended contact kickbox twice a week plus did some YouTube videos, such as 30DS, cardio, stretching, etc.

    On Wednesday I had a dental surgery n am not allowed to do any exercises except of walking (it's impossible to do any jumps and push ups as the wound is still painful - having 34 stitches).

    And I can only drink, no food and no drinks which contain bits as these could go to the wound and cause infection. I go for check up on 25 November.

    My question is how can i loose some weight, when i can't do exercises and the drinks are so sugary? Tried some smoothies, actimel, juices but am exceed the sugar so much. If it would be raw fruit I would not mind but in drinks it's not good and am worried i will even gain some weight as I the drinks don't make me full for a long time so the daily intake is quite high.

    Thanks for advices and if you want pls feel free to add me:)


    I would try products such as Ensure and Boost. In some situations, these products are used in a feeding tube as a good portion of a person's daily nutrition.

    you could also make your own protein smoothie with protein powder, almond milk, yogurt, and baby food fruit.
  • TheBoldCat
    TheBoldCat Posts: 159 Member
    ok, so today i did 5 mins low cardio. Not for calories burn ( it was just 25) but for my good feeling.
    Well, the upper jaw started aching a bit so I guess 5 mins is enough for the beginning...

    And also don't want to fell of the wagon once i'll be able to eat solid food ( oh gosh, I don't crave any specific food but anything I could bite. lol)