


  • Pearsquared
    Pearsquared Posts: 1,656 Member
    I fill up on vegetables and other healthier fare so I don't overdo the other stuff, but I most certainly enjoy everything including pie. :D
  • tm82001
    tm82001 Posts: 133 Member
    This is my first Thanksgiving on mfp. I have lost 24.5lbs since July and have 7.5lbs to go, so I really don't want to screw this up. Each year, I usually gain 5-10 pounds between mid November and mid January. Thanksgiving Day will be like any other day for me...weigh everything, log it honestly, and take ownership of every morsel that passes my lips. With 40 people at my house for the turkey festivities, hopefully I will be too busy cooking and cleaning to eat.

    Edited to share this important message: Hell to the yes...I am having pie with whipped cream.
  • YES!! Pie with whipped cream!
  • christiandiaries
    christiandiaries Posts: 13 Member
    I think I'm just going to have a tablespoon of everything. And drink lots of water.
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    It'll be a normal day for me, Thanksgiving food just isn't that appealing to me. But I am going to save some calories and splurge a bit on one of my four Christmases this year.

    But if you're worried about going over just try to exercise the days leading up to it so that you've built yourself a nice deficit and you'll still be under for the week.