Where do I start? Mom 24/7. What about me?

Exhausted mom, low energy, no self esteem - where do I start?

I am so tired. Mom to a four year old and five month old baby. Breastfeeding. Needed all the time.

I am constantly eating junk. Coming from a family history of diabetes I know this is killing me. And setting a poor example for my kids.

Where do I start? How do I break the cycle?

Please help. Every morning I try again...and fail. I am tired of failing.


  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    You have to be strong and do it for yourself. Think about your kids and how you want to be around for them for many years to come. Start small... logging your food for a week, taking small walks, etc. You have to want it from within. :flowerforyou:
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Think how much better you will feel and increased energy if you eat better and decrease the junk food. Exercise also helps with energy. Take the kids for a walk.
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    You seem to have your hands full at the moment. Breast feeding takes it out of you, well it did me. I remember not even being able to close the bathroom door when I was on my own, I was probably being over the top careful of mine. Then in the evening sinking myself into a deep bath, bliss.

    Wanting to be about for your children is a very good place to start. I agree with making small changes too, to start with. I have no idea if it might help you to think about "improving" your own milk so you are not giving your baby too much salt or sugar for instance. I know our bodies are usually good at getting the general balance of nutrients to the baby but less salt and sugar may be the way to go.

    All the very best and congratulations for making this start. There will be plenty of currently nursing mothers on this site to support you.
  • CoozyRoo
    CoozyRoo Posts: 82 Member
    You can do it, start with small changes and keep things realistic for yourself. Maybe just start with logging what you are eating, that will help you to recognize what everything is costing you in calories. Then start subbing in some lower calorie options where you can, and increasing water intake. If you are ever blessed with both of the kids napping at the same time, try out a Leslie Sansone video on You Tube. They are nice quick walks and you can pick a mile or more to do.

    Set some smaller and attainable goals, so you will remain motivated. Best of luck.
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    You have to be strong and do it for yourself. Think about your kids and how you want to be around for them for many years to come. Start small... logging your food for a week, taking small walks, etc. You have to want it from within. :flowerforyou:

    ^^ This. Little steps everyday.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    I agree, start small. If you make the commitment every morning, start by having a healthy breakfast. Once that is habit, add a walk to your day, or improve your lunch choices. Replace chips with a piece of fruit. Just choose 1 item to change today, and don't add another change until you are comfortable with the first one. Maybe a couple of days, maybe a week. You can write a list of changes you want to make; for example:

    eat healthy breakfast (decide what that means to you, for me it is one egg with some salsa and a cup of coffee)
    take a 10 - 15 minute walk
    eat a fulfilling lunch (again, decide what that means for you)
    replace a snack (i.e. chips or cookie) with something else (apple, nuts, carrots).

    It is very hard making a wholesale change, but if you make small, incremental changes, you might find it easier to keep to them.

    Hang in there!
  • staciw
    staciw Posts: 58 Member
    I understand. I have three boys, ages 6,4 and 3 - which means that not too long ago I had three boys ages 3 months, 19 months and 3 1/2 years. You're right - it's exhausting and I felt defeated a lot of the time. Honestly, when I was in your shoes, it was just about survival. Make it through the day. Get to bedtime with kids who smiled, were fed, clothed (or not...depending on the day) and who knew that I loved them - even if that meant sacrificing myself for a while. Im about 2 years past where you are now, and it's finally doable. I can finally take the time for myself. I think that there are a few things that you could do immediately that might help though...
    1. Remember that when you are nursing, your baby needs good quality milk. She/he doesn't need cheeto milk. Get the junk food out of the house. Don't buy anymore. That takes care of that. Replace your junk with easy fix items - cheese sticks, yogurt, popcorn, apples, nuts, boxes of cereal (shredded mini wheats, plain cheerios, etc). No chips, no crackers, no cookies, no snack cakes. I buy stick cheese or my kids and block cheese for myself. As soon as I open the block of cheese, I cut it into 1 oz chunks and put them in a ziplock. That way, when I want t quick grab snack later, I can grab one ounce instead of eating a lot more.
    2. Go for a walk while the baby naps. I know it's crazy - but just walk up and down your stairs 20 times, or around your house for 20 laps, or do 100 sit ups. You can still get in a little exercise without leaving your baby unattended.

    Just take small steps. Just survive this time. It will pass, and you'll find a lot more energy will come soon. Once those babies are all sleeping well through the night, you'll feel better too.

    Hang in there mama - you'll make it!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    if you are in a deficit you will lose weight, whether its 'junk' or not... alternatively, dont have it in the house, then you cant eat it.
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Ah the beauty of being a mom! No one told me you never get a break lol I suggest start small with what you are eating. Try logging everything. I know when I started logging again it put what I ate in perspective and helped me see where I should start with my changes. After you get your eating to where you want it add a little exercise. The slower you make the changes the easier it will be for you. You won't get over whelmed.
  • mamajess242
    mamajess242 Posts: 11 Member
    I understand. I have three boys, ages 6,4 and 3 - which means that not too long ago I had three boys ages 3 months, 19 months and 3 1/2 years. You're right - it's exhausting and I felt defeated a lot of the time. Honestly, when I was in your shoes, it was just about survival. Make it through the day. Get to bedtime with kids who smiled, were fed, clothed (or not...depending on the day) and who knew that I loved them - even if that meant sacrificing myself for a while. Im about 2 years past where you are now, and it's finally doable. I can finally take the time for myself. I think that there are a few things that you could do immediately that might help though...
    1. Remember that when you are nursing, your baby needs good quality milk. She/he doesn't need cheeto milk. Get the junk food out of the house. Don't buy anymore. That takes care of that. Replace your junk with easy fix items - cheese sticks, yogurt, popcorn, apples, nuts, boxes of cereal (shredded mini wheats, plain cheerios, etc). No chips, no crackers, no cookies, no snack cakes. I buy stick cheese or my kids and block cheese for myself. As soon as I open the block of cheese, I cut it into 1 oz chunks and put them in a ziplock. That way, when I want t quick grab snack later, I can grab one ounce instead of eating a lot more.
    2. Go for a walk while the baby naps. I know it's crazy - but just walk up and down your stairs 20 times, or around your house for 20 laps, or do 100 sit ups. You can still get in a little exercise without leaving your baby unattended.

    Just take small steps. Just survive this time. It will pass, and you'll find a lot more energy will come soon. Once those babies are all sleeping well through the night, you'll feel better too.

    Hang in there mama - you'll make it!

    You have certainly been here before! Survival it is, but I do want more...now. I think everyone has given great advice. "small changes" will be my mantra. This time with my babies is so precious but I am an ugly person when I don't look after myself...and I mean on the inside.

    Thank you.

    Great idea about the zip lock portions. Will take that on board.

    Small changes.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I understand. I have three boys, ages 6,4 and 3 - which means that not too long ago I had three boys ages 3 months, 19 months and 3 1/2 years. You're right - it's exhausting and I felt defeated a lot of the time. Honestly, when I was in your shoes, it was just about survival. Make it through the day. Get to bedtime with kids who smiled, were fed, clothed (or not...depending on the day) and who knew that I loved them - even if that meant sacrificing myself for a while. Im about 2 years past where you are now, and it's finally doable. I can finally take the time for myself. I think that there are a few things that you could do immediately that might help though...
    1. Remember that when you are nursing, your baby needs good quality milk. She/he doesn't need cheeto milk. Get the junk food out of the house. Don't buy anymore. That takes care of that. Replace your junk with easy fix items - cheese sticks, yogurt, popcorn, apples, nuts, boxes of cereal (shredded mini wheats, plain cheerios, etc). No chips, no crackers, no cookies, no snack cakes. I buy stick cheese or my kids and block cheese for myself. As soon as I open the block of cheese, I cut it into 1 oz chunks and put them in a ziplock. That way, when I want t quick grab snack later, I can grab one ounce instead of eating a lot more.
    2. Go for a walk while the baby naps. I know it's crazy - but just walk up and down your stairs 20 times, or around your house for 20 laps, or do 100 sit ups. You can still get in a little exercise without leaving your baby unattended.

    Just take small steps. Just survive this time. It will pass, and you'll find a lot more energy will come soon. Once those babies are all sleeping well through the night, you'll feel better too.

    Hang in there mama - you'll make it!

    You have certainly been here before! Survival it is, but I do want more...now. I think everyone has given great advice. "small changes" will be my mantra. This time with my babies is so precious but I am an ugly person when I don't look after myself...and I mean on the inside.

    Thank you.

    Great idea about the zip lock portions. Will take that on board.

    Small changes.

    That's the spirit! You also HAVE to take time for yourself... I have 5 kids from age 4-14 and I am a strong advocate for "Mommy only time"... A happy mommy is a happy family. :bigsmile:
  • TripleRadiance275
    TripleRadiance275 Posts: 148 Member
    It is totally doable. Small steps when it comes to food is key. I think I cut sugar back first and then gradually started adopting healthier eating and exercise. Exercise with your kids to start out I used to dance with mine holding them one at a time in my arms while dancing and switching every song to a different kid for as long as I could handle it. I gave birth to 4 kids in less than 2 years and know all about feeling overwhelmed. Even now when they aren't so little anymore I sometimes feel overwhelmed.
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    baby steps :bigsmile:

    but really, take it one step at a time.

    the junk food and nursing - not a good idea. you want to be eating healthy so that you and your baby will be getting good nutrients. so start there. is there a husband? put him in charge of making you breakfast. reach out fo help. every single time you sit down to nurse, grab a bottle of water and sip it while you're nursing.

    can you buy groceries online? then do that for a while. at least one thing to knock off your list.

    when you or husband cook - cook double/triple portions and freeze in individual portions.

    go for easy and nutricious - eggs, toast with healthy PB&J, burritos with beans and cheese, chicken, etc.

    get fresh fruit and have that as a snack, your children will learn this habit from you.

    one step at a time - you go tthis!
  • 4 kids here, 5, 9, 12 & 16 so it's a little easier. I can recruit the 16 yr old to babysit & go for walks if the hubby isn't home. Start small, if you don't have the time or the ability to have some "me" time to exercise then concentrate on your calories right now. I started using the site again 4 months ago. All I've done is count calories & walk a couple times a week if I can work it in. It's doable. Just don't jump in so fast & deep that you're overwhelmed! Good luck to you!! :flowerforyou:
  • onematch
    onematch Posts: 241 Member
    Getting started is the hardest part. After a few days of making just one small change, you will start to feel different - more confident, more in control, more energy, maybe sleeping a bit better. And you will want to continue to feel that way. Get through one day of making one small change and build on that.
    You can do it! Don't give up on yourself!
  • cursiny
    cursiny Posts: 907 Member
    3 kids here. 17. 7. 6. 2 have medical issues. Full time job. Full time mom. No help from kids dad.

    I know how you feel!!

    But you need to do this to be a better mom for your kids. Just start with something small and achievable, Than add something else. You can do this.

    Sending friend request. Here for support and to be supportive :)
  • I think it helps to remind yourself that it's not a failure if you eat that bag of chips or bowl of ice cream or whatever your vice is.

    We view "failure" as such a harsh word. It makes us give up. But like with everything else in life, losing weight/being healthier isn't a smooth road. There are bumps and hills and even mountains that we have to get over. And sometimes we fall down along the way.

    Just remind yourself that, yeah, you fell down... you ate something you shouldn't have... but that's not an excuse to give up. It's a reason to forgive yourself and move on. You ate it. So what? You can't change that. So forgive yourself and do better next time.

    That's really all we can ask of ourselves and everyone else... that we do better next time. And joining MFP and asking for advice is you doing better for yourself. So kudos to you!
  • smithbeck2
    smithbeck2 Posts: 36 Member
    I have a 3 year old and an 8 month old. I am no longer nursing though. Do you have a local gym with a daycare? I take my kids almost everyday so that I can get a work out and get some alone time. I don't always want to work out but I do like having a little free time so that is motivation enough for me to go! Like you I don't always make the best food choices so I started with moving more. I have been concentrating on that then I will work on my food.

    Is there any activity that you have wanted to try? For example, I play roller derby and take a tap class once a week. This is all in the evenings when my husband is home. It gives me some time to myself and I am moving while having fun. Think about something you might want to try. I know you are nursing but you should be able to get away for an hour.

    Good luck and add me if you want!:happy:
  • smithbeck2
    smithbeck2 Posts: 36 Member
    Oh and I meant to add, I am right there with you about being tired. My 8 month old still gets up multiple times a night and thinks 5:30 am is the right time to get up for the day! I make really bad food choices when I am tired and beat down! I just try to move! The better I feel about moving (exercising) the better I do with food. I am great yet but it is getting better!!!

    We can do this!!
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    You have to make good health every bit a priority as you do feeding and caring for the children. If you don't have your good health, you won't be able to care for them like you want to. Also, teaching them good habits from when they are young will help them as they grow as well.

    Take the kids for a walk, put the baby in the stroller and take the older one with you and go to the park. Lifting the children is exercise, make it a game. Dance with the kids, that's exercise too. Exercise doesn't have to be 30 minutes on the treadmill and time at the gym away from the kids. You can incorporate both together.

    Also, food...you control what you buy at the grocery store. Don't buy junk. Prepackaged food is easy but you can also make easy meals quickly. I threw chicken thighs, a can of black beans, a can of corn, a jar of salsa and some chicken broth in a crockpot, let it cook and served it over brown rice. I probably spend 10 minutes in prep for the meal. Google quick and easy meals. There are tons of websites and ideas out there for you, by moms in your same position.

    This is all about choice and you have to choose to be healthy and find healthy options. Good luck, you can do it!