Where do I start? Mom 24/7. What about me?



  • JenRun1
    JenRun1 Posts: 212
    Here is what I would recommend (I'm a stay at home mom who also works at home (consultant) to 2 boys)

    1. Don't buy the junk! If it's not there you won't eat it.
    2. All it takes is a 20 minute work out 4-5 times a week to get you jump started. There are a few ways you can work this into your day:
    1. While the kids are napping youtube a cardio video, there are plenty out there
    2. Take your kids for a walk.
    3. Get up before they do and go for a walk/run if you want to do it without them.

    I find that my work outs are really my only alone time and it has become extremely enjoyable.

    For this to you work you really have to want it. It all starts with you and you making the right choices for you.

    Good luck on your journey!
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  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    You try and fail every day? I think a huge problem is your mindset. Don't be so hard on yourself!

    Don't think of every day as a new day. Think of it as your healthier life. So you messed up a little bit at lunch? You don't need to go back to eating only junk because you messed up once. Start fresh right now. You can still have a nutritious, healthy dinner. You can still do an exercise video or take a walk. You can still have a bedtime snack. Don't mentally punish yourself for a single mistake, and don't have an "all or nothing" attitude.

    Junk food isn't the enemy. Only eating junk food isn't great for you, but if you want a candy bar before bed, have one. Now, if all you eat is junk and you aren't feeling well, I agree with other posters who say just not to buy it. But I love candy and ice cream and chips, and if there's room for them in my calories, I'll eat them.
  • AusAshMommy
    AusAshMommy Posts: 845 Member
    I was in your shoes after my son was born 10 yrs ago and while I was not breastfeeding him, I was exhausted and tired all the time and my self-esteem was at an all time low - I lost the weight, took a lot of hard work and dedication with tons of support from the hubby but I did it!

    Then wouldn't you know it? Got preggers with my daughter and I was so sick I couldn't get off the couch half the time, actually lost 12 lbs in my 1st trimester with her, couldn't continue exercising and what I could keep down wasn't healthy...eventually the sickness subsided but the crappy food choices continued. I was able to breastfeed her, but again the unhealthy choices continued; enrolled in grad school when she was 5 mos. old and yeah it's cyclical.

    And here I am now 8+ years later - trying again.

    Don't beat yourself up, take each fall down as a lesson and move on; each day is brand new and you can start anew!

    I agree - take the unhealthy choices out of your house, don't buy them, don't eat them! My kids as strange as they are go bonkers in the produce section at the grocery store and less so in the cookie/cracker/chip aisles - we have to coax them to choose snacks for their school lunches. My daughter loves chips, but she goes nuts for Banana's and Oranges; my son is crazy for berries! It just takes self-training! I have been working extra hard to rid my home of halloween candy that is a temptation to me - unhealthy foods for me are those loaded w/sugar & carbs.

    It's that mindset - you've taken the first steps! Your here and your willing, one step at a time - baby steps - you've gotten great advice here, just keep at it!
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    Do you take vitamins?
    I know some people don,t and are fine without them, but some us are tired and blah all the time when we forget to take our vitamins/supplements.
    If you don't. You may want to find a high quality women's multi vitamin. Maybe have your iron checked. Maybe it will help you. (Maybe not, but it won,t hurt to give it a clue months trial)

    Eat enough protein and get enough good fats.

    Maybe try an over the counter natural sleep enhancer. Chamomile tea with learn milk, a lavender infused bath, (or lavender body lotion or pillow spray), melatonin or valerian root. They could help with getting deeper sleep, which will help you feel more rested.(again, doesn't work for everyone, but why not try something different just in case)

    As far as your food choices. Those are your choices, you just have to change them. Maybe find reasons. Do you choose the lower quality foods out of convenience? Then maybe one day a week you can pre pack a weeks worth of healthy snacks. Make triple the amount of a good healthy dinner and portion and freeze the leftovers. Etc. Etc.

    But, in all honesty, I felt like a zombie until my youngest kid was about 6.... LOL. Then again, I didn,t realize my iron was borderline low nor did I get enough water and vitamins and healthy food...or sleep.

    I hope you find something that works for you!
  • nikkylyn
    nikkylyn Posts: 325 Member
    Hi momma. I have 3 little ones none in school yet i feel u. U gotta make time. Momma cant be best momma if shes not caring for herself.

    Ur bfing all the more reason to eat healthy. Think of ur babysnutrition. Your baby eats.what.u eat. So eat well. First stop buying junk. Use a crockpot i just put some chicken potatos veggies with italian dressing and some herbs in mine. Dinner done! Look up crockpot recipes online.

    When i get time in the day. I do a series of squats pushups and plank. Better to do some exercise on bursts than none at all. Focus on diet and resistance training.

    Its ok to have a treat here or there but if ur buying mostly junk then that needs to change. You can do it.