In the home stretch.....



  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    When people started saying that to me at work, "you can stop now" etc. I just tell them my doctor and I have a weight in mind, I have breast cancer in my family and shouldn't have excess weight, etc. Although she didn't give me a number, it usually keeps them quiet....there is a control issue with some people especially if they are struggling, you just have to do what is good for you and be positive and supportive to others.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Hi everyone I'm new here.I don't know if what i'm eating is too much or too little.This is what i ate yesterday

    breakfast-half an apple
    lunch-1/4 cup rice and 1/2 fried fish
    snacks-one cream cracker
    dinner-one fried fish,3 pieces of carrot and one slice of brinjal

    From your food list, it does not appear likely that you are eating enough but it is impossible to tell. The problem for us advising on this is that you haven't posted portion sizes or calories information.
  • BobcatGirl110
    BobcatGirl110 Posts: 364 Member
    awwww...thank you all so much! I am grateful for people in the same place as I am AND a few FRs that are in maintenance. THIS is why this site is so much help!!!! Grateful beyond words and let's DO THIS....who cares if it's holidays...this battle doesn't have to be so hard and with some support we can make it :D
  • trialstyle
    trialstyle Posts: 68 Member
    this journey has been great....not just the weight loss and improved health....but the byproduct of finding yourself, remembering your passions and finding new dreams along the way :) It's truly a change that's more than just physical! I've lost 58 and I'm down to the last 6 pounds until I hit my original goal weight. I'm looking for some new friends who are in a similar situation.

    We've had some great successes, achieved most of our goals, and we are in the "home stretch"'s not so much "motivation" we hope to find....but a "like mindedness" that we've done a lot of hard work, we have learned how to make this a priority in our lives, and we are ready to "learn from each other and share experiences" rather than "cheer each other on when you finish the day under your calorie goal". If this sounds like you please consider sending a friend request.....:)

    Well said! I've leaned allot here, made allot of friends that share the same goal as my wife and I. We are eating tons better than we used to, cut out all the crap- (for the most part) but enjoy our life journey and seeing our results on the scale and in the mirror!
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    You have done so well! Congratulations:flowerforyou: I met my goal, maintained for a while, then recently gained a few back.
  • Newbeginnings46
    Newbeginnings46 Posts: 40 Member
    congratulations to all on the home stretch. Im there too. Yeeha we've nearly done it. Feel free to add me anyone. Looking for friends to continue the support and motivation.
  • theresalb
    theresalb Posts: 2 Member
    I'm looking forward to this part of the journey. At 51 I need to maintain a healthy lifestyle. I won't lie. Not all the foods that I eat are "healthy". My goal is to make the best decisions I can most of the time. I'm not going to tell myself a food is off limits because that that makes me want to eat "all the things". This is my way to live my life and live it well. I've already noticed healthy changes. I can run further (I still don't like it though), lift more, and those are positive changes for me.
    Okay everyone, let's do this.
  • debraran1
    debraran1 Posts: 521 Member
    I agree...I told me Mom to stop saying "Are you still on your diet?" I know what she means, but it's not a diet, I'm not on a WW or Jenny Craig type thing, I'm trying to make my old food (well minus the cheese curls) work with me now. I cut out some bad things but will have cookies and pie on occasion, holidays, etc. and I'm grateful for 100 cal snacks to teach me portions.

    It's hard but you can train yourself to only have one piece of pumpkin pie and not keep it around if it's too tempting, for me stress is a trigger so I buy much smaller portions of sweets or just eat them outside of the home.

    I knew for me, if I couldn't lose without pizza and pasta, it wouldn't work, too big staples at home during the year, it was hard, but I cut back a lot and hope it can continue.