BeachBody Coaches Leave Me Alone! (lol)



  • simonkurth
    simonkurth Posts: 395 Member
    Not everyone sells some are genuinely trying to help :) I met more BB coaches who are genuinely taking their time to help, I only know one who is SO pushy on every level then stops motivating you if you dont buy from him

    I truly believe you when you say that, I think what the OP is trying to say is that it would be nice if BB coaches identified themselves and let people come to them versus pushing FRs, PMs and advertising on the forums pushing their products and services. If the coaches are that good people will come to them asking for help, they don't need the sales pitch.

    Well said. That is way I conduct myself on MFP. I joined MFP before becoming a BB coach and I truly value MFP for what it has done for my life . Everyone on this forum raises good points.
  • Fit_Canadian
    Not everyone sells some are genuinely trying to help :) I met more BB coaches who are genuinely taking their time to help, I only know one who is SO pushy on every level then stops motivating you if you dont buy from him

    I truly believe you when you say that, I think what the OP is trying to say is that it would be nice if BB coaches identified themselves and let people come to them versus pushing FRs, PMs and advertising on the forums pushing their products and services. If the coaches are that good people will come to them asking for help, they don't need the sales pitch.

    Well said. That is way I conduct myself on MFP. I joined MFP before becoming a BB coach and I truly value MFP for what it has done for my life . Everyone on this forum raises good points.

    And I will most likely need the services of a few BB coaches in the coming weeks, I intend on starting the T25 system so at that point I'll start seeking out some good coaches to help me through the process for sure.
  • tedrickp
    tedrickp Posts: 1,229 Member
    BeachBody coaches can say they aren't pushy or aren't out to sell - just here to help. But at the end of the day everyone in an MLM is out to sell. If not - they wouldn't have joined an MLM.

    No matter what their tactics (pushy/aggressive vs. just here to help) it is all part of their strategy to sell at the end of the day.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    wow not sure what to say. I have to admit i have become a beachbody coach BUT i am here to help others. For me it's all about support, i would of given up many many times without support from others, whether they were with beachbody or not. I want to help others achieve their goals just like i have! I get asked all the time how i achieved my goal, how i got there/ what i did etc. so i tell them! yes it has to do with beachbody and their products, but THEY asked! So i am not going to hide anything, i have it on my main page stating i am a coach, so if any of my MFP friends in the future want to try a product o fsome kind form beachbody they know i am here for them to help them choose the right one, etc. we are not all negative just trying to sell products, some of us want to really help support others!

    I agree! She's not like all the other BB coaches. She's genuinely supportive :)

    aww thx :)

    i know i had tons of requests from coaches before i became oen myself. If i didn't have MY coach i had at the time, i don't' think i woudl of achieved my goal! It was taking the change/ taking others advice and goign out of you comfort zone that sometimes makes the world of difference. That is what it was for me. Once i changed my routine up completely and tried one of their programs, WOW what a difference, i was sailing after that with my goals. For me it was BB in my mind that helped me get to where i am today for their products, so that is why i became a coach, i believe in their products 100%. if they helped me they can help others! I won't push sales though, just give suggestions and be there for others... if they want to try, great! if not, lets carry on as being friends!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    BeachBody coaches can say they aren't pushy or aren't out to sell - just here to help. But at the end of the day everyone in an MLM is out to sell. If not - they wouldn't have joined an MLM.

    No matter what their tactics (pushy/aggressive vs. just here to help) it is all part of their strategy to sell at the end of the day.

    i disagree, i joined to get a discount for my own needs.......
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    I've gotten the PM's after you'llmentioning doing T25. Drives me crazy! Anytime someone tries toget you to join a group on Facebook... beware, they're always Beach Body coaches who are going to try to sell you something. I learned that pretty early on.

    Not all coaches are trying to sell you something. I connected with my coach in 2011 and didnt purchase any thing until july of this year, all my own decision. I agree many coaches are pushy, but not all. As for Shakeology being over priced, it breaks down to just oVer 4 dollars a day, which you prob spend at starbucks or dunkins.. just saying

    Why would you have to buy something from another coach since you yourself are a beachbody coach?
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    Hi Everyone - I am a beachbody coach and I do not push any products on anyone. I became a beachbody coach to help others achieve their goals no matter what program (beachbody or other) or whatever form of fitness they are doing. Anyone can join the group without buying anything. Those that do buy do because they want to not from me being a pushy sales lady (I hate sales). I did many many BB programs before I ever heard from any coach. BB may assign you a coach but that coach may never contact you as they are only a coach in order to purchase the programs for less (so there is a plus side to being a coach in that aspect as well). Some become coaches to earn income but I have found that the majority I know have done so because we want to help motivate everyone to become healthy by exercise and nutrition. The group I am in provides me with tons of meal ideas, motivation, support and so much more just like MFP has throughout my journey. Those who have joined my group have asked me about my workouts and how I achieved my results. I have shared what helped me and that if they want to join my group to let me know. I do not follow up with email after email after email (annoying). Maybe I am the minority but I just wanted to let you know we all aren't the pushy salespeople. :) Cindy

    You know how you find out really quickly if a Beach Body coach is out for themselves or actually wanting to help people? Ask them a question about shakeology. If they're all about it, they're out for themselves. If they tell you the truth (that it's overpriced junk with a high profit margin) and are willing to motivate you, you'll know they are doing it to help people.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    Just come up with your own routine. It's much cheaper and BeachBody "coaches" will leave you alone.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    u have to start off with a coach yourself before you can join as a coach yourself. everyone has a coach even if you are a coach. they sponsor you to join.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    This is something that really bothers me about BB Coaches, and I am one myself. I'm also an ISSA/ACE/AFAA instructor that's lost over 100lbs. But the people that just try and push products, well, it gives the company a bad image as well as those in the company that are in it to help.I started with Beachbody because it's given me an outlet to help way more people than I ever could just going to someone's home and training with them.

    My biggest piece of advice is to send an email to The company itself frowns upon just trying to push products and will send the Coach a warning. But, with so many people in the organization you're going to get the people that do that. Any MLM is a numbers game, whether it's someone trying to sell you Shakeology, makeup, bug spray, or pots and pans. Unfortunately they are going to be the most visible. Those Coaches that do want to help people, genuinely help them, you won't really ever see.

    I try to put a note that I'm a Coach in every social platform I'm on and I still get a few requests a week for people that want to sell me a BB product. Sometimes you just gotta laugh and ignore them.

    I'm a former personal trainer myself, and my biggest issue with receiving the message was that it was completely unethical. BB coaches should identify themselves any time they are discussing a BB product, rather than trying to pretend they are just an unaffiliated person who happens to love the product. Nowhere in the message did the person identify themselves, nor it is listed in the user profile. I have zero problem with people who are upfront about their affiliations.

    I reported the individual to, including the text of the message and links to both their profile here and their BB coach page. I would encourage everyone who has had similar experiences to do the same.
  • Briko3
    Briko3 Posts: 266 Member
    This is something that really bothers me about BB Coaches, and I am one myself. I'm also an ISSA/ACE/AFAA instructor that's lost over 100lbs. But the people that just try and push products, well, it gives the company a bad image as well as those in the company that are in it to help.I started with Beachbody because it's given me an outlet to help way more people than I ever could just going to someone's home and training with them.

    My biggest piece of advice is to send an email to The company itself frowns upon just trying to push products and will send the Coach a warning. But, with so many people in the organization you're going to get the people that do that. Any MLM is a numbers game, whether it's someone trying to sell you Shakeology, makeup, bug spray, or pots and pans. Unfortunately they are going to be the most visible. Those Coaches that do want to help people, genuinely help them, you won't really ever see.

    I try to put a note that I'm a Coach in every social platform I'm on and I still get a few requests a week for people that want to sell me a BB product. Sometimes you just gotta laugh and ignore them.

    I'm a former personal trainer myself, and my biggest issue with receiving the message was that it was completely unethical. BB coaches should identify themselves any time they are discussing a BB product, rather than trying to pretend they are just an unaffiliated person who happens to love the product. Nowhere in the message did the person identify themselves, nor it is listed in the user profile. I have zero problem with people who are upfront about their affiliations.

    I reported the individual to, including the text of the message and links to both their profile here and their BB coach page. I would encourage everyone who has had similar experiences to do the same.

    EXACTLY. It's like Allysonburke2 on the previous page in this thread. If you're a coach, say so.
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    but if you are not trying to sell something, why do you feel that one needs to put it straight out there asap? I wouldn't want to scare people off thinking that the only reason why i friended them, etc is to sell something b/c i am a coach. That is the last thing for me. I friend others b/c i want to support them, or have lots in common with them and to become FRIENDS! it may never have anything to do with beachbody. If they ask what exercise programs i do, then yes i will say i am a coach and what program i m doing or what helped me the most, etc but only if that gets brought up. I do have it on my profile and if someone reads it, then great they will know but many don't for some reason... I just feel like i don't want to scare others off by throwing it out there right away that i am a coach b/c that is not my motto...
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    but if you are not trying to sell something, why do you feel that one needs to put it straight out there asap? I wouldn't want to scare people off thinking that the only reason why i friended them, etc is to sell something b/c i am a coach. That is the last thing for me.

    It's the last thing, but it is a thing. It's called full disclosure. People have the right to know if you're befriending them to make a profit, even if it's only a small part of the reason why you're befriending them.
  • 1ZenGirl
    1ZenGirl Posts: 432 Member
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I've had a couple of friend requests from BB coaches. One immediately gave me the hard sell. I deleted her. The other mentioned she's a coach but has never tried to sell me anything. She has fun, motivational posts, so she's still on my friend list.

    I am technically a "distributor" for another product but I don't even bring it up to people because I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea. I strictly signed up to get the discount for myself. I don't sell it to anyone else, and I don't want to because I'm guessing there are tax implications and that just seems like too much work. So when people make the comments that "they all" are trying to push....well no we're not. It's just that the ones who aren't trying to push aren't talking about it. :smile:

    edit to add missing word
  • aimforhealthy
    aimforhealthy Posts: 449 Member
    So when people make the comments that "they all" are trying to push....well no we're not. It's just that the ones who aren't trying to push aren't talking about it. :smile:

    Haha Laura, ain't that always the way. I have a BB coach on my friends list here. Even added her on FB. Yes, she has "challenges" on there but I've lucked out - she has never ever mentioned any products or selling anything in her challenges. It's all been fitness and small goals and motivational challenges. And then she posts about her cat and her kids like the rest of FB. She even tolerates my vehemently anti-BB rants on there ;)
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    but if you are not trying to sell something, why do you feel that one needs to put it straight out there asap? I wouldn't want to scare people off thinking that the only reason why i friended them, etc is to sell something b/c i am a coach. That is the last thing for me.

    It's the last thing, but it is a thing. It's called full disclosure. People have the right to know if you're befriending them to make a profit, even if it's only a small part of the reason why you're befriending them.

    1st off it's NOT the reason at all why i friend people, i actually get more friend requests then i put out! I became a coach for my own discounts, not to sell stuff, but if someone i know in the end wants to try a item i have used or use b/c i am getting great results from, then great. but i don't push anything. I don't think it's proper to "disclose" something right off the hop if it's not the reason why you want to be friends with others, they will learn things about you along the way just like you learn about them along the way. I would hate to have people choose not be be friends with me just b/c i am a coach for my own reasons. I don't want to be judged... i am honest and want to provide support to who i can. That is why i have it in my profile, if they really read it and want to learn about me, they will know on their own without me having to throw it out there!
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I have 2 BB coach friends, but they're not annoying. Though 1 became my FB friend and I got blasted there- so I deleted her from FB but I kept her on MFP, shes not pushy.
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    this morning I woke up and had breakfast, so I logged on to MFP, I saw a message coming from a certain coach. He added me, sent me a bunch of "guidelines"' for their group (that I didn't even asked him about and now he's all up in my @$$ telling me what to do) and says in the end that I must be from US or Canada. So okay, if I'm not from US or Canada, I don't matter anymore? LOL. Anyways, coaches like these make people hesitant about trying BB workouts, they're all about the sales and it's frustrating because I love BB workouts
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,695 Member
    Heck I give correct info for FREE and ask nothing in return. No gimmicks, no scams, just straight up correct accurate info I've learned from clinical studies and journals of medicine, science and physiology.

    Most coaches will just inform you of what they did and expect it to work for others.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition