i hate myself right now

Today is my 70th day on mfp. I've done pretty well with my willpower and have stayed under my daily calories most every day. If I've gone over its never been by a whole lot. But yesterday ...oh my gosh I went crazy. I don't know what happened! I ate everything I could lay hands on and at the end of the day I had went 3000 calories OVER my daily allowance. That's a total of 4200 calories in one single day. I feel terrible and ashamed of myself. I know its just one day but I feel like I've really let myself down and undone some of the success that I've worked so hard every day to achieve. How do I get over it and get back on track? And how long will it take for yesterday to be out of my system? I didn't weigh today but I feel like I've gained 10 lbs. Which I know is silly. But yesterday has really shown me how easy it is to fall off the wagon. And that really scares me.


  • Honestly,just know that you CAN get back on track and eat slowly the next day.drink a lot of water and it won't even matter in a few days.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    Well around here we call that a cheat day. So yeh you cheated and you fessed up and told us about it. It's okay our relationship isn't over. We forgive you and I believe we can get past this together :)

    LOL, don't beat youself up. It happens and you learned from it which is good. It's when you continuously do it all the time where you will start to see issues. You will be fine just get right back to your regimen and all will be good.

    Hope that helps,


  • aKate_
    aKate_ Posts: 72 Member
    Tell yourself it was just one day! One day! You have been doing well all this time, and you will have days like this. Don't let it get you down. Acknowledge that it happened, and eat well today. Get out and move. Exercise will help you feel better! Your relationship with food will slowly change, and your bad habits didn't start overnight, and nor will they change that quickly. You've got this! Keep your head up because today is brand new!
  • TravelDog14
    TravelDog14 Posts: 317 Member
    Put it behind you, it's in the past and nothing you can do about it now.

    From here on out, accept that there will be both good days and bad ones.
    Make it your goal to aim for having way more good days than bad and you'll end up ahead of the game.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    It's one day. Please don't be so hard on yourself.
  • Junken_Diraffe
    Junken_Diraffe Posts: 716 Member
    Up your daily calories so you don't feel deprived and then you won't be so inclined to go crazy like that. It's one day, you'll be fine.
  • looopyloops
    looopyloops Posts: 84 Member
    I have been there and done that. Take it as a learning experience, in real life we do sometimes have days like this, the fact that you are aware of it is a big thing. Just have a good week and maybe throw in an extra work out or two and you will be fine. It is good to have higher days at time so our body doesn't go into starvation mode if you are on a fairly restricted calorie allowance.
  • GermanMe
    GermanMe Posts: 10 Member
    I, too, have those days, so do not hate you for yesterday. Today is a new day, a new start. I cannot tell you when it will be out of the system, but it will be. Just go back on track. If you fall, get up and keep going! When I have those attacks of binge eating I always find a culprit. I either had a super-busy day, could not fit in proper meals during the day, just had regular snacks, but just snacks, so I feel famished at night and eat too much! Yesterday was one of those days. The only thing that safed me from overeating was that I got terrible stomach cramps after eating too much for dinner. Otherwise I would have continued eating. Another reason for me to overeat is when I am tired. Then I could eat all the time. It looks like I am eating in order not to fall asleep. A third reason is that sometimes I limit too much what I am eating. Always the same breakfast, the same low-calorie staples for lunch and dinner and for snack. Sooner or later you crave different food...if you are lucky you go for healthy different. If you are like me, you will go for chocolate, candy, cheese.....I try to have more variety in my food. And I try to leave some extra calories at night available for some sweets like some licorice or celery and peanut butter. Do not hate yourself! It will just make it worse, believe me. I have beaten me up several times. I have a hard time losing weight, my metabolism seems to have come to a stop now that I am hitting menopause, no matter how much I watch what I am eating, how much I am exercising, I do not lose any weight...so I get frustrated....and then I eat....I would be black and blue by now. Just try to find the culprit for your need to eat yesterday and try to learn from it. If you do not find it, do not make a big deal of it! Restart and GO!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Are you eating low calories?? If so that's probably why. Eat to fuel your body, figure out your BMR and TDEE -20%.

    Good luck.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Today is my 70th day on mfp. I've done pretty well with my willpower and have stayed under my daily calories most every day. If I've gone over its never been by a whole lot. But yesterday ...oh my gosh I went crazy. I don't know what happened! I ate everything I could lay hands on and at the end of the day I had went 3000 calories OVER my daily allowance. That's a total of 4200 calories in one single day. I feel terrible and ashamed of myself. I know its just one day but I feel like I've really let myself down and undone some of the success that I've worked so hard every day to achieve. How do I get over it and get back on track? And how long will it take for yesterday to be out of my system? I didn't weigh today but I feel like I've gained 10 lbs. Which I know is silly. But yesterday has really shown me how easy it is to fall off the wagon. And that really scares me.

    Hi there.

    Let me brush your emotions to the side for some science.

    Eating 4200 calories in a single day is 700 calories PLUS 3500 calories.

    It takes 3500 calories ON TOP OF YOUR TDEE to make you gain one pound of fat.

    Your TDEE is far greater than 700 calories.

    Thus, you will not gain one pound of fat.

    Whatever the scale says, it is water weight. Get back on track, eat appropriately today, do not restrict yourself, drink plenty of water.

    And Relax. Science wins in the end.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I have had PLENTY of those days myself, and guess what?? I am still losing.. it happens just brush it off and keep it moving.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    How do I get over it and get back on track?

    In my opinion, you just did! Do what you did on those other 60+ days.
    And another thing; the world is hard enough on you without you adding to it. Give yourself a break and see yesterday for what it was, a rarity and no longer a habit. Your new habit is eating better and living better.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Up your daily calories so you don't feel deprived and then you won't be so inclined to go crazy like that. It's one day, you'll be fine.

    Also this.

    1200 calories is not appropriate for most people.
  • tfleischer
    tfleischer Posts: 199 Member
    Pay attention to that post! She knows what she is talking about.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Up your daily calories so you don't feel deprived and then you won't be so inclined to go crazy like that. It's one day, you'll be fine.

    This is my advice also.

    I noticed one of the first times I lost >10 lb, and MFP readjusted my calories, I got so hungry and cranky in the first couple of days I wound up at 2 different fast food places eating stuff that, while it may have fit my calories, was NOT typical food for me. Our bodies do funny stuff like that when we "starve" ourselves...so even if it doesn't seem like you are, then you may be eating too little or splurging on treats too rarely.

    I certainly DO NOT want to come across as judgey on this whatsoever but I personally think that amount of calories over your "allotted" amount sounds really extreme and I would be concerned about repeating that. NOT because you will gain 10 lb but because it would make me feel out of control.

    Good luck to you, and I agree with others who say DO NOT beat yourself up...just move forward. Drink water, eat normally, and wait several days before weighing and I bet you'll be fine.
  • You know what I LOVED about your post? You knew EXACTLY what you ate. You logged every calorie. That is amazing. Most people when they go over stop logging and just give it up.

    So, I know you "hate" yourself right now, but be positive in you still logged it and took accountability for what you did. I would say this is a win in your column. Your habit is there of logging.

    Now, own it, and try not to do it again! We are only human after all!
  • A cruddy day every now and then, don't worry. We've all wobbled at some point. Accept that it happened and be better today. A couple of months of being 'good' you know what, have that pizza/burger/nachos/beer/chocolate cake/curry/fry-up, whatever you fancy and enjoy it. Look at is as one 'bad' day and 69 'good' days.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I did this at around the same point as you. The week after I had my biggest loss! So just take it how it comes :) !
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    Hey, there's no point in hating yourself, you're going to be stuck with yourself for the rest of your life so treat yourself with love and compassion!!

    If 3,500 calories deficit a week equates to a pound loss the worse you could have done is set yourself by a pound - whatever the scales may tell you initially. You're going to put on and lose small amounts until the day you die so get over it and move on!

    I've had a few days of eating what I wanted. I now consider I'm not craving anything and getting on with it again.
  • The good news is that one day of overindulgence won't hurt you. Shake it off, and move forward. No harm done. :) You're still doing great and making progress, and one day of going over your calorie intake isn't going to change that.

    That being said, be sure to keep an eye out for a pattern. If days like these continue, you might need to reevaluate your diet to figure out if something else is going on. Is it because you're not getting enough calories? Are you depriving yourself of some important nutrient? Or is is psychological? I'm not qualified to diagnose you and I'm certainly not trying to scare you, but binge-eating disorder is a thing, and it's categorized by compulsive overeating. If that's what you're dealing with, you may want to seek out help for that.

    But that's a worst-case scenario, and I HIGHLY doubt that's the case. You had one day of the monster munchies. It happens to everyone. Please don't hate yourself for being human.