Anyone done Slim Fast and been successful ?



  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    My local chemist are always selling a reduced slim fast item. They remind me of the liquid food my grandmother refused to drink, the week before she died. Gross!
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    So I'm back on the slim fast plan again (day 1 = torture), I've lasted a couple of months on it and lost nearly 2 stone, but I've come back off it for the past 4/5 months and put on 6 pounds.
    Has anyone done it for a longer period, has anyone got any tips for staying on it longer? I feel once your into it's easy but as soon as you break it , it's so hard to get back into

    Slim Fast is being very successful doing you. You're back on it again, which is what they intend, if it actually worked you'd get skinny and then stop buying their product. Business relies on repeat customers. Congratulations, you're a repeat customer, and it's working great for Slim Fast.

    Get off the juice and eat some real food.

  • RoyBeck
    RoyBeck Posts: 947 Member
    Before I was introduced to MFP and calorie counting I tried slim fast. Yes I lost weight but no I never kept it off I'm sorry to say.

    Unfortunately, it's a bit of a common theme with SF.
  • Touchtherain
    I didn't come off it because I had lost the amount of weight that i had wanted to, i came off it due to medical & financial reasons at the time, not because I wanted to come off. i just didn't know if anyone had tried it for a longer period of time than me and had better results/ continued to loose much more weight after the first sort of month or so.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    Why not try eating at a reasonable deficit? You'll lose weight without going through any "hell" at all.

    The reason "diets" fail is because they don't teach you proper eating habits. So naturally as soon as you come off it, you gain all the weight back because you've never learned how to take care of your body. Learn how to do it right and this can be the very last time to ever have to lose weight, how awesome would that be??

    I recommend searching the forums for "In Place of a Road Map" and soak up everything it has to say. Good luck.
  • MrsBingley
    I actually started with slim fast before I came here :embarassed: . To be honest, if it's what you need to get started, then fine. I know it is a heck of a lot easier to count calories and get your vitamins with meal replacements.

    If you want to use it, and you need the structure to be motivated, go ahead.

    But still log your calories here.

    As you get sick of it, replace with other stuff.

    Before you know it, you will be completely weaned.

    In most cases, I would recommend eating more calories than the 1200 that slim fast allows as well.

    EtA: I am down a total of 24 lb, 10 before MFP about 8 of those were lost with Slim Fast, but I would have NEVER stuck with it this long (2.5 months).
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I've never met or heard of anyone who has been successful losing weight AND keeping it off on Slim Fast, to be honest.
  • Anonyc
    Anonyc Posts: 14
    I do the slimfast diet, although half the time I don't have a shake, instead I have something worth the same amount of calories (like a sandwich, for example, or a small bowl of cereal) and I'd say it's a success. I've lost almost three stone now, since July, you just have to have self control and when you reach your target weight just stick to a certain amount of calories in order to keep the weight off. If you find it miserable then I guess don't do it, but I don't seem to mind it, so it makes me sort of sad to see everyone on here insulting it. It's good to get the initial weight off before going onto a balanced diet to keep it off.