Eating Issues...Boyfriend..?



  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    don't beg him back, strut your stuff, you lost weight, at least you did not gain weight, find someone who appreciates you and is good to you! Take it from me, don't waste your time on someone not worth your time,I spent too many yrs doing that until I found someone good and caring. And don't eat over him! Do positive stuff!
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    It's not about your boyfriend it's about you.

    We all have reasons to get depressed. So what are YOU going to do about it? Eat? Or.. ?
  • I have been where you are. Your self image is so hurt by being dumped that all things that contribute to are going to be off kilter for a while during the time it takes to get yourself back together. It makes sense that your diet/exercise routines are going to be affected. But try to keep that to a minimum he has already rocked your world off kilter don't give him any more power over you to make you more unhappy.

    It does get better, I promise

  • Kadoober
    Kadoober Posts: 289 Member
    Breakups are the worst, and it's so easy to let yourself sink to a point where you're not taking care of yourself while you work through this.

    But... you are so young! And you're stunning (really, you are). Find something to distract you from the sad (exercise is great for this), and in a few months you'll be on to bigger and better things. Really. I promise.

    If you're feeling a bit vindictive... remember... living well is the best revenge. :D

  • mrsmarit
    mrsmarit Posts: 229 Member
    Damn thats rough, my ex gf (with a child, that i felt i was almost a father figure with) broke up with me over the phone, it felt horrible. I felt betrayed, but you know what life goes on. Just remember, in like 3 months, that person wont even pop in your head anymore. The way i see it, why is it worth chasing somebody that let you go. He should be chasing you, if he is not, its not meant to be.

    I'd prefer a break-up over the phone, as compared to the sad reality of how we actually broke up.
    If you must know, he broke up with me via text consisting solely of emoticons.

    Oh god.. count your blessings. Obviously this guy is just an immature douche. You deserve better.

    Do as others have said, channel your emotions into bettering yourself. Take class, read a book, throw yourself into your workouts.

    You don't need food to make you feel better, it's just what's familiar and easiest.
  • travelcoffeemug
    travelcoffeemug Posts: 9 Member
    Focus on yourself. Pour your energy into making healthy food for yourself, getting into a new exercise routine, or some other hobby that you'll feel proud of. Tackle a project that you've been meaning to do. What you're going through really, truly sucks (I've been there), but trust that it WILL pass; until it does, you just have to stick it out.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Success and happiness are your best revenge. For now since the wounds are still's best to get away from food. Sleep more or just go soak in the tub and cry if it makes you feel better. Take care of yourself now before those "wounds" become infected.

    As they heal, and he becomes a distant stain on your memory, then you can regain focus and get back on your healthy track.

    I know this is the hard one but you need to get rid off all forms of communication. Delete numbers, FB accounts, email addys, everything you can. Get rid of pictures, get rid of presents (at least the cheap ones I keep the jewelry), and focus on yourself. Heal you can do it.
  • TigerBite
    TigerBite Posts: 611 Member
    Use exercise to cope instead of overeating. It will make you feel better, with the added bonus of helping with your weight loss.

  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    you are heart broken over a guy that broke up with you over a text? Don't throw your weight loss away for anybody especially a coward who was not even man enough to say it to your face. Learn to deal with the loss because as you get older there will be more, don't dwell on it, life happens and you will pull through.
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    you also mention in your profile that you may suffer from an ED, please get help for that and see if you do have one.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Go work out as often as you can. And rebound sex.
  • ellew70
    ellew70 Posts: 222 Member
    Damn thats rough, my ex gf (with a child, that i felt i was almost a father figure with) broke up with me over the phone, it felt horrible. I felt betrayed, but you know what life goes on. Just remember, in like 3 months, that person wont even pop in your head anymore. The way i see it, why is it worth chasing somebody that let you go. He should be chasing you, if he is not, its not meant to be.

    I'd prefer a break-up over the phone, as compared to the sad reality of how we actually broke up.
    If you must know, he broke up with me via text consisting solely of emoticons.

    If this is his level of emotional maturity, that he had to text you with emoticons, then you are way way too good for him. Consider it a blessing in disguise, although it is hard to see that right now. Be kind to and take care of yourself and someone who deserves you will show up when you least expect it.
  • helpfit101
    helpfit101 Posts: 347 Member
    Damn thats rough, my ex gf (with a child, that i felt i was almost a father figure with) broke up with me over the phone, it felt horrible. I felt betrayed, but you know what life goes on. Just remember, in like 3 months, that person wont even pop in your head anymore. The way i see it, why is it worth chasing somebody that let you go. He should be chasing you, if he is not, its not meant to be.

    I'd prefer a break-up over the phone, as compared to the sad reality of how we actually broke up.
    If you must know, he broke up with me via text consisting solely of emoticons.

    Wow how does that work?
  • But... you are so young! And you're stunning (really, you are).
    If you're feeling a bit vindictive... remember... living well is the best revenge. :D

    You, my darling, are extremely gorgeous <3

    Thank you so much for the nice words, and that beautiful quote (: i'll do just that
  • Damn thats rough, my ex gf (with a child, that i felt i was almost a father figure with) broke up with me over the phone, it felt horrible. I felt betrayed, but you know what life goes on. Just remember, in like 3 months, that person wont even pop in your head anymore. The way i see it, why is it worth chasing somebody that let you go. He should be chasing you, if he is not, its not meant to be.

    I'd prefer a break-up over the phone, as compared to the sad reality of how we actually broke up.
    If you must know, he broke up with me via text consisting solely of emoticons.

    Wow how does that work?

    I'll upload the SS for everyone's humor soon hehe:P <3
  • Damn thats rough, my ex gf (with a child, that i felt i was almost a father figure with) broke up with me over the phone, it felt horrible. I felt betrayed, but you know what life goes on. Just remember, in like 3 months, that person wont even pop in your head anymore. The way i see it, why is it worth chasing somebody that let you go. He should be chasing you, if he is not, its not meant to be.

    I'd prefer a break-up over the phone, as compared to the sad reality of how we actually broke up.
    If you must know, he broke up with me via text consisting solely of emoticons.

    If this is his level of emotional maturity, that he had to text you with emoticons, then you are way way too good for him. Consider it a blessing in disguise, although it is hard to see that right now. Be kind to and take care of yourself and someone who deserves you will show up when you least expect it.

    Yeah, that's what im going to do, I'm not going to look for a guy, going to let it happen when it does. (; thanks love
  • Success and happiness are your best revenge. For now since the wounds are still's best to get away from food. Sleep more or just go soak in the tub and cry if it makes you feel better. Take care of yourself now before those "wounds" become infected.

    As they heal, and he becomes a distant stain on your memory, then you can regain focus and get back on your healthy track.

    I know this is the hard one but you need to get rid off all forms of communication. Delete numbers, FB accounts, email addys, everything you can. Get rid of pictures, get rid of presents (at least the cheap ones I keep the jewelry), and focus on yourself. Heal you can do it.

    This response was really beautiful, thank you for that advice, i was stalling on removing him from my contacts or such, only because he's not taking it well either, and i thought i could maybe help...him too? Don't know how that works. :/ But eventually i'll remove him. Yes, crying helps tonnes. Makes me feel better, i think everyone needs to cry once in a while.
  • you are heart broken over a guy that broke up with you over a text? Don't throw your weight loss away for anybody especially a coward who was not even man enough to say it to your face. Learn to deal with the loss because as you get older there will be more, don't dwell on it, life happens and you will pull through.

    thanks so much love. That was blunt and pretty lovely to read, im trying not to dwell on it, and months of progress is not worth risking over a break-up, i agree! Thank you!
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    Success and happiness are your best revenge. For now since the wounds are still's best to get away from food. Sleep more or just go soak in the tub and cry if it makes you feel better. Take care of yourself now before those "wounds" become infected.

    As they heal, and he becomes a distant stain on your memory, then you can regain focus and get back on your healthy track.

    I know this is the hard one but you need to get rid off all forms of communication. Delete numbers, FB accounts, email addys, everything you can. Get rid of pictures, get rid of presents (at least the cheap ones I keep the jewelry), and focus on yourself. Heal you can do it.

    This response was really beautiful, thank you for that advice, i was stalling on removing him from my contacts or such, only because he's not taking it well either, and i thought i could maybe help...him too? Don't know how that works. :/ But eventually i'll remove him. Yes, crying helps tonnes. Makes me feel better, i think everyone needs to cry once in a while.

    I just love her advice. After being dumped after a 4-year relationship a few years ago, this is exactly how I got over it. Heal yourself first, and part of the healing is getting rid of all contact. Deleting siblings on FB, deleting all previous texts and voice mails, burning pictures and notes/cards, the whole 9 yards. I would go so far as to remove him from your contacts, if he's not taking it well then he needs to find his own way - don't let him crawl his way back into your life because judging from the manner he broke up with you, you don't need someone like him. You are much more than he is.
    Healing is possible :) You can do this!