Drunk snacking?



  • Lovdiamnd
    Lovdiamnd Posts: 624 Member
    Yes that is why I don't drink much anymore. The calories in the alcohol plus the eating is why I am here in the first place! I gained 60lbs doing that crap! I have other health problems that I didn't know about then that didn't help either but.... be careful.
  • thrillho3
    thrillho3 Posts: 50 Member
    This thread is fascinating. I expected to get a few "try to cut back on high cal drinks!" and "try ziplock baggies!" replies instead of a reflection of the entire spectrum of people's relationships with alcohol and their Id vs Super-Ego.

    Thanks to everyone who realized that yes, drinking and munchies are a part of life, and if I want to lose weight while doing it, it'd be best to plan ahead.

    I like the idea of fried egg sandwiches with some cheese. I'll try and set up the ingredients before going out so it's not as much work to prepare when I get home. I also like the idea of doing lots of dancing and drinking lots of water beforehand (I already do those things, anyway).

    And to satisfy the other curiosities about my life:

    I'm engaged and I live with my fiancé. I have a job. My drinks of choice are vodka sodas or straight bourbons. I enjoy drinking on Friday and Saturday nights. Sometimes I drink to excess but I've never had a problem getting home and I haven't "blacked out" in a long time :) If anything, my problem is being too cognizant of food when I get home—while my fiancé is the one to pass out, I'm the one looking for something to watch on TV and wondering about food. My inhibitions are lowered, but if I've prepared something in advance, I'm thinking that it will be easier for me not to give in to the late night burrito so often :)

    Thanks everyone! Truly all of the feedback has been mesmerizing. :wink:
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    Hangover burritos are the best

    Jack in the box tacos were always my go-to food when I used to get hammered. Keyword: Used to. Dont drink anymore.
  • sourmash1973
    sourmash1973 Posts: 149 Member
    Thank you so much for these suggestions—you're the only one who didn't tell me to stop drinking.

    Jeez people! What happened to the whole "support" thing? I like to get drunk sometimes! I only drink Friday & Saturday nights. Wasn't asking for your judgments. :drinker:

    I'm with you here, but, I would suggest cutting it back to one day instead of two. You can wreck a whole week's worth of progress by overdoing it. I have one cheat day a week and this is when I get drunk.
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    I don't seem to get very hungry after drinking. Then again, I drink probably twice a month... do you go out to dinner before you drink? Maybe that would help you avoid the munchies?
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Hangover burritos are the best


    For my first real hangover I couldn't eat until dinnertime the next day and I had a burrito. To this day the only thing I can stomach with hangover nausea is mexican food.
  • MegFaber
    MegFaber Posts: 6 Member
    I like to drink sometimes too. It sucks that people who haven't lost much weight talk about people's judgement and will power when clearly everyone here has had a little or big issue with food consumption. On a *lighter* note, making sure you work out during the day for an hour generally gives you a pretty decent buffer. On some elliptical stout can burn up to 800 cals in an hour. If you eat your first meal around noon then second around 6pm and something small before you go out you'll be at around 650 cals for the day. By drink 4 glasses of wine or vodka diet (200 cals each) you can use up about 800-1k cals which is just what you worked off. Plus from not eating so much that day you don't need to drink as much and wine has a higher alcohol content. Once you get home have an English muffin with peanut butter and spray butter. Comes to about 300 cals which should keep you pretty good for the calorie counting. Good luck with the hangover... That's when my diet gets thrown for a loop. I definitely try to dance more, drink more water, listen to my body, and not consistently have a drink in hand. I don't prelog my drinks but as I go through the night I know how many calories are in each drink. I go for the bread to soak up the booze to avoid the hang over and the peanut butter coats your stomach. Good luck and add me if you like. I work really hard on the days I'm not drinking so I don't feel as guilty.
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    You are going to need to consult with drunk people. The sober are all wrong to the drunk.
  • _silverr21
    While I can't quite relate to wanting certain "greasy" foods, most of my drunk and hungry cravings are tai food or sweets.

    If I am craving tai food I have a microwaveable tai dinner package I keep in my dorm room. The package is taped shut by me, so that I have to be starving and determined to get it open. It's relatively low cal and I only do this maybe once a month.

    Otherwise I have my pre blended hangover cure that acts as my "sweets". It's coconut water, banana and either berries or a bit of cocoa powder. heavy on the coconut water, lower on the sugars. It's usually what I am craving and luckily exactly what my body needs.
  • maz165
    maz165 Posts: 73 Member
    I disagree that you can’t plan in advance for this. I am also a drunk snacker. I have the most success when I plan ahead. For me, the easiest version of that is having wholewheat tortillas, pizza sauce, and fresh mozz on hand. If I know I’m going to be drinking that weekend, I’ll buy some on Thursday night to make sure I have it at home. It ends up being ~300 calories instead of a zillion. It’s still obviously not the best (though neither is the beer that lead to that point, but mmmmmm), but it’s better than what it COULD be!

    The quesadilla option is also a good one.
  • littleburgy
    littleburgy Posts: 570 Member
    I'm not much of a drinker anymore like I was in my 20s, but still get invited to occasional parties and social events. Alternating diet soda or water with the alcoholic beverages helps. Usually I try to have a decent sized meal and opt for that instead of snacking, but popcorn would be my go-to plan.