Ladies, What is your weekly workout routine?

Like, Monday do you work legs, arms, core, ect? And what exact exersizes do you do?
Same goes for Tuesday and so on and so fourth..?


  • matugz
    I do elliptical trainer 1 hour but in 2 sets 30mins in the mrng and 30 in the evening and I have recently startd couch to 5k,what do u do
  • hottamolly00
    hottamolly00 Posts: 334 Member
    I work out at home. I've done Jillian's 30DS, Ripped in 30, Hip Hop Abs, Insanity, T25, and am starting P90X3 as soon as it releases in December. All of these workouts have calendars to follow, so there's no "arms day" "legs day" etc... It's simply interval training.
  • NikkiL0v3L1f3
    Im having trouble with coming up with a good workout routine, so that's why im asking.
    I do cardio for about an hr each day,
    and then i just use weight machines at the gym because Idk what else to do.
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    Monday - Arms. Circuit 3 machines that work different arm muscles twice. 4 sets each time of 8-12 reps. Then dumbells of 20lb weight doing bent over rows and hammer curls. Then 30 mins on the treadmill at 3.5 mph and 6.0 incline.

    Tuesday - Legs. Weighted squats, weighted calf raises, weighted lunges. Hip abductor/adductor machine, calf press machine, leg curl machine.

    Wednesday - 60 mins on elliptical.

    Thursday - I have been doing a combo of arms and legs, but I think I'm going to switch to chest or something. Plus 30 mins on treadmill 3.5 mph and 6.0 incline.

    Friday - 60 mins on elliptical.

    Saturday - Legs, repeat Tuesday.

    Sunday - 60 mins on elliptical.
  • NikkiL0v3L1f3
    I work out at home. I've done Jillian's 30DS, Ripped in 30, Hip Hop Abs, Insanity, T25, and am starting P90X3 as soon as it releases in December. All of these workouts have calendars to follow, so there's no "arms day" "legs day" etc... It's simply interval training.

    Wow! Your picture is really 10 months later? You look great girl!! And you did those and got those results? I may have to rethink what Im doing lol
  • demidee5
    Depends what your goal is. Personally, I like to weight/strength train all the major muscle groups in one workout, 2-3 times a week. Then on the other days I'll do cardio, alternating.
    So I might do Monday off, Tuesday pilates megaformer (intense strength training), Wednesday elliptical machine, Thursday aerobics, Friday off or pilates, Saturday pilates, Sunday long uphill walk/hiking/aerobics.
    Sometimes I mix up pilates with a strength training DVD like Minna Lessig's emergency workout.

    There are a lot of different ways to workout, and what I used to do when I had a lot more time to plan was strength training for a specific body area, plus cardio. So it might be "arm day", followed by some cardio. The idea is you rest the muscle group you used the previous day, but can still workout because you're now working a different group to failure.
    I'm no expert on this, but if you want some good workouts and advice, "Oxygen" is a fantastic magazine with lots of ideas.
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    I personally like to take group classes at the gym. Tonight was step and sculpt. Tues is zumba, Wed: total toning, Thurs Zumba, Fri 90 min body blast, sat is usually my rest day and Sunday is 90 min zumba.

    If I ever do my own work outs I start on a varied program on the elliptical, making sure its on cross train. Then I'll pop onto the stair climber and kill myself on that. I alternate upper and lower body and do abs everyday :)
  • NikkiL0v3L1f3
    Monday - Arms. Circuit 3 machines that work different arm muscles twice. 4 sets each time of 8-12 reps. Then dumbells of 20lb weight doing bent over rows and hammer curls. Then 30 mins on the treadmill at 3.5 mph and 6.0 incline.

    Tuesday - Legs. Weighted squats, weighted calf raises, weighted lunges. Hip abductor/adductor machine, calf press machine, leg curl machine.

    Wednesday - 60 mins on elliptical.

    Thursday - I have been doing a combo of arms and legs, but I think I'm going to switch to chest or something. Plus 30 mins on treadmill 3.5 mph and 6.0 incline.

    Friday - 60 mins on elliptical.

    Saturday - Legs, repeat Tuesday.

    Sunday - 60 mins on elliptical.

    Thanks girl! How are your results?
  • NikkiL0v3L1f3
    Depends what your goal is. Personally, I like to weight/strength train all the major muscle groups in one workout, 2-3 times a week. Then on the other days I'll do cardio, alternating.
    So I might do Monday off, Tuesday pilates megaformer (intense strength training), Wednesday elliptical machine, Thursday aerobics, Friday off or pilates, Saturday pilates, Sunday long uphill walk/hiking/aerobics.
    Sometimes I mix up pilates with a strength training DVD like Minna Lessig's emergency workout.

    There are a lot of different ways to workout, and what I used to do when I had a lot more time to plan was strength training for a specific body area, plus cardio. So it might be "arm day", followed by some cardio. The idea is you rest the muscle group you used the previous day, but can still workout because you're now working a different group to failure.
    I'm no expert on this, but if you want some good workouts and advice, "Oxygen" is a fantastic magazine with lots of ideas.

    im 155 lbs, my goal is to lose 30lbs and tone my muscles
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    Thanks girl! How are your results?

    I've only been lifting like this for a little less than a month, but I have been losing pounds significantly faster than when I was only doing cardio (2 lbs down already this week), plus I feel better just all around. I'll let you know once I've done it for a while how my results are turning out.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    M- Chest, back, arms
    T- Legs (including butt) and shoulders
    Th,F,Sa repeat
    Su- rest

    But usually it doesn't quite happen like that! :noway: Especially juggling my husband's school schedule since he cares for the little one while I'm at the gym. I still try to get at least 3 days in of weights, though.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I don't have any set schedule, but pick my workouts depending on what I'm doing the next day, and how I feel. For instance, I usually train for races on Friday, so I don't like to do leg day on Thursday. But other than that, I kind of just pick random stuff between strength, HIIT, tabata, yoga, running, etc.
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member

    M- Chest, back, arms
    T- Legs (including butt) and shoulders
    Th,F,Sa repeat
    Su- rest

    But usually it doesn't quite happen like that! :noway: Especially juggling my husband's school schedule since he cares for the little one while I'm at the gym. I still try to get at least 3 days in of weights, though.

    However, I may steal this from you. It sounds awesome
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    Day 1: Upper
    Day 2: Lower
    Day 3: rest or cardio day

    I throw in abs and plyometrics once a week whenever I can fit it in, but I only spend 30-45mins a day in the gym usually
  • demidee5
    I'd say try some group fitness classes if you can get access. With weight training you want to push yourself and it can be easy to lose motivation when you're doing it on your own schedule (i.e. without an instructor yelling at you, lol). One important thing I'd say in general though is take the time to learn proper form. Not only will it make your workouts better/more effective, it will help prevent injury. I spent a lot of time reading fitness magazines and studying the form, as well as workout DVDs.

    As for high-intensity interval training...well, it will get you ripped in no time, but it can be hard on the joints so you have to decide if you want to go that route. Personally I decided to leave it to my 20-year-old days and am now focused on a fitness routine that I can still do when I'm 60! (and I'm only 30 now :)
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Upper A
    Flat Bench 3x5
    Pendlay Row 3x5
    Inc DB Press 3x8-12
    Face Pulls 3x8-12 (90s rest)
    Inc DB Curls 3x8-12
    Overhead Tricep Extension (curl bar) 3x8-12

    Lower A
    Squat 3x5
    Front Squat 3x6-8
    SLDL 3x8-12
    Leg Curls 3x8-12
    Calves 2x12-15

    Upper B
    BB OHP 3x5
    Weighted Chins 3x 5-8
    BB Bench 3x8-12
    DB Rows 3x6-8
    Face Pulls 3x8-12
    Cable Curls
    superset with
    Reverse grip tricep pulldowns, single handed.

    Lower B
    Deadlifts 1x5
    Back Squat 3x8
    Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8-12
    Cable Pull Through 3x8-12

    Also yoga, fire-twirling, contact juggling, rollerskating, indoor rock-climbing, weighted or incline crunches and sexy time:wink:

    Am considering taking up Parkour.

    ETA: Not a lady (female) but plenty on here who out lift and out perform me any day of the week.
  • Will_Thrust_For_Candy
    Will_Thrust_For_Candy Posts: 6,109 Member
    Right now I'm following the Strong Curves my schedule looks like this:

    Monday-Lift + short run
    Wednesday-moderate run
    Saturday-moderate/long run
  • NikkiL0v3L1f3
    Upper A
    Flat Bench 3x5
    Pendlay Row 3x5
    Inc DB Press 3x8-12
    Face Pulls 3x8-12 (90s rest)
    Inc DB Curls 3x8-12
    Overhead Tricep Extension (curl bar) 3x8-12

    Lower A
    Squat 3x5
    Front Squat 3x6-8
    SLDL 3x8-12
    Leg Curls 3x8-12
    Calves 2x12-15

    Upper B
    BB OHP 3x5
    Weighted Chins 3x 5-8
    BB Bench 3x8-12
    DB Rows 3x6-8
    Face Pulls 3x8-12
    Cable Curls
    superset with
    Reverse grip tricep pulldowns, single handed.

    Lower B
    Deadlifts 1x5
    Back Squat 3x8
    Bulgarian Split Squat 3x8-12
    Cable Pull Through 3x8-12

    Also yoga, fire-twirling, contact juggling, rollerskating, indoor rock-climbing, weighted or incline crunches and sexy time:wink:

    Am considering taking up Parkour.

    ETA: Not a lady (female) but plenty on here who out lift and out perform me any day of the week.

    Thanks :) lol
  • NikkiL0v3L1f3
    Right now I'm following the Strong Curves my schedule looks like this:

    Monday-Lift + short run
    Wednesday-moderate run
    Saturday-moderate/long run

    Looks good :) But when you lift what are you lifting? Thats the thing i have most trouble about
  • CarynMacD
    My workouts are in 2-week rotations as follows:

    Monday: Lower body strength training & 30 mins cardio
    Tuesday: 2km Swim & Ab class
    Wednesday: Upper body strength training & 30 mins cardio
    Thursday: 2km Swim & Ab class
    Friday: Lower body strength training & 30 mins cardio
    Saturday: 2km Swim & Ab class
    Sunday: Active Rest (maybe a short swim & a bit of cardio)

    Monday: Upper body strength training & 30 mins cardio
    Tuesday: 2km Swim & Ab class
    Wednesday: Lower body strength training & 30 mins cardio
    Thursday: 2km Swim & Ab class
    Friday: Upper body strength training & 30 mins cardio
    Saturday: 2km Swim & Ab class
    Sunday: Active Rest (maybe a short swim & a bit of cardio)