how many calories for breakfast?



  • blably
    blably Posts: 490 Member
    i dont function if i dont eat first thing when i wake up, so my breakfast is made out of two parts. first one at home, and then at work around 9-10. i usually eat up to 500 kcal, and eat around 1800 daily.
  • mikeruz
    mikeruz Posts: 35 Member
    I usually eat a Special K breakfast sandwhich with sausage, egg, and cheese that totals approximately 240 and that keeps me good until lunch.
  • I eat about 250-300 calories at 6:45am, then I eat a 100 calorie greek yogurt at 9:30am. Staggered works best for me.
  • 200 mostly
  • sirvivor007
    sirvivor007 Posts: 45 Member
    If I was on 1200 calories a day I would do something like this:

    Breakfast -500
    Lunch - 400
    Dinner - 300

    Always have a balance of carbs/protien/fats per your ratios. If you want snacks also, then:

    Breakfast - 400
    Snack - 100
    Lunch - 300
    Snack - 100
    Dinner - 300

    Again with a balance. To get the most fat burning out of your fast from sleeping then skip break-fast and roll the calories into your lunch and dinner. This will keep your insulin down and your growth hormone high.
  • leebesstoad
    leebesstoad Posts: 1,186 Member
    i eat 90 calories for breakfast and hitting 500-600 for lunch i'm 112 lbs now struggling to get to 95lbs

    Why? 95 pounds, unless you are 5'0" or shorter, seems underweight to me. Anything over 5'0" would put BMI under 18 at 95 pounds.

    And why bump a 2 year old thread? Something seems a bit odd.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I don't eat a big breakfast because for me the breakfast "fullness" wears off fairly fast. I eat about 150-300 calories for breakfast. And I eat 1200 a day.


    I'm at 1,400 calories currently and I usually have a breakfast between 170-300 calories. It keeps me full 'til lunch. I could eat more calories at breakfast and still be hungry by noon, so I don't. Generally a 200-ish calorie breakfast taco, egg/toast, or yogurt portion with nuts keeps me feeling satisfied all morning.
  • MistyMtnMan
    MistyMtnMan Posts: 527 Member
    I honestly don't think there is any sort of amount you should or should not eat in the morning. Sometimes i eat a big 500-600 or more cal breakfast, sometimes I dont eat until lunch. Doesn't really matter, as long as you don't go over your cals for the day. Do what works for you.
  • JCtrack21
    JCtrack21 Posts: 3 Member
    I like your philosophy on this question. How has the myfitnesspal app helped you so far in reaching your goal(s)?
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I eat two egg whites scrambled with cheese and sometimes salsa on toast or half a bagel most days with coffee. Somewhere around 300 calories and keeps me full for several hours.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
  • sloane70
    sloane70 Posts: 45 Member
    Breakfast is coffee w/ skim milk plus a protein shake (whey protein with ice & water plus a piece of fruit - banana or frozen pineapple or what have you). Comes in well under 300, but that's also my pre-exercise breakfast. If I work out, I follow that up with a protein bar (usually 200-ish calories with 20 gm protein). Lunch is either leftovers or a sandwich, but I try to get a bunch of fiber in, because the last afternoon is when I start making bad food choices, and the protein & carbs from the sandwich helps tide me over til dinner. I usually do a greek yogurt if I get the munchies in the late afternoon. Dinner is whatever I want that seems to get my macros back up to par. I don't stress a hundred or so calories over, as some days I'm under by the same amount. I'd rather be happy with what I eat and not feel like I'm dieting.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    I'm another that doesn't function well without breakfast. Breakfast can be anywhere between 400 and 500 calories - if I eat less I get hungry whereas if I eat a big breakfast I'm often not hungry at lunch so don't have any. Then I'll have maybe a piece of fruit if I'm hungry before dinner. For dinner I'll have the rest of my calories for the day. But this may not suit everybody.