Metabolism Boosting Supplements - Help?



  • KeithAngilly
    KeithAngilly Posts: 575 Member
    I've been looking into supplements that increase metabolism and am basically just overwhelmed at this point. Just wondering if anyone is very satisfied with their supplements and am looking for recommendations. Thanks!

    The most efficient and satisfying way to boost your metabolism is to eat a balanced diet, and be more active. If its energy your looking for, anything with caffeine will do.


    Personally, I have found most supplements to be worthless without following the above advice. Move more, eat less...and save your money. :o)
  • I am just so disheartened! For the last year, I have carefully worked my diet, I am gluten intolerant so eat little breads etc. worked out like a demon every alternative day, gained a bit of muscle but my fat has remained! This is totally insane! I don't eat candy or chocolate, of course baked goods are out of the question. I eat three meals per day, buckwheat for breakfast with a glass of kefir. Lunch in a protein shake with blueberries, mail meal is fist of protein and loads of greens and tomatoes, snacks are apples and fruit.
    Drinks are tea, and loads of water. No pop. No coffee, no junk food, no baked goods, no cookies, no cake. I mean it, for a WHOLE year!! I run 3-5 km, I lift weights and stretch, so why am I so exhausted and why am I not losing the fat!! I have pinched and measured my fat... No change!!! Any supplements to help???? There must be SOMETHING!!!

    Do you weigh and measure ALL of your food? You may be consuming more calories than you think or underestimating your calorie burn. Check your numbers and make sure your in a calorie deficit
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I was hit by a truck [literally] a few years ago and really struggle with exercise. i can walk [on good days] and do as much as possible. I should probably post another question soliciting exercise advice for people who suffer chronic pain from injuries..

    You might try the elliptical. Very low impact on knees and hips but still a good aerobic workout. I had severe arthritis in my hip (from an injury) until I got a new hip in early August. Even though walking was painful I could use the elliptical and it kept me sane and exercising through an otherwise painful year.

    Best wishes!
  • tmpecus78
    tmpecus78 Posts: 1,206 Member
    relying on some supplement to boost your metabolism is not the answer. Starting lifting weights, heavy weights.
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    stimulants, caffeine, adderall, ritalin, crystal meth, hypothyroid medication

    other than that the rest of it wont increase your metabolism
  • DatMurse
    DatMurse Posts: 1,501 Member
    I was hit by a truck [literally] a few years ago and really struggle with exercise. i can walk [on good days] and do as much as possible. I should probably post another question soliciting exercise advice for people who suffer chronic pain from injuries..

    you dont ask people for exercise advice. go talk to your PT or orthopedic.

    Honestly. people who have chronic pain r/t injury should minimize their excess weight as much as possible. That is my 2nd biggest reccomendation. 1st is exercise
  • stimulants, caffeine, adderall, ritalin, crystal meth, hypothyroid medication

    other than that the rest of it wont increase your metabolism

    That's so awesome....lmfao:drinker:
  • There have been some very snarky responses in this thread. The OP said she exercises regularly (as she can tolerate due to her past surgeries) and is food-conscience so how much of a jerk do you have to be to post pictures of bicycles and weights? She didn't say "hey I have a Big Mac and soda for dinner every night and I don't work out but how can I speed up my metabolism". I find the number of smug/sarcastic responses to this woman disturbing and disappointing considering the number of "adults" on this thread.
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    There have been some very snarky responses in this thread. The OP said she exercises regularly (as she can tolerate due to her past surgeries) and is food-conscience so how much of a jerk do you have to be to post pictures of bicycles and weights? She didn't say "hey I have a Big Mac and soda for dinner every night and I don't work out but how can I speed up my metabolism". I find the number of smug/sarcastic responses to this woman disturbing and disappointing considering the number of "adults" on this thread.

    Perhaps because you're overly sensitive. They're pictures, and accurate and viable ways that will actually produce results rather than looking for a magic bullet which doesn't exist.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    It's day of the living zombie thread daaaaay.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    There are a couple of supplements that boost your metabolism.

    They're all illegal.

    Turns otut that actully boosting your metabolism any significant degree is inherently dangerous. The term "burning calories" is literally true; heat is produced as a result of burning calories. If you increase your metabolism, your body gets warm. Hot, even. That's why you sweat your butt off when you run.

    Increasing your metabolism not only makes you hot, but it increases oxygen consumption. That's why you pant when you run.

    Now imagine sweating your butt off and panting - the direct results of increasing your metabolism any significant amount - while you're laying in bed.

    That's what "boosting your metabolism" actually looks like. And there's a drug that does it. It's illegal, but bodybuilders obtain and use it anyway. They sometimes die of hyperthermia as a result. But when they're on it, they're drenched in sweat and panting while lying on the floor.

    So ask yourself: do you really want to boost your metabolism?
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Did you ever buy the supplements since starting this thread a year and a half ago?
    This bears repeating.
  • aprilbrown12
    aprilbrown12 Posts: 2 Member
    Plexus Slim is the greatest thing since sliced bread!!!!
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Plexus Slim is the greatest thing since sliced bread!!!!

    False. There is nothing better than sliced bread in comparison to said bread.
  • FXOjafar
    FXOjafar Posts: 173 Member
    Iodine (kelp supplements usually) helps with thyroid function, and go for a good, long walk every day :)