Can't Seem to find the Desire



  • johannaelaine
    johannaelaine Posts: 4 Member
    I am having a very hard time getting "restarted" I am feeling very defeated lately. I have become SOO negative and things with my husband have been bad - he says most of our problems come from my lack of self esteem, where I argue most of my low self esteem has come from him (which in turn is back on me, since I shouldn't let someone else dictate my feelings). The chicken or the egg. Anyway - I need to get back on track - I have 100lbs to lose and can't even bare to step on the scale. i know every day I don't do something good - is a wasted day towards my goal. I just can't seem to grasp starting. I have a 2 & 4 year old, and they deserve better, and I deserve better, and quite honestly my husband does too. I have done this all before, and it seems like I have some kind of success, and then huge setbacks that get me right back here. I am just having a pity party. Hoping just reading on the message boards will help motivate me. I need to make some small goals and small plans - I just can't help feeling like I can't do this. :(

    OMG i feel like you just read the thoughts in my head (minus the kids). I know i want to lose weight but i cant find the fire to put under my butt and get started. Everytime i mention doing something to get started my finace' always puts it down by saying something like "lets see how long that last" and it just discourages me all over again. I am more than willing to go on this journey with you and push you when you need it if you can push right back when im struggling. Im at the point where i can't get the support at home so im looking elsewhere!
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I do work out a few times a week - just treadmill walking or biking - i have my kids in alot of Y programs, so we are there every day almost. And we eat fairly healthy. I dont want my daughter to have my issues, so I feel somewhat too faced (I serve veggies with every meal (no salt, butter) and stick too lean meats and proteins and only fresh made ice pops for dessert.

    You have the start right here. Now you need the carry through. STOP sneaking. You are only cheating yourself and your health. The food will not make you feel better. In the end it makes you feel worse. Remember you deserve to be healthy.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I am definitely getting in my own way.

    Sounds like you know what you need to do. You know that you are making excuses every day to NOT do what you need to do.
    At least you are aware of that, and are not in denial about it.

    Many of us have spent a lot of time in this same situation.
    Change will happen when you decide that the discomfort of staying where you are, is worse than the discomfort of change.

    When you are ready for that, this place has some great tools to get you started and keep you going in the right direction.:flowerforyou:
  • ClumsyArtist
    ClumsyArtist Posts: 40 Member
    Change will happen when you decide that the discomfort of staying where you are, is worse than the discomfort of change.

    Wow what an awesome way of putting it! Completely true.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,650 Member
    I understand the "all or nothing"mentality. I often would start a diet, then eat something I wasn't supposed to, then think I blew it and may as well start over tomorrow.

    One day I ate some crap I shouldn't have, and started to beat myself up. Then I stopped, and logged it, and realized that I was still under my calorie goal for the day. I HADN'T BLOWN IT!
    This was a major break-thru for me in my thinking.
    I didn't have to start over the next day. I could continue on right then.
    A few chips or a cookie doesn't destroy my diet. But me freaking out about it and finishing off the bag, just might.
  • johannaelaine
    johannaelaine Posts: 4 Member
    A friend of mine told me about this and now i will share it with all of you who need the motivation, or just to hear something nice everyday. Go to and sign up to receive the "notes from the universe" everyday "the universe" sends you an inspirational email or just something nice to make you smile.
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    When I read your posts, I can see myself so clearly! The wanting everything to be perfect, not allowing for any slips and then when I do slip, I feel soooo guilty and it totally destroys my motivation. The "oh phooey, I ate one little square of chocolate, now I'll have to finish the whole bar!" I can beat myself up over the smallest thing! So, I'm trying to learn to be a little easier on myself, realize that I will make mistakes, I will slip and yet it won't bring about the end of the world as we know it! I wish you the best and hope that things turn around for you soon!
  • Slaintegrl
    Slaintegrl Posts: 239 Member
    A friend of mine told me about this and now i will share it with all of you who need the motivation, or just to hear something nice everyday. Go to and sign up to receive the "notes from the universe" everyday "the universe" sends you an inspirational email or just something nice to make you smile.

    I did that because a friend told me about it and the emails are really amazing! Most days they are just exactly what I need to hear - they make me smile, they make me cry (in a good way) and they often make me laugh, but they always touch something deep within me.
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    baby steps.

    I agree with everyone who has suggested making small changes and easing up to the big ones. I have found that even when I don't have the will power to stop doing things that are bad for me (binge eating, skipping exercise, etc.), if I do the things that are good for me, eventually I switch gears. Some of my small steps are:

    Drinking water every day
    Scheduling exercise as an appointment
    Eating at least one piece of fruit every day
    Shopping for a few healthy items to add to my menu
    Getting to bed at a good hour (when you are rested, you are less likely to make bad decisions)
    Treating myself to something nice (like a lovely body wash) just because. It makes me feel better about myself and I am more likely to take better care.

    You can't wait until all of the external things are no longer issues. There will always be something to distract you- - -either bad (like stress at work or home) or good (like holiday parties). Just pick something. Anything! And do it.
  • Sassyallday
    Sassyallday Posts: 136 Member
    A friend of mine told me about this and now i will share it with all of you who need the motivation, or just to hear something nice everyday. Go to and sign up to receive the "notes from the universe" everyday "the universe" sends you an inspirational email or just something nice to make you smile.

    I did that because a friend told me about it and the emails are really amazing! Most days they are just exactly what I need to hear - they make me smile, they make me cry (in a good way) and they often make me laugh, but they always touch something deep within me.

    Wow! I went to the website and the message seems just right for the OP and all of us:

    The one thing all famous authors, world-class athletes, business tycoons,
    singers, actors, and celebrated achievers in any field have in common
    is that they all began their journeys when they were none of these things.

    Yet still, they began their journeys.
  • Erica262
    Erica262 Posts: 226 Member
    Use the resources you have right in front of you. Like someone else said, just start logging everything you eat and don't think about all the changes you have to make. Just start logging. Then make one healthy decision after another.

    Use the blog feature of MFP. Do a self-interview.

    How are you feeling today (physically)?
    How are you feeling today (mentally)?
    How was this week better than last week (or how was today better than yesterday)?
    What choices can I make tomorrow that would be healthier than today?

    That kind of thing. Does that make sense?

    You need to do it for you. Not for your husband or for anyone else.
  • paxbfl
    paxbfl Posts: 391 Member
    I am definitely getting in my own way.

    I like that you're recognizing the role you play in this situation. It sounds like you've had some misfortune in various areas of your life. It can be easy to blame other people for these things - and maybe rightly so. But the way out is by picking yourself up and deciding you're going to fight for the life you want. As others have said, do this for yourself - for your own reasons. Set an example for your family and let them follow your lead.

    I'm 46 years old. A year ago I was 50 pounds overweight and couldn't run a mile without stopping. My 12-year-old son called me "fat". I looked at myself in the mirror and took responsibility for where I was. Instead of getting depressed or overwhelmed I got angry at myself and used that anger to fuel my actions going forward.

    Today I'm in my ideal body-fat range. A few weeks ago I ran a half-marathon in under 2 hours for the first time in my life. I honestly feel about 10 pounds younger than I felt a year ago. I'm proud of what I've accomplished... and absolutely determined to never go back to where I was!

    If I can do this, you can absolutely do this. Make the decision to start and never look back.
  • char_barr
    char_barr Posts: 125 Member
    A friend of mine told me about this and now i will share it with all of you who need the motivation, or just to hear something nice everyday. Go to and sign up to receive the "notes from the universe" everyday "the universe" sends you an inspirational email or just something nice to make you smile.

    I just signed up! Thanks for the site
  • char_barr
    char_barr Posts: 125 Member

    Change will happen when you decide that the discomfort of staying where you are, is worse than the discomfort of change.

  • char_barr
    char_barr Posts: 125 Member

    My 12-year-old son called me "fat". I looked at myself in the mirror and took responsibility for where I was.

    When my 4 or 2 year old say I have a big belly or a big butt (in relative to a child's perspective) I just cringe. When they ask me to go on rides with them or in bounce houses, that have specific weight requirements that I don't meet, I it does get to me internally. I need to get to the point where I dont accept it as "poor, boo hoo me" I'm starting.
  • char_barr
    char_barr Posts: 125 Member
    Use the resources you have right in front of you. Like someone else said, just start logging everything you eat and don't think about all the changes you have to make. Just start logging. Then make one healthy decision after another.

    Use the blog feature of MFP. Do a self-interview.

    How are you feeling today (physically)?
    How are you feeling today (mentally)?
    How was this week better than last week (or how was today better than yesterday)?
    What choices can I make tomorrow that would be healthier than today?

    That kind of thing. Does that make sense?

    You need to do it for you. Not for your husband or for anyone else.

    I think this could really help me - I used to write alot and its a good way to work thru alot of my internal struggles.
  • Torzilla37
    Make a list of changes, like drinking more water, walking X-amount of minutes a week, etc.

    Then choose the easiest on your list and make that your week's goal. The following week, pick another item on your list while still following the previous week's goal. Rinse and repeat. If you had a bad day, just start again the next day. Habits will help :)

    Example: my water intake used to be horrendous. I made 1L before noon a goal for a week, and it's stuck. Next, I worked on eating a fruit or veggie with every meal. Next week, I'm going to make the effort to workout first thing in the morning.

    Just take everything one step at a time. If you break down the big picture into a number of smaller, realistic/attainable goals, this won't all seem so daunting. I had to accept this sort of thinking when I started graduate school this past really does help your sanity to break it up.

    Maybe you could also make a list. WHY do you want this? For your kids? Your husband? So that you feel better about yourself? It's okay if your reasons for doing this are totally selfish. But if you know why you want this, then that's your lifeline when things become too overwhelming. If you screw up and don't eat well for lunch, then pick yourself up and try to eat a healthy dinner. If you are terribly for an entire day, or even an entire week or month, that's okay. You're human. Just focus on your next meal and making an improvement--even if it's drinking water between each bite :)

    You can do this!
  • CrazyAnne
    CrazyAnne Posts: 217 Member
    I am feeling the same way. Just can't restart either. I continue to log, good and bad days. MFP friends are great. Good luck, OP!