How long can you PLANK for?



  • HornedFrogPride
    HornedFrogPride Posts: 283 Member
    If you plank daily, you can really strengthen your core & lengthen your planks. There's a whole #plankaday movement on Twitter. If I forget to plank, the Plank Police come after me! :laugh: Seriously, though, I've planked over 6 minutes twice. It wasn't easy but I built up to it gradually and had "plankoffs" with friends (we kept outplanking each other, causing us to leapfrog each others' plank PRs). Variety helps, too. Try high plank, low plank, side plank, reverse plank (y'all forget to suggest this one!), etc. And if you know you can't plank for a long time for whatever reason, try plank intervals (1-2 min each). See how many plank intervals you can do. Now we do "plankoffs" against family members for entertainment too! Soon you will be a plank star! :glasses:
  • minimalistmom
    Pre-pregnancy: 2-3 minutes.

    Side planks: A totatlly different story. I can't hold those as long. Heck I'm lucky if I can hold those for 45 seconds to a minute.
  • LaurenEileen74
    LaurenEileen74 Posts: 142 Member
    2 minutes a day
  • thesifter
    thesifter Posts: 107 Member
    Daily 3 * 2 minute planks ooof. 1 minute rest between. A bit wobbly there at the end.
  • niricava
    niricava Posts: 89 Member
    I'm up to 1.5 minutes...on my way to 5 minutes by the end of the month.
    For the person who mentioned how you build up to doing more, I'm doing a 30 day fitness plank challenge that has you start at 20 seconds and do a little more every day to work up to 5 minutes, resting every 5 days. Check out

    It's boring but I can definitely feel it working!
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    I can do about 30 seconds but only two sets. I am still working on my core. I prefer russian twists with a 10kg medicine ball but I should do more planks.
  • CheeksBryant
    CheeksBryant Posts: 193 Member
    I started a week ago at the advice of my Zumba instructor. So every day we plank (7 days a week), we started at 40 seconds (some do 30) and increase it by 10 seconds every two days. I'm on 80 seconds right now with three different planking I can feel it to! Love it!
  • ktsimons
    ktsimons Posts: 294 Member
    I'm so pathetic...I don't even think I can hold for 20 seconds :sad: My core strength has always been terrible however and resulted in some bad back problems. :frown:

    For those who clearly rock at planking, do you just gradually build up to it by doing it day after day, or is there more to it than that? (I know, probably a stupid question).

    i can do 1 for 3 minutes then 2 more for 2...trying to get to 3 sets of 3! I have very strong shoulders so it is really all about abs for me...

    you should gradually build up to "this is why we plank" it has an excellent photo of what muscle groups are used (i would GIF it but i don't know how! LOL) ... Whatever makes thoes muscles stronger will make planking easier. this is why we plank also has a "challenge" that will help you build up, too...
  • BL_Mark
    BL_Mark Posts: 183 Member
    My wife started planking last week and I've decided to do it with her. I have an umbilical hernia so sit-ups and crunches are out of the question for core strengthening. But planking seems to be low impact enough.... we're up to 1 minute and I think we jump up to 90 seconds tonight.
  • cpsqueen87
    cpsqueen87 Posts: 7 Member
    OMG. You are a bad *kitten*! I would have passed out!

    My max so far is a 1 minute plank. I just started about a month ago. My body feels great afterward but during the plank my muscles get all shaky. I hope that is normal...
  • cpsqueen87
    cpsqueen87 Posts: 7 Member
    My response was in response to the 7 minute plank. Sorry, I thought I was quoting...
  • knittinlady
    knittinlady Posts: 143 Member
    I started a 30-day plank challenge on Nov 1. I'm up to 90 seconds now. I do my planks on my hands and toes(like the upward phase of a pushup), instead of the more common elbows and toes. It works better for me, because I have back problems.

    I can feel a difference in my ab strength after less than two weeks. :)
  • dacspace
    dacspace Posts: 109 Member
    Currently my longest has been 1 min 30 sec x 2 sets but I'm working on it! I do basic planks, side planks and unstable planks all the time with my trainer. It's part of mycore routine. I also try to do them at home but that doesn't always happen.

    Unstable planks are the most difficult for me, regardless of which unstable option I choose. My go-to on an unstable is to drop one arm to elbow then back up and then do the same with the other arm. Not sure if that makes sense but basically you are up and down on either arm, alternating back and forth. Planking on a medicine ball (hands on it) is the most "fun" (if planking can be considered fun) because it truly engages me more and makes me concentrate the entire time so I don't land face first into the floor or ball!
  • MasterKat
    I started planks about 2 weeks ago... but I needed to spice it up a bit. I started the below link this week.... WOAH MAMA! My core is S O R E!!! :bigsmile: But it's fun so far! The side plank with the leg lift is my challange! I'm about 30 seconds for all....adding 10 seconds Sunday!
  • suelegal
    suelegal Posts: 1,282 Member
    3 sets of 2 minutes each while feet are elevated on the bench and arms are elevated on a Swiss ball. Killer!

    Edit: I do this every other day.

    You are a MONSTER! I can see I'm going to have to start planking again!
  • just_Jennie1
    OMG. You are a bad *kitten*! I would have passed out!

    My max so far is a 1 minute plank. I just started about a month ago. My body feels great afterward but during the plank my muscles get all shaky. I hope that is normal...

    It was tough but I wanted to win! LOL.

    I was pretty sore the next day.
  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,411 Member
    working on the 30 day plank challenge. My goal for tomorrow is 2 1/2 minutes. This is one plank a day with a rest day about every 7th day. Goal at end is 5 minutes. I read recently the record is 37 minutes by a 72 year old woman. This is basic plank on elbows. I do regular and side planks several sets in yoga 2 x a week.
  • RonW956
    RonW956 Posts: 105 Member
    I do a total of 6 planks a day, 3 in the morn & 3 in the evening. I can hold at 2 minutes each with 1 min rest in between... I'll have to time myself again to see how long I can hold it...
  • maybeazure
    maybeazure Posts: 301 Member
    LOL. I made it 29 whole seconds once. Then I had to rest for two days. At least I know something I can work on.