Gastric Sleeve Patients?????



  • Hello and Congrats.

    I too had the sleeve, its been an amazing journey. I feel so rested and good inside! My surgery was in April. I understand where you are, my biggest thing back then was not being able to drink water other-then sips, I was always thirsty, that has gotten better.

    Actually just had toast with home made jam, BIG no no but with moderation and journeying we can still enjoy a treat ONCE IN A WHILE.

  • I am going to be stalking this thread a lot in the upcoming weeks. My sleeve surgery is scheduled for 11/19. I wondered if any of you veterans have any hints about what to buy for the first few weeks. I see the surgeons and nutritionist on 11/6 and I suspect that is when I get the liquid diet instructions for the two pre-op weeks.

    For those who are still in the middle of the process like me, I started this journey in July. I had to attend 12 weekly weight loss group sessions. I had to prove that I was making changes, not so much by weight loss (thankfully) but by NOT gaining. I had a chest X-ray, echo, abdominal X-ray, swallow study (THAT made me laugh... if I had a swallowing problem I wouldn't be this fat), and finally a sleep study that landed me with a sexy CPAP to join me at bedtime.

    All of these steps did make me a little mad. Like many of you, I had researched this procedure extensively before even approaching my doctor. I felt that there were too many delays once I had made up my mind. I still can't say that I agree with the length of time and number of hoops I hauled myself through, but I am excited to start the next part of the process.

    I would appreciate any advice and pointers from those of you who have gone through this, especially to prepare myself for what sounds like a challenging first few weeks!
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    @Lester: I was sleeved 9/26/13 and am down 40lbs, best decision I have ever made. You really need to take it easy the first two weeks and follow the diet plans your Dr gave you. It's reallly true and accurate that 4oz of food will make you feel stuffed in that first week. I just graduated up to ground beef and fish and was able to enjoy a nice social dinner with friends. It took me as long to eat 4oz of salmon and 2oz of chopped spinach as the rest took to eat full steak dinners!! Two products I have found to be lifesavers are Isopure zero carb protein drink (40 grams protein, 160 calories in 20 oz bottle) and Isopure Chocolate powder mix (25 grams protein, 110 calories with water in 12 oz glass). After 2 weeks I started using milk with the powder. The Isopure (about $4 bottle at GNC) has multiple flavors, counts towards fluid intake and really jumpstarts the daily protein (men need 80 per day).
  • Planning on having the gastric sleeve surgery in march of next year. I'm a woman who weights 360 pounds. Is there anyone like me out there who has had the surgery? and can give me some feedback?
  • I am scheduled for surgery on 11/6...excited and nervous. I have been using the is pure drinks pre op and plan on using them post op too because the shakes literally gag me. There is a lot of protein in them (40 grams) so hopefully that works but worried that I'm going to be starving. Any ideas?
  • I had my sleeve surgery 1/30/13. This was after a year of failure with the band. That was an absolute nightmare. I have done everything by the book. I know this is my one chance and I was not going to feel better. We also found out that I have a serious thyroid problem. I am down ninty+ pounds. But it has slowed down. I have gone from a size 20 or 2xx to a solid 12. I would love to loose another 20. And I can really play some major head games with my eating and food. But keeping honest with the Fitness Pal program. I started up exercising and my work has keep me very active. I am great all day. I carry food with me all day, every day and I swear that is what is saving me. I do have "mental" cravings at night. Sometimes I will do a protein shake (use frozen yogurt cubes) to thicken it up or fruit or diet hot chocolate. What kind of strange is you actually get use to people responding to your weight loss -- and now that its kind of leveled off -- I feel like I am FAT again. But I know I am not. I know this is strange. But everyday I look at the clothes I put on my body. I am mindful of how I feel in this body and make sure I feed the body the protein that it needs. Its a special Journey that I feel blessed to be on everyday. Good luck to those who have chosen a very difficult but rewarding path.
  • Super excited to see that there is so many other people on here who have gotten the sleeve. I was just approved today 11/4/13 and go for my first class that the military ( for spouses) makes you go through this week. I can't wait to get to share my story later as well... I have always battled with my weight but it's not the food that I eat that's poor choices, it's always been the amount. I am hoping to shed 85 lbs.
  • I had mine done march ive lost 110 im tall i now weigh 140 i look too skinny i still cant eat and im being told by others im suppsed to b eating so much more by now im still throwing up e M verything and even can say as my dr stated im now showing signs of Anirexia .My question is for those that have passed the sixth moth mark .ate you still losing at a rapid weight are you eatibg more and if so what is the right amount and are yall keeping it down? Please help me ithank you!
  • Bubirn
    Bubirn Posts: 44 Member
    Hi All, had my sleeve done October 30th, 2013. Feeling good, completing my proteins, thrilled to get milk back today. Hoping to still keep liking/tolerating the supplements. Would love to meet more people on the same journey.

    I lost 21 lbs pre op, first appt Friday the 8th. My weight loss goal is 130 lbs.

  • Hi my name is Alice, I will be having my sleeve surgery on nov 11. I'm hoping I can get suggestions on the protein shakes. Right now I'm on a two week liquid diet before surgery I'm having a hard time with the taste of whey protein. :angry: and have 4weeks to go.
  • Hi my names Kayla i'm having problems with the shakes lol they are nasty i'm looking for good tasting shakes and my surgery is on nov 22 i'm scared but not scared maybe more like nervous i'm 23 and does anybody know about what happens to their extra fat no one talks about it does it shrink do they get tummy tucks i would really like an reply thanks
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Don't know if this works, or helps, but I had a friend that had weight loss surgery years ago. She used various extracts to change the flavors of the shakes. Cherry, pineapple, almond, etc. It only takes a couple of drops of any of them to work.
  • Hi, I learned a lot from reading these posts. My insurance runs out on Jan 1 and I'm in a panic to try to get some surgery before then for weight loss..I didn't know what kind to try, was thinking about banding before reading these posts. I just sent messages to two bariatric surgery centers in Michigan to find out if I could get the surgery before Jan 1. Did you all get any insurance coverage for your surgeries, how much did you end up paying for the sleeve surgery? I'm less worried about the aftermath than I am in the financial problem with it at this point, I have to do something. I'm 62 and have battled with loss and gain and loss and gain all of my adult life. Only 232 at this point, but lots of bad symmptoms (diabetes, sleep apnea, neuropathy, shortness of breath)..I want to stay alive..but after Jan 1 I won't have any possibility of having weight loss surgery as far as I can see.
  • Hello!! My name is carrie. My weight is 195lb right. Because of my weight going down and up I decided to go to my doctor and talk about my weight. She told me about some diets but they would work for a short time but it will back fire on me over and over again.My doctor told me about the gastric sleeve and I will be getting my gastric sleeve operation done in the beginning of January 2014. I'm nervous about it. This will be my first operation ever done on me. Oh by the way I have two beautiful children,my baby girl is 20 years old and my baby boy is 11 years old. I would like some advice about how to feel before and after the operation and how can my family help me? :heart:
  • alwakeley
    alwakeley Posts: 3 Member
    Good Morning,today is a month since my surgery do real good,with pre-op i lost 28lbs in 6 weeks I go back to work this coming Monday.I am wondering if you guys could give me some quick meals and snacks for me to take to work i appreciate anything you have :)
  • DrSchizo
    DrSchizo Posts: 19 Member
    I just had my surgery on November 4th. I looked online to find recipes for shakes. I make a butterfinger shake thats to die for! I also make a strawberry milkshake.

    The butterfinger recipe is: 1 scoop french vanilla flavored protein, 1 tbspoon creamy peanut butter (I use fifter50), 1/2 banana, 1 teaspoon sugar free butterscotch flavor pudding (powder form), 8 oz chocolate flavored zico coconut water, ice to thicken. it makes about 32 oz. You should be able to find the nutrition info under Fulton's Butterfinger Protein Shake.

    The strawberry milkshake recipe is: 1 scoop french vanilla flavored protein shake, 5 frozen strawberries, 1/2 frozen banana, 8 oz. chocolate flavored zico coconut water, ice. I don't have the nutritional value for this one up yet.

    I use the zico water because I find it at the "99cent only store" where I live in California. I have seen these same waters in fresh n easy for $4.50 a carton, but at the dollar store, they're 3 for $1.

    oh! I also make a peanut butter shake that I make thats just 1 tbsp of peanut butter (fifty50), 1/2 banana, zico water, 1 scoop chocolate flavored whey protein, and ice.

    I extend an open invitation for anyone to add me, lets see if we can help each other out with recipes :)
  • DrSchizo
    DrSchizo Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Skaboy215, I just got my sleeve on 11/4 and found that sleeping in the hospital bed was worse than sleeping in my bed. I LOVE my bed so I just got a few extra pillows and slept kinda propped up. It's been a week and 2 days since my surgery and I'm finally sleeping regularly through the night with little to no pain. Good luck! :)
  • I had my first sleeve and hiatal hernia repair in May 2010 and lost a bit over 60 pounds. This was my second hernia repair within the year. I lost 15 pounds pre-op and completely stalled about 5 weeks after the surgery. I have gained about 5 pounds over the last three years. I found that my hernia is back and the complications and my anatomy has caused my stomach to stretch. I will be having the hernia repair and revision sleeve in a few weeks. This procedure is definitely a tool and not a cure all. It took months to realize that I wasn't really hungry and that the rumbling I felt was really the acid building up in my stomach. My taste in food has changed for the better but I find that I have gotten off track. I didn't have a support group or nutritionist after the first surgery due to my surgeon closing their practice. So not looking forward to having to wean myself back onto food but it will be worth it. And for whatever reason with the first surgery, watching the Food Network during my time home made the food cravings go away.
  • hey how much is it to get this surgery?
  • loriannhb
    loriannhb Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm 3 days after my sleeve. I'm sore yes. I'm over whelmed as to what to eat, how much to eat, etc. I'm concerned about not getting my protein. And of course support.