Official Nightshift thread!!!



  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    I don't think they could fire you just b/c you're applying for another job, they'd have no cause. I feel like that would be a lawsuit right there lol. Since you said you're on good terms with your employers, maybe it would be better to just give them an FYI about what's going on, rather than the other people just contacting them, and they have no clue.. good luck with everything!
  • TheDash12

    :D How is everyone?!?

    I'm still super new to the site, but lovin it

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    welcome Dash! glad to hear you're enjoying MFP! hope your night is going well. where are u working?
  • TheDash12
    welcome Dash! glad to hear you're enjoying MFP! hope your night is going well. where are u working?

    Im not even working. Im away from the family right now and CANNOT sleep.

    Trust me, I know that getting a good nights is important
    But being away from loved ones is nerve racking :[
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    I don't think they could fire you just b/c you're applying for another job, they'd have no cause. I feel like that would be a lawsuit right there lol. Since you said you're on good terms with your employers, maybe it would be better to just give them an FYI about what's going on, rather than the other people just contacting them, and they have no clue.. good luck with everything!

    Thanks. I decided to put that it was okay and I'll call later today and just let them know. Hopefully they are okay with it!!!!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Hey everyone, anyone else working this Full moon weekend with me?
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    I do the same thing as you jazz, however I have to be awake all shift.

    I wish I would work out here with all the spare time I just end of playing video games. Being here bymyself makes it easy to stick to a decent diet.

    If you're by some sit-ups or jumping jacks!
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    12hour shift are a whole other ball game. If you think it is hard to stay wake for 8 or 10... 12 is bad. I have been working 12s for 4 years now and it is not too bad now, however when I first started it almost killed I was soo tired by the time i got home. i didnt want to do anything. I will say that when you have a normal exercise routine it helps tremendously. The days off are nice, but the first day is wasted do to sleep from working the 12 the night before, most of the time, unless you have enough energy to stay awake that day and get things done. Then you run into the problem of getting back on a day schedule on your days off. It is a never ending battle for me.

    I've been working night shift for over 20 years...15 of those have been 8 hour shifts. The few years I worked 12 hour shifts were horrible. I basically went to work, came home, slept and got up and went back to work. They were lost days. The several days off were spent catching up on my sleep. I had 2 small kids at the time and never spent any real quality time with them. I was soooo tired. I love my 8 hour shifts. I work 11pm to 7:30am. I sleep while they are at school and am awake by 4pm, ready to make dinner and spend time with them. It's no different than working a day job to me. I've heard a lot of people have problems sleeping during the day but that's never been a problem for me. I've always been a night owl. I don't function well during the daylight hours to tell the truth. 8am to noon are my hardest hours to stay awake. I guess 20 years of night shift will do that to you.:wink:
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    haha that's awesome! I'd love to bring my leslie sansone and do it on break since i get an hour, though we don't have showers near us, and no way could i sit around for the rest of the shift all sweaty! :embarassed:

    That's my biggest problem with working nights. My unit is pretty slow most nights (oops...hope I didn't jinx myself...I work psych) I'd love to exercise during the long hours but I just can't sit around all sweaty!
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    I've been on this site for over 4 months now and just discovered this thread. I love it! Finally people that understand what night shifters go through. Day shifters can't handle it :happy:
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    Hi Guys,
    Has anyone ever taken Melatonin to sleep? I looked up Night Eating Disorder ( in my case...morning) and I definatly show signs of it. I cant go to sleep without eating carbs, then I wake up, eat more carbs and go back to sleep. It's an awful, awful habit. I'm always half asleep when I do it, so I don't really use my brain. This is what I read about Melatonin:

    Your body has its own internal clock that controls your natural cycle of sleeping and waking hours. In part, your body clock controls how much melatonin your body makes. Normally, melatonin levels begin to rise in the mid- to late evening, remain high for most of the night, and then drop in the early morning hours.

    I'm thinking because of working this shift, my melatonin may be low. It's natural, and worth a try. What do you guys think?

    Melatonin is what the docs order for our patients if they are having trouble sleeping. It gives them a gentle nudge in the right direction but doesn't knock them out. There's no "drowsy" feeling the morning after either. I've worked nights so long that I rarely have trouble sleeping (my husband says I've perfected the art of sleeping standing up:laugh: ) so I can't speak from personal experience. It really seems to help our patients nod off though.
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    I am from the UK , I'm a nurse and work 2 - 3 night a weeks. I have just come off a 5 night stretch and should reallly go for a sleep but having discovered this thread I have spent ages just reading everyones posts, I work 9.30pm - 7.30 am. The shift completely wrecks your system, I have been doing it for 9 years as it suits family life I have 2 kids 8 & 6 so perfect for them but not me. It's very tiring and takes a lot of will power to avoid the temptation of all the bad food that is around. I have been doing really well since joining MFP, it's great for keeping the motivation going.

    I agree. I've never been one to diet and I've packed on the pounds since my youngest was born (he's 7yo) This is the first time I've tried to log my calories and it's done wonders. MFP makes it so easy! I'm down 36 pounds and if I keep at it I'll make my goal of 50 pounds in a couple of months. Who knows I may be motivated to keep going. I haven't been below 150 since before I had my oldest child (22 years ago!)
    Night shift messes with your system-no doubt about it. I haven't been perfect through this but MFP has helped considerably.
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    Lee, hubby drives me crazy with that crap too! I only got good post-nights sleep today because he's out of town. At least I'm only on real overnights 1/3rd of the time. Don't know how you do it.

    My husband wasn't very understanding at first either. He worked a job where he got off at 2pm and expected me to be up and ready to go for the day after only 4-5 hours of sleep. Silly me- I did it. We had only been married a couple of years so I was still trying to make him happy at my expense. Then we met some friends where the wife worked part night/part day schedule. She was militant about her sleep schedule. She would tear your head off if the neighbors talked too loud in the next house! And the boys hung out there every weekend. After he saw how she acted he realized how "nice" I was being. Now he's more protective of my sleep schedule than I am. He gets aggravated if I pick up extra shifts because it'll take too much of a toll on me. He's such a sweetie! (now :wink: )
  • angdan31
    angdan31 Posts: 95 Member
    So I guess you can see I've had a quite I just realized I've taken up a whole page with my replies. Well, my shift is at an end so I'm heading home and off to bed. See ya'll tonight. I'm so excited about finding some night shift friends!
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Well its a Full moon tonight. It could turn out to be an intresting night. Hooowwwww (thats me howling at the moon) :glasses:
  • Lynz888
    Lynz888 Posts: 17 Member
    Well its a Full moon tonight. It could turn out to be an intresting night. Hooowwwww (thats me howling at the moon) :glasses:

    I KNOW! I keep waiting for it to get crazy, but nothing! I'm shocked, a calm night on a psych unit? I'll keep double checking my pt's to make sure they're still breathing :p
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    Lucky for me all the "weird" stuff has happened during the day. :drinker:
  • ketagirl
    ketagirl Posts: 42 Member
    I agreed overnights is awesome but losing weight is hard especially days that you are off
  • suzie1983
    hi everyone...hope yall are doing good...finally got the computer and internet running again...i hate the days where i cant sleep and at the same time im not hungry.....grrr....everyone have a great morning
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    :smile: hey everyone! I have been on weight watchers for a wk and lost a lb and a half...not bad. Anyways, Im not on as much I used to be, but still here! I like this online community better

    Anyways...Im sooo sick of overnights!! This time of yr I begin to dread going to work, and I sleep alllll day! Maybe cause the days are shorter...I dunno. I just want a normal life again. I have worked this shift through out my whole relationship with my boyfriend, and we get 2 hrs together a day! I moved us down here for this job, and I they knew I worked overnights at my old job. I think I may have gotten hired based on the fact that I worked this shift before. Im also a contractor, and not even hired yet. I get no sick time, OT, vacation time, insurance, NOTHING!!! The only good thing is the pay...its really good...20,000 more a yr than what I made in NY. I like VA too. So what do I do? Should I wait until they hire me before I say I dont want to work this shift anymore, or do I tell them now? I wouldnt even mind the shift once in awhile, but I dont want to be the overnight person anymore!