Ideal Protein...Someone know's something about that



  • I was on Ideal Protein over 3 1/2 years ago. I had a wonderful coach and this diet changed my life! I didn't have a ton of weight to lose but I lost 30 pounds in roughly 2 1/2 months. I am under 5' tall and at 130 pounds, I looked "chunky". I had never dieted before ideal Protein. Today, I still weigh in at 100 to 105 pounds. I can't say enough great things about this plan. Yes, it's expensive but can you put a price tag on health and looking good? It has changed my life and I have changed my eating for life. To this day, I still avoid carbs (except for fruit in the morning) and I still drink about 60 -80 ounces of water a day.

    You are right, no have ZERO energy on this plan (no carbs = no energy) I was taking B-12 supplements to try and help off set that. You can't exercise until you hit Phase 3, as you aren't getting enough carbs to handled it.

    People can poo poo the diet but I'm sure glad I found it. I will never be fat again, do you know how wonderful that is?
  • tboyegreen
    tboyegreen Posts: 1 Member
    I tried these diet for about 2 months, and if you stick to it exactly, it does work - at least initially. I was motivated to try it when I saw a lot of people coming in to my chiropractor's office to weigh in and get their food for the week, and they would talk about how much weight they lost. I wanted to lose about 20 pounds, so I decided to try it. The first week, I lost four pounds, and the second week, I lost 2.5. But after those first two weeks, my weight loss slowed down quite a bit. Some weeks I only lost a half of a pound or one pound even though I was following the diet very closely. I looked online, and saw that other people had the same problem, so they made some minor changes to how they followed the plan (more protein in the a.m., a restricted food only every other day instead of every day, etc.). I made some changes and started working out with light cardio, even though the diet says not to exercise. I eventually lost 10 pounds, but decided I could not handle any more of the fake food, and felt like I should be losing more for how little I was eating. I also had concerns that I was slowing down my metabolism by eating so few calories (850 per day) for an extended period of time. I went off the diet, and gained everything back within three weeks. Now I am back to Weight Watchers, which requires more thinking (I hate counting points), and takes longer to lose the weight, but it feels healthier and more sustainable to me. If this diet works for you, then I think it is great. The food isn't awful, so long as you can tolerate a lot of soy, but it wasn't for me.
  • jlvkooy
    jlvkooy Posts: 3 Member
    Just curious how you maintained post the ideal protein program? I have some pretty good habits both with exercise and with nutrition but am in a serious plateau......would you say you still feel the same about it after this time?

  • katyanne15
    katyanne15 Posts: 92 Member
    how much protein are you actually having. it is really really bad for your liver to consume so much protein. And was is the gain back rate, once you reintroduce carbs back into your diet...seems like a recipe for disaster if you ask me. I did atkins and did really well but can't stay on it forever and gained it all back in no time at all.

    I've been doing really going just clean eating...80/20. its not as fast but gives me the energy for my workouts and can be applied to a lifestyle change.
  • I've lost 146 lbs in 9 months on it! My wife has lost 70 lbs in 5 months on it and her cousins have had great success with it. My wife's cousins followed it in a chiropractors office while my wife and I did it from home. We ordered food/snacks similar in nutrition value to Ideal Protein on our own. It's very restrictive and not for everyone. You don't get cheat days or meals PERIOD. So if you're weak then don't bother, go on Weight Watchers cause at least you can have a treat while on it as long as you have the available points. But on Ideal Protein you can expect to lose 3-7 lbs a week and since I was 411.4 lbs when I started I was losing some week 8-9 lbs.
  • So thankful to see this thread. Doctor wants me to lose 20 pounds by May and recommended Ideal Protein. 2 years ago I did Nutrisystem and lost 60 pounds in 6 months. Went from 310 to 250 and life was great. Then my mom got sick and eventually passed. Food was my comfort during that time. I eventually gained it all back. Sucked!

    Idea lProtein seems like it works and all but way too hard for me in my opinion. Im a teacher and need some energy all day hehe! Im going to go back on Nutrisystem and get these pounds off. Kudos to all you who use Ideal Protein. Looks like it really works fast! Cheers!
  • MamaGraff
    MamaGraff Posts: 39 Member
    The first week is tough for gets easier. Once you see the weight falling off, it inspires you to keep going. Its important not to cheat. I am having my second weigh in tomorrow and feel pretty good about it.
    I continue to go to the gym and do low impact cardio because my coach said that she would monitor me and see how I do.
    I can honestly say that I feel like I am on the right track. I am happy to get rid of sugery snacks in my diet!
    Oh and I love this is a good way of eating for me!
  • Ideal Protein, is easy and inexpensive. This is truly the simplest way to loose the weight without feeling hungry all the time. You do not have to count calories, and exercise is not necessary, and the results show every week.
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    :) I love Ideal Protein!! and yes it can be expensive but it depends on what your definition of expensive is!! My husband lost 100 lbs in 8 months!!! I lost 30 lbs in 3 months but then the holidays hit and I got to cheating a whole lot HAHAH soooo I am trying to get back on is important to not cheat!! I am weak but I am getting back on it :)

    and of course if you go back to your old eating habits your weight will pile back on...come on does anyone expect there to be a magic thing that keeps weight off takes work!!! :)

    but this has become a whole family situation on my in-laws side!!! we have all done it or been on it and my mother in law has been off of it since july i think and has kept the weight off!!! its about knowing how to splurge and the frequency of it all!!!!
  • nihal34
    nihal34 Posts: 1
    where did you order food/snacks similar in nutrition value to Ideal Protein ? what are they?
  • lvs925
    lvs925 Posts: 1
    I looked in the mirror at the hair dresser one day and did not recognize the person in the mirror. It wasn't until I went to the doctor and was told I weighed 213lbs. No woman should ever weigh that. I had recently gone back to a contract job where a woman there looked a lot thinner. She is about my age (48 and menopausal) and it is very hard to lose weight. Easy to gain!!!!! She said it was easy and the weight came off rather quickly. The expense was a concern, but either I do something or I would have to buy bigger clothes. I chose IP. I've been on it a month this Saturday and I've lost about 17lbs. In that time my skin has cleared better than the meds I've been on. My hair looks better and I feel good. One day I also realized (being in an office with tons of food and chocolate which is my fav) that I wasn't even craving food nor thinking of cheating. The fast and consistent weight loss is motivating. And I eat the choc mint bars as my one restricted per day. My guy (at chiros office) is great. Helpful and motivating. I should be at my ultimate goal by the end of the summer and I plan to keep it off!!! It doesn't mean I won't live and never eat yummy food again. I will just know how to manage my food. I'm excited for the future and I would recommend this plan to everyone.
  • Wtn_Gurl
    Wtn_Gurl Posts: 396 Member
    My friend (a male) is doing it and he has lost 65 pounds in 3 months on it. He seems to so far been having no issues from it yet. Not hungry either. He is now in the 3rd month and losing about 5 pounds per week.. Women are supposed to lose about 3-5 pounds a week.

    I thought it was too expensive and I'd rather eat real food, so I did the same principles as he, and basically its a very low carb diet (50 grams or less a day); he eats NO fruit, NO dairy, NO cheese, no cereal, no grains, no rice, no bread, no bagels, cookies, cake, etc. NO milk, except a cup of skim milk a day is ok, he says you cannot cheat or it wont work or wont work as well); he cannot eat any starchy vegetables such as carrots, potatos, beans, except green beans.

    so basically I can do that with my own food and Im losing at the rate of Ideal Protein people but its real food and not expensive, its kind of a ketogenic diet, and resembles the Paleo diet. but im not going as strict as him, because i will eat a bowl of cereal if i really want it. also he can only eat one or two kind of lettuces, so even with veg its particular about some things. and you cannot eat cooked onions - you can only eat raw onions - because cooking them is supposed to carmelize them and creates sugar. I'm repeating what he told me its about. I am not saying its true or not. Just giving you the facts as he told me.

    My plan is working for me. and im eating between 80-100 carbs a day and im losing weight and not hungry most of the time.
  • illuvatree
    illuvatree Posts: 185 Member
    My mom's been on it for about a year. She lost 100lbs but when she went into maintenance she gained a little back (obviously) and started freaking out and is now in some mixture of phase one and two or something. I don't really recommend going into ketosis to lose weight. You lose it, but ultimately you need to keep your body used to certain foods so that it doesn't freak out when you start eating regular food again. It also made my mom terrified of grains, even whole grains. Also, it's way too expensive and the products have splenda in them, and you know there are sketchy things about artificial sweeteners.
  • Here's my opinion for what it's worth. Ideal Protein Diet isn't for everyone. It is expensive but you do get results. My husband and I have Tried all the diets, Weight Watchers, South Beach, Protein Power and a diet low in protein but lots of fresh fruits and veggies.
    These diets worked for him and he lost about 20 lbs in the 1st few months but many require daily food planning and in our society
    It's not always practical, so we fell off the wagon and tried a different one. Each time gaining a few more pounds. In the near
    Future my husband will be retiring and we wanted to get healthier. We set a goal for both of us to lose our unwanted pounds before
    next February...30 lbs for me and over 100 for him. I did research on proper nutrition and know the very Best Way to lose weight is
    to eat a well balance diet (fresh fruit, fresh veggies and lean meat or other protein). It's important to avoid processed foods, and
    fast food restaurants, that's what we tried and honestly we felt better. The weight came off a little but we really were not losing
    body fat or pounds. A friend told me about Ideal Protein Diet and I could see fast results with her within 3 months. She said
    there is a process our body has to get to in order to burn stored fat. Our bodies will use us carbs first. If you dramatically reduce
    your carb in take, your body will start to use muscle or fat to get energy. If your body is getting all the protein it needs, it will not
    breakdown muscle but will start breaking down your stored fat. Ideal Protein Diet is expensive so I've (since I have a big trip planned) that I would try Ideal Protein Diet and he would copy me but use another method for his protein and meals. I just
    finished my 1 st week and have lost almost 5 lbs eating primarily their meals. That's good but it was extremely difficult and I
    cheated a few times and ate a little dairy and a few nuts. My husband started a low carb, low cal diet getting protein shakes
    from Sam's club and also their low carb high protein bars. He is following my meal plan and he has lost 28 lbs in 28 days.
    Men seem to lose more weight at a faster pace. For me , I know I could lose the weight without Ideal Protein Diet but it would
    Take me much longer and I am getting weekly check ups and counseling. That to me is very important especially when you
    dramatically cut back on calories. I can't afford to stay on this diet too long but if it helps me break the plateau my body seems
    to be in then I will try and stick to it until I lose my 30 lbs. I've been told some women can lose up to 6 lbs a week. I shooting
    For 4 or 5 lbs per week (happy even if it's 4). Being able to see fast results can really boost your spirits so for some people this
    may be the answer. I'll keep you updated on my weight loss. But search the web like I did. Many other people are having good
    results with Ideal Protein Diet. The next step will be to train ourselves to eat healthier so we no lose our investment!
    The cost for me was 345.00 first week and about 90.00 each week after so that's a major investment, especially if you have
    A lot of weight to lose!
  • gramster15
    gramster15 Posts: 1
    Ideal protein provides vitamins and minerals to supplement this diet so you are getting all the nutrients you need as to to much protein this is not all animal protein it is all kinds soy chick peas ect I've lost 55 pounds and feel great blood wor and pressure are better than ever sugar is normal
  • Ovidio1961
    Ovidio1961 Posts: 1
    The reason for going on this diet is that my blood sugar levels started going up, a sign of impending diabetes. Also, my blood pressure was rising and I couldn't tie my shoes without having to hold my breath (exhaled) while tying them. Back in 1999, I lost 50+ lbs on the Sugar-Busters diet, but stopped being diligent when my weight was manageable. I slowly regained about 30 lbs of it when I noticed my blood sugar levels at an ominous level.

    This diet is very similar to Sugar Busters. Both put you into a zero sugar/carb ketosis state and you lose weight at a rate of about 4 to 7 pounds a week. This one is more focused on the usable proteins, rather than random dietary proteins. The difference being 80% used vs. 15% used. The 15% is from regular usable amino acid content in meats vs the 80% refined from the food powders and food nuggets from Ideal protein. A ketosis headache occurs with both, but the mechanism behind the headache is based on electrolytic imbalance. Take the potassium salts and the headache dissipates fairly rapidly. I think once you get past the sugar deprivation, you will succeed on both diets... if you don't cheat.

    Cheating while on ketosis messes up the weight loss machinery and you have to start over, and that sucks. After the diet is done you must keep carb intake under control, or all those calories will pile up again. And that is not a mysterious black magical curse, its just the way we work.

    I am on week 4 and have lost 15 pounds, just about 4 pounds a week. Half my goal.
  • Simplebody
    Simplebody Posts: 1
    I decided to step into this discussion as both an IP user and an owner of a IP clinic. My story is very similar to everyone else's here. I was grossly overweight and had to do something to save my life. (I was 6'2" and 310 pounds) My wife had been successful on IP when she convinced me to give it a shot. The IP clinic in my area seemed to be lacking so I contacted IP directly and found out the I could open a clinic in a neighboring city. So my wife and I took the plunge and on the day we opened our clinic I started my IP diet. (You can read my blog on our website Over a period of 115 days I lost 72 pounds. It was an incredible life changing experience that I will never forget.

    Now here is why I am posting. I to have put some weight back on but this has very little to do with the diet and more to do with the fact that I have to change my lifestyle choices. As I have slowly seen my weight climb and I am fully aware of why and what I need to do and yet it is so difficult to break years of bad habits (ie. late night cereal, desert with every meal, skipping breakfast and so on)

    I am very candid with my clients as I openly discuss the challenges of weight management over weight loss. I tell them that weight management is about lifestyle and discipline. It is by far the hardest thing I have ever done. So here is the advice I give to every obese client who walks through my doors

    1) Don't expect to lose all this weight and return to who you were and the habits you had.
    2) Don't expect to be perfect when you come off the diet and be prepared to make this a multiple step process over a number of years as you attempt to learn to live differently
    3) I expect you to gain a few pounds every 6-12 months. Just come back in and go on the program for a few weeks. Then get right back at it learning to control your weight.
    4) Once you get off this diet learn to exercise for pleasure. Don't think of it as a hardship but learn to embrace a more active lifestyle.

    At this point I am 270 pounds and working my way back down to my goal weight of 220. I placed myself back on the diet for a 90 challenge and I expect to be there before August 1st. For me this is what I have had to do and I expect that many are just like me.

    So let me encourage you by saying this - IP is a great diet the will help you lose weight fast and fairly affordably. But your weight management is in your hands and requires far more effort than weight loss. So don't give up, don't hide from your weight issues and just keep trying. Eventually you will get there. Good Luck :)

    BTW I am more than willing to talk to anyone who needs to chat about weight loss so PM me if you want. Oh and to the guy a few lines above who thinks IP is seeding this forum take the time to read the posts. These are real people who have been successful on a great diet. Don't take that from them - they earned the right to brag a little.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,144 Member
    Ah, yes, the derp diet is popular among new members.:tongue:
  • I will start on IP Monday .... Can someone give me ideas on the best/easiest
    Proteins and veggies!!! Don't have a lot of extra time... Or
    What works for you????? Thanks lots
  • kmp5988
    kmp5988 Posts: 1
    I've been on Ideal Protein now for 2 weeks and I have to say it really sucks. The food is good for "diet" food and you get veggies and meat, but I feel weak, tired, and have zero energy. In fact I almost feel worse then how I felt before the I started the diet. I've been told by everyone that after the first week you feel better, but it just is not happening for me. I follow the plan and my coach is at a bit of a loss as to what to do.

    I've only lost 4 pounds and half of an inch which isnt bad for 2 weeks but not worth feeling like crap. Also not much compared to almost all other users.

    I'm wondering if anyone else doing this diet is feeling as horrible as i am? I'm always hungry no matter how often I eat, and frankly there isn't enough time to eat every 2 hours.