Exercise/gym routines for working ladies



  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    I'm 30 and work full time. When I started, I simply walked on my lunch break. As I progressed and lost weight I added a Zumba routine at home on my Xbox in the morning, sucks waking up early sometimes but totally worth it. For a year I did 20-45 minutes of Zumba each morning, walked at lunch and sometimes threw in a circuit training when I could.

    I'm a year in and have lost 93-94 pounds. My goal is to lose 130.

    As for food, I don't really think too much into it. Of course I stay away from the high sugars, limit on breads and high calorie items but I eat pretty much what I want :)

    Good luck!
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I'd say it depends on your goals.

    I lift 4 days a week. I try to do some cardio, but my main focus is lifting. I make that a priority. I work full time, have kids, the whole nine. I ended up piecing together a gym in my garage because I couldn't ever get to the actual gym in a timely fashion. As far as programs go, I started off with Stronglifts, moved to Starting Strength, and now do Wendler 5/3/1.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    I work full time, no kids. I get up at 4:45am 3x a week for an hour long boot camp class, and generally either lift weights or run after that. I get to work between 7 and 7:30. I run at lunch 4x a week, long runs on Saturday mornings. I used to do yoga at lunch on my rest day, but I just started hot yoga and that's after work, once or twice a week.
  • atlchc8
    atlchc8 Posts: 53 Member
    I work full time and go to school full time (although about half of my classes are online). I work nights (715pm- 345am) so I think it's easier for me to get to the gym. I lift weights 3 times a week and take a 90 minute kickboxing bootcamp 3 times a week and try to jog a couple miles a few times a week too.

    Whoa..You are a beast girl!
  • DLH070911
    DLH070911 Posts: 38 Member
    Welcome! Its definitely do-able, even with kids (2 & 4 y/o boys), a husband and a full time job. I usually get up 5:30-6 M-F, get everyone dressed and out the door, drop the kids off at daycare, and go straight to the gym. The gym is near my job (which is 45 minutes from home), so I get ready for work there. I aim to get to the gym 5 days a week, and usually make it 4-5 mornings.

    On average I work around 45 hours a week, so there would be no time for me to work out afterwards before the day care closes. I try to lift 3-4 days a week, and do a little cardio if I have time after lifting. On days I make it in and don't lift, I try to do HIIT.

    IMO, the key is to plan ahead in the mornings. Bags are packed, clothes are picked out, etc. so we can get out fairly quickly.

    Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • Nikachelle
    Nikachelle Posts: 66 Member
    I always stick by the saying "if it means enough to you, you'll find time to do it. If it doesn't, then you'll make excuses."

    I work full time and exercise every single day. 3 days a week I lift weights at the gym. 1 day a week I do gymnastics. 2 days a week I play soccer. And I also try to run twice a week. Lately I've also started adding in Jillian Michaels dvds to boost up my cardio. I also walk a bare minimum of 5k a day (daily commute to work!)

    I also watch an excessive amount of TV, run a blog and play video games. So exercise isn't the ONLY thing I'm doing!
  • ann162
    ann162 Posts: 15 Member
    I work full time shift work. I don't go to a gym but I aim to workout at least 30 minutes a day with a combination of cardio and strength training. At work I can usually get in a 50 minute fast walk,we have measured it out to be a little over 3 miles at least 3 times a week. I like to use workout DVD's and I use the workout time as me time :) I get my workout time in after I get up for the day.
  • ChangeIsADecision
    ChangeIsADecision Posts: 709 Member
    I work 70-ish hours a week which is overkill for most people.

    I always go before work. I alternate between an hour of cardio and then the next day do 20 minutes of cardio and 40 minutes of lifting.

    Good Gravy... you work a lot but *fist bump* to you for working out before work!! On another note.... I like your simple schedule! I've been trying to focus on strength training at least 3 days a week so I'm going to try this to get a lil' more in. Thanks for sharing!

    I do the same... I'm up at 5am - I'm blessed b/c I just have to walk down to the basement to go to "my gym" but there I have my laptop for DVD workouts, an elliptical, a weight machine, free weights, etc. But I try to get my workouts in before work at least 3 days a week... the other days I walk our Lab and have a rest day or 2.

    You just have to find what works for you... and stick to it!
  • sportyredhead01
    sportyredhead01 Posts: 482 Member
    5 in the morning is the only time for me.
    Full time job Monday-Thursday, with my part time job Friday and Saturday.
    I used to go a 6 a.m. spin class 3 mornings a week then do kettlebell and weights. But my gym canceled the class so I bought my own bike and put it in my husband's woodworking shop.

    Yes, he's thrilled. Along with my bench and weight set.

    My new schedule I'm trying is lift M-W-F and spin T-T for an hour.
    I really miss the classes but I enjoy ruling the playlist now.:happy:

    (And props to the other ladies for making it happen!!!:drinker: )
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    I have a full-time job that involves working for 40 hours each week; however, between commuting (half an hour, one way) and the entire hour I get for lunch (which is a waste to me), I dedicate about 50 hours each week to my job. Additionally, I do all of the cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. for my husband and myself.

    Most days follow this pattern:
    4:30 - wake up; deal with the dogs; pack lunches for myself and my husband; eat a smallish amount of food; make sure the gym bag is packed properly; change into workout clothes
    5:00 - leave for the gym
    5:30-5:40 (depending on road conditions, traffic, etc.) - arrive at the gym and activate beast mode
    I do my own warm-up, often involving body-weight squats, lunges, high knees, butt kickers, or other such sundry exercises. My workout routine can be found here -> http://theoutlawway.com/ It involves some barbell work, strength training, and a "workout of the day." I usually just barely have time for everything; though, occasionally I have had to scale some things back due to the time crunch. If I do manage to finish everything before 6:30, I will do a "cash-out" or cool-down type of activity, such as jogging or rowing a mile or doing some work on a movement I don't feel up to par on yet (double-unders). After all of that, I'll stretch out for about five minutes.
    6:35-6:40 - Shower at the gym and get ready for work.
    7:30 - Drive to my soul-crushing 8 am to 5 pm job.

    The nice thing about working out in the mornings is that my evenings are all mine; additionally, I feel much more energized throughout the day if I worked out in the morning. The down-side is that by 8:30 or 9 at night, I'm pretty much asleep on the couch.

    As someone already mentioned, you don't really need to work out to lose weight. I've found some success with it, but it's certainly not necessary. Working out will have more of an impact on your body's composition than on its weight. That said, I hate cardio. My version of cardio is just lifting lighter weights at a faster tempo than I would for strength training or barbell gymnastics.
  • bc2ct
    bc2ct Posts: 222 Member
    If you don't have a ton of time to devote to the gym - HIIT and Tabata are for you! Interval training is great for weight loss, cardiovascular fitness, toning etc. For the most part I only do "long cardio" workouts on rest days or on days when I am also lifting weights (i.e. weekends when I have the time).
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    I work 40 hours a week, and commute 10 on top of that. I am a single mom, with shared custody.

    I work out HARD once a week - I box for an hour and typically put out about 850 cals during that hour.

    I try to add in some zumba on the wii, or some treadmill time, or even just a brisk walk at lunch.
    I've also been adding in stairs at work (I work in an 18 storey building - doing the 18 floors takes me 10 minutes)

    I find that if I bust my *kitten* hard for an hour, it really helps me throughout the week.
  • mnardi123
    mnardi123 Posts: 59 Member
    From someone with a full time job. 3 teenagers and a husband with a 2 hour each way commute I find that if I have to choose between cardio and weights, I go for cardio, it de-stresses me more and sometimes I go into the gym set a calorie count on the equipment, reach my goal, and get the hell out and onto the next thing on my list. Sometimes that means I only have 30 minutes so I go pretty quick but you do what you can. I can't for the life of me get up at 5:30 AM and I felt bad about this until my nutritionist told me she was the same.
  • UpToTheChallenge

    I only lift weights now... I can do my lifting program in 30 minutes so that I can be home by 6 to make dinner...

    The Jamie Eason program is good, gives you workouts for each day, which i'd prefer rather than having to decide for myself! I just like getting into the gym, doing what I gotta do and getting out!
  • LeanButNotMean44
    LeanButNotMean44 Posts: 852 Member
    I work FT with a 1hr + commute each way to/from work. I also have a pretty crazy work travel schedule part of the time. I always work out in the morning. I get up just after 4am and get to the gym by about 5-5:15am. I workout (lift and do cardio on days off from litfing) for about 45 minutes and then rush home and get ready for work in time to make my train. It takes A LOT of planning and preparation - I have my wo stuff and work outfit ready the night before, my protein shake and pre-workout drink made the night before, etc.
  • crystal9999
    crystal9999 Posts: 73 Member
    I am definitely not a morning person, but I want this. So, as a mom to a 4 year old and a six year old, a husband and lots of dogs, my alarm goes off at 3:45, and I'm out the door by 4:10. I have gathered enough equipment to workout at home. We have a squat rack, more olympic sized weights than I'll ever need, a power tower, elliptical machine, weight benches, and stationary bike. Don't let not having equipment keep you from working out at home though. There are lots of body weight exercises that you could do at home. I workout 45 minutes to an hour M-F. I lift MWF and cardio on T/Th. I'm doing the Beautiful Badass program and I love it, I look forward to the lifting days, not so much for the cardio days. After that I go inside get a shower, get my kids ready for school as I'm getting myself ready for work. Drive an hour and a half to drop kids off at school and go to work. Work from 7:15 to 3:00, pick kids up, go to whatever after school activity they have for that day (taekwondo, softball, gymnastics). Drive the hour and a half back home, do all the chores to get ready for the next day, shower and hit the sack.
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    bumping for later reads - this thread looks good so far!!
  • I work 40 hours a week and am a mom of 4, the two youngest are 8 year old twins. I really can't join a gym right now but I workout right in front of my television every night at 9pm. I workout 5x a week. I do weights Sun. Wed. & Fri for 40min and follow with a HIIT cardio DVD. on Mon, Tues & Thurs I do 60 min cardio.

    I would love to workout in the mornings but its not possible and after a long day at work I need to check homework, cook dinner and clean. The best time for me is after everyone is out for the night.

  • emjaycazz
    emjaycazz Posts: 330 Member
    I work full time, have a 12 year old son in travel soccer (practice 3 nights a week plus 1-2 games on weekends), hubby also works. I get up at 5:20 a.m. and work out at home--alternate between kickboxing-type and circuit training DVDs with average workout times of 45 minutes or so. Usually I do this 4 days a week. Then, 2 days a week during the workweek in the afternoons, I hit the weight room at my company's gym and do Stronglifts 5x5. That way, I have my evenings free to cook, do chores, and pick up my son from practice if needed.

    Saturdays I wake up in the a.m. and do my third lift session for the week and then finish up with some cardio (whatever I feel like doing).
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    You can do a full weight training program in 30 minutes or less, twice a week, leaving plenty of time for 20 minutes of cardio 3-4 days a week.