Ladies 5'2''-5'4'' what is your goal weight?



  • aliceb39
    aliceb39 Posts: 84 Member
    Just shy of 5'4". My main goal is 149 lbs - almost there! (I had a kind of subgoal to get under 200.) My maybe-goal is 129, which I think is what I weighed in college or early marriage. But I want to stay at 149 for awhile to see how I feel there.
  • mellyish
    mellyish Posts: 253 Member
    I'm just about 20 years old and 5'2"

    HW: 183lbs (March 2012)
    CW: 155lbs
    LW: 142.2lbs (Aug 2013)
    GW: 120 - 125, we'll see when we get there
  • greeneyedgirli
    I'm 5'3 and my goal weight is 120, possibly 115. I've never been that small in my life so I really just want to get to 120 and see what size I am. The smallest I've ever been was 137lbs a couple years ago.
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    CW = 121lbs
    GW = 110-115 lbs
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm 19yrs old and I'm 5'1 and weigh 224 and I've lost nada!! I found out last year that I have a genetic heart disease. I found out when I decided to start walking/jogging early mornings. Then I all of a sudden had a panic attack (so i thought) and i couldn't really breath so i had to sit on the curb for a while and take a breather. When I finally went home I went to the hospital and that's when I found out about my heart disease. But 2 weeks later I did try to exercise again with my cousin and it happened again but this time way much worse. It was so bad a random lady had to take us to the hospital. and my doctor told me to try something else until i loose enough weight to be able to actually walk/jog. But I'm 19YRS OLD unemployed and have to use a EBT card with $347 and share it with 5 other siblings. So I'm ****ed either way. I'm about to graduate soon and want to loose all of my weight before i go to college I need a change. I just need help. I don't know.

    I know you are hurting - you want to eat well but with an EBT card (I assume that's food stamps or some such) of only $347 to buy food for 6 people, it's hard to buy fresh fruits and vegetables and make them stretch. Cheap food is generally high in starches, fat, and sugar.
    Here are a few suggestions - if you have access to regular medical care (not emergency room care), go to your doctor and ask what programs are available to help you lose weight.
    Go to your local food bank on a regular basis and try to get as many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible.
    Reduce your sugar intake drastically - drink water or unsweetened tea instead of sodas - even if you're drinking diet soda, the sweet flavor makes your sugar cravings worse. Try to avoid anything artificially sweetened.
    Reduce the use of fats when cooking. If you don't have an atomizer for cooking oil, pour a very small amt of oil on a paper towel and oil the pan, rather than just pouring oil into the pan.
    Try doing exercises in the seated position. Search on You-Tube for "chair exercises" or "seated workout" or "chair yoga". Check with your doctor first, but these exercises may help you tone up without over-working your heart.

    Beyond anything else, don't give up. There are many things you can do to help yourself, but know that there are lots of people here on MFP that can and will support you. Take it 1 lb at a time, one step at a time, and you WILL make it. I believe in YOU.
  • twhaley1990
    twhaley1990 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm 5'2.75. My goal was 115, but unless the remaining 3 lbs come from my stomach, I'll have to go down to 110.
  • AnnACnd
    AnnACnd Posts: 72 Member
    I'm just shy of 5'3" (but I round up lol). My lowest weight as an adult was 5 years ago I was 105 lbs briefly at my peak half marathon training but normally around 110lbs. That is my current 'goal' but I'm not stressing. I was 115 the last time I went on the scale, which I rarely do. I prefer to go by how my cloths fit. I'm happy right now and if I lose a few that would be awesome, if not it's totally cool. When I get to 124 I really spill out of my cloths and feel uncomfortable in my skin. I'm very petite boned I should add.
  • jadamonet
    jadamonet Posts: 38 Member
    5' 2.5, my goal weight is 150. The minimum I am willing to go is 145. My lowest adult weight was 161.1. I'm 161.4 now.
  • cassandra108
    @GOINSTD12 thank you so much ill try harder. thanks again for the motivating advice. I'm looking up the exercise in youtube right now.
  • willdob3
    willdob3 Posts: 640 Member
    I don't have a weight loss goal. I don't care about the scale. I want to look & feel good. The scale has very little to do with those things.
  • BekaP89
    BekaP89 Posts: 28 Member
    a year after I had my first child I weighed 123 and I was 20 years old and my height is 5'4" and I felt great, it was perfect for me, I do have hips and I realized that I will always have hips but I was happy with that size, so I think between 120-130 is a good weight for your height. I am currently 24 years old and weigh 174 but I would love to get back down to about 125

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  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    I'm 5'3 and 144 lbs and am aiming for 130lbs then 120lbs. I'm moderately active (swim or walk 3 days/week) and am eating 1300 to 1500 calories. I'm cutting carbs for health and sanity reasons. My dairy's open but realize I cheat too much.
  • Fivepts
    Fivepts Posts: 517 Member
    I'm just shy of 5'3" (but I round up lol). My lowest weight as an adult was 5 years ago I was 105 lbs briefly at my peak half marathon training but normally around 110lbs. That is my current 'goal' but I'm not stressing. I was 115 the last time I went on the scale, which I rarely do. I prefer to go by how my cloths fit. I'm happy right now and if I lose a few that would be awesome, if not it's totally cool. When I get to 124 I really spill out of my cloths and feel uncomfortable in my skin. I'm very petite boned I should add.

    Thanks for your post and pic. It's great to see what my (close to) goal weight and fitness looks like on a real person!
  • unbreakablemoth
    I am 5'4" and I'd like to see how 160 looks on me. I was 180 in 4th grade and the idea of weighing 20 pounds less than I did when I was 8.that weight from 4th grade being 30 pounds heavier than the goal weights of my peers makes my head swim a bit. My family tends to be muscular and I want to be ripped, so I don't expect to be on the lower end of the weight spectrum...but we'll see :) I imagine I'll have a much better idea when it's not so far away!
  • beagle1983
    beagle1983 Posts: 8 Member
    5'4.5" (I never know to round up or down, lol)
    Pre-pregnancy, I was 122ish, but pretty skinny (I carry weight weird. I always look smaller than the number. Dense, I guess). I gained 50 lbs during pregnancy, and I'm back down to 135ish. I'd love to weigh 125, but I'd be happy with 130 I think.

    It sucks because I used to be so effortlessly thin before baby. Donuts for breakfast, chocolate and diet coke for lunch, pizza for dinner. Ugh. Now I bust my *kitten* to stay at 135. Whole real foods, and counting every damn calorie. Pregnancy really messes with your metabolism! Anyway, my goal is anywhere between 127-130.
  • Hayaa79
    Hayaa79 Posts: 458 Member
    I am 5.3 currently on 165

    highest was 178pounds 3 years back

    lowest was 138 pounds 10 years back

    Now the Target is the same 138 but... there is a big butttt
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    I am 5'3", and my goal is 125lb. plus a recomp so I gain some muscle on top of that. I weighed around 110lb. when I was 20, but I was skinny-fat.
  • cuppycat
    cuppycat Posts: 29 Member
    5'4" and right now i'm just shooting for 150 and i'd be happy.....i'll go from there when the time comes
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 905 Member
    5-foot-3-inches, going for 110 pounds. Definitely need to make some adjustments.
  • Nancy33333
    Nancy33333 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm 5'4", and 145 gets me into normal BMI. I've gone from 162 to 142 since early August. I'm feeling good about things now, as it's been several years (maybe 5) since I've been here. Would like to see 135, will work on that, but anywhere between 142 and 135 is okay. I'm almost 60. Was last at 135 or so, reliably, 25 years ago. Funny, felt heavy then. At 142 today, feel really good. Weight redistributes itself over the life course.