80:10:10 and the crazy pregnant lady doing it



  • mmckee10
    mmckee10 Posts: 405 Member
    Irresponsible considering there's another life in the balance.

    WTH? No there isn't.

    Life doesn't begin until after birth.


    ETA: Have you ever seen an ultrasound by chance? The baby's heart forms around 5 weeks.. I consider that life. (Actually, I believe life begins at conception.. buuuuuut for the sake of argument..) the baby just doesn't magically become "alive" when it is born. It kicks and moves the whole pregnancy. movement = life. heart beat = life. pregnancy = another life DEPENDS on you for survival.
  • Nonya81
    Nonya81 Posts: 145 Member
    Irresponsible considering there's another life in the balance.

    WTH? No there isn't.

    Life doesn't begin until after birth.

    Your joking right?!
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    Irresponsible considering there's another life in the balance.

    WTH? No there isn't.

    Life doesn't begin until after birth.

    LOL @ trying to start a debate

    but anyway

    biological definition of living. If it does the following (or will do as an adult) it's alive:

    1. respiration - check.
    2. nutrition - check. through the placenta, but it's still nutrition
    3. sensitivity - yep this develops earlier for some senses than others but they're all developed well before birth
    4. growth - check
    5. reproduction - it will do this is if it survives to adulthood, the same is true of all immature organisms and if you exclude unborn babies from counting as being alive on this basis you have to exclude all pre-pubescent children, baby animals, plants that are not yet flowering, etc etc etc.... which is not what biologists do. It has the potential to reproduce, therefore it ticks this box re being alive.
    6. excretion - also through the placenta but it still does this
    7. movement- it actually starts doing this really early on in pregnancy, the heart is beating by 2 weeks, it has active nerve cells by this time as well, and actual movement in the sense of moving it's little tiny limbs, that starts around 8 weeks

    So yes, it's alive

    In fact, the blastocyst that the baby develops from is alive, as are sperms and eggs. There is no point in gestation where the unborn baby suddenly comes alive, because biology doesn't work like that. I'm not getting involved in any abortion debates, but the question regarding that is about at what point in the child's development you consider it acceptable to kill it. Prior to people having the knowledge of how to do an abortion, many societies considered it acceptable to kill newborn babies, especially using methods that prevented them from ever taking their first breath (although others like leaving them outside in the cold to die of exposure were also used). If anyone is framing the abortion debate in terms of "at what point is the baby alive" then they are totally ignorant of biology. It's alive and has been right from the start.

    BTW the above is plain biological and historical facts, I am not presenting an argument for or against abortion. There are other factors to be considered, but the question "is the unborn baby alive" has already been answered by science.
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    This does sound extreme. I had one banana everyday with my first pregnancy. They sounded good and I liked them. But after the baby was born it was years before I ever wanted another banana.

    Well wishes to her. I wonder what the fat % is?
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Irresponsible considering there's another life in the balance.

    WTH? No there isn't.

    Life doesn't begin until after birth.

    If that is so, then why do you have to kill it?
  • gigglesinthesun
    gigglesinthesun Posts: 860 Member
    at least she's not smoking, drinking or taking drugs ...

    at the end of the day, she is living in Australia (like I) and not some third world country, and she will be under medical care for her pregnancy. If there are problems in the foetal development, she'll be told (we do have ultrasounds here, not just koalas) and she can adjust her diet accordingly.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    Irresponsible considering there's another life in the balance.

    WTH? No there isn't.

    Life doesn't begin until after birth.

  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    You can actually get a very healthy balance of fat and protien on 80-10-10 they eat a lot of calories actually 4000 seems to be the number that comes up the most. Do a little research about what the diet entales before pointing fingers. It is by no means an unhealthy diet its fruits and veggies doctors have been harping at people to eat more of them forever. I do not believe as they do that it is the only healthy way to eat, but she isn't chugging whiskey and eating sushi. Its vegetables and fruit lol they eats seeds and avacados and nuts they are all about eating as much as they want to be satisfied. They eat huge meals that have a balance of fruits, veggies, and small amounts of fat. They are also very creative um..."cooks" I actually enjoy quite a few of thier meals.
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    I take my own issues with the 80/10/10 approach, particularly with some of the fanatics who push it, but I find it very interesting that this woman is being so vehemently attacked, yet scores of pregnant women are downing every single piece of cheap, low quality, nutritionally lite piece of processed food they can get their hands on, gaining way more weight than they need, and yet almost nobody ever calls them out.

    The United States of Obesity indeed.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    My only concern is how is she going to meet the increase production of albumin when her blood volume increases? Don't know if anyone has ever read the Brewer's Diet, but that was one of his hypothesis that a low protein diet could possibly increase the chances of eclampsia.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Unfortunately being crazy does not preclude you from getting pregnant. She may have been crazy before her pregnancy and that's where I'll stop talking because this site does not allow political topics.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    I personally don't think she's hurting herself or her baby. I say get out of people's lives and let them live it their way. If your NOT paying her to live then back off telling her how to do it. This goes for any and every one. It's def. not your business or mine. I don't understand the need to belittle people for the way they live their life, oh and the baby, it's still her business not the world's
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    I personally don't think she's hurting herself or her baby. I say get out of people's lives and let them live it their way. If your NOT paying her to live then back off telling her how to do it. This goes for any and every one. It's def. not your business or mine. I don't understand the need to belittle people for the way they live their life, oh and the baby, it's still her business not the world's

    Thats true.
  • ebailey710
    ebailey710 Posts: 271 Member
    Irresponsible considering there's another life in the balance.

    WTH? No there isn't.

    Life doesn't begin until after birth.

    Did you REALLY just say that? Let's come out from under our rock, shall we?
  • NiikouruDesu
    If people are genuinely interested about a high carb raw vegan diet, they should research it, before criticising it. As aforementioned, there are a number of extensive scientific studies on the topic, such as in the books The China Study or 80/10/10, among many others. How can one intelligently argue about something which they do not yet know?
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Considering that protein and fats are the macronutrients that are REQUIRED (gluconeogenesis can occur when low on carbs) it seems like a pretty stupid idea to me.

    Defining a diet as healthy or unhealthy is actually quite difficult. But in this case, she has taken one food that is typically classed as healthy and is now eating an unhealthy diet. Reason being, she is not getting the required macronutrients or a variety of micronutrients.

    Basically, she is quite irresponsible for eating this way while pregnant.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    My only concern is how is she going to meet the increase production of albumin when her blood volume increases? Don't know if anyone has ever read the Brewer's Diet, but that was one of his hypothesis that a low protein diet could possibly increase the chances of eclampsia.

    I've read about that as well, i.e the possible link between lack of protein and pre-eclampsia. I've also seen research papers suggesting that pre-eclampsia happens in response to the baby getting insufficient nutrition in the uterus, which could be due to poor maternal diet, but also could be due to placental insufficiency (which has nothing to do with the mother's diet)
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I take my own issues with the 80/10/10 approach, particularly with some of the fanatics who push it, but I find it very interesting that this woman is being so vehemently attacked, yet scores of pregnant women are downing every single piece of cheap, low quality, nutritionally lite piece of processed food they can get their hands on, gaining way more weight than they need, and yet almost nobody ever calls them out.

    The United States of Obesity indeed.

    there's no-one on this thread who thinks it's okay for a pregnant woman to eat any kind of nutritionally insufficient diet. This thread is about this woman and the 80:10:10 diet. There are hundreds of other nutritionally imbalanced diets that people may or may not eat during pregnacy, but this thread isn't about them. LOL @ almost nobody calls them out... utter rubbish. I've seen far more articles in the media about pregnant women who eat inadequate diets of fast food which are insufficient in micronutrients, especially ones like folic acid that are needed in early pregnancy, and this is the first one I've seen about the 80:10:10 diet
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Irresponsible considering there's another life in the balance.

    WTH? No there isn't.

    Life doesn't begin until after birth.

    If she's made the choice to keep the baby then she should be feeding him or her responsibly from the get go.
  • HeidiMightyRawr
    HeidiMightyRawr Posts: 3,343 Member
    I saw this the other day, I think it's crazy tbh! Why would anybody do that to themselves, never mind their unborn child?!