5'8" Ladies, what is your goal weight?



  • babyj0
    babyj0 Posts: 531 Member
    I'm 27 and currently at 165. I've been as much as 180, and as low as 145 (back in college). My goal is 145, but every time I've lost weight (I'm terrible about gaining and losing the same 10 pounds) I seem to hit a wall at 150.

    150 has looked like several different things on my body. When I was a dancer, 150 looked great - I had definition in my stomach, and a lot of muscle. Other times I've had a muffin top at 150. So it all depends on your body and muscle composition!

    I've hit the same numbers as you around the same time! Lol twinsies.
  • My lowest weight was 172 lbs. (size 10/12) and the doc said my weight was fine, so I took that as my cue to NOT lose anymore.

    I also ran a couple of half marathons was training for a marathon and like to do yoga. Don't let the scale do the judging, use a measuring tape.
  • SW: 255, CW: 218, 34.12% body fat, size 16/18. I run an 18 min mile and can do about 6 push ups on my knees.

    Goal: 125-135, 20% body fat, size 2/4. I want to be able to run a 30 min 5K (about 10min/mile) and do 50 push ups without using my knees.
  • My current goal is 165 which is what I weighed as a college athlete...about 12 lbs to go.

    If I can continue to reduce my body fat that would be great as well! I'm aiming for 20% (Currently about 27%)

    Now I'm wondering if I should lose more based on all the responses I'm seeing here aiming for 130-140........the last time I was in the 140s I was running high school track as a 15 y/o and pretty much starving myself at the same time. I'm not sure that's realistic for me.

  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    130-140. Currently 149.
  • caseys29
    caseys29 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm 5'8 and currently 291. My goal weight is 175, although if I get there, I may revamp my goal weight. I was usually around 150-160 in high school and wore anywhere from a size 6 to a 10, and I'd be happy with a size 12 now. I tend to carry weight all over, so it takes about 30 pounds weight loss, or more, for me to go down a size.
  • kellenas
    kellenas Posts: 154
    I'm 5'7" and my goal weight is actually between 160 and 170. However, I'm more interested in lowering my body fat.
  • melissat888250
    melissat888250 Posts: 79 Member
    5'9" lady here, 25 yo. When I was 18 I was 5'7" and 100 lbs. Freshman year of college I grew 2 inches and gained 15 pounds. I maintained 115 through out college, but found less time to exercise after I graduated and more money to buy whatever I wanted to eat and eat out whenever I wanted. I was 155 at my physical in March 2012. I switched birth control in January and started packing on pounds. I peaked at 185 this summer, and have been working to lose weight since then. I'm currently at 170 and would ideally like to get down to the 115 of my college years. My first goal to reach is 140 pounds though.
  • bluebent
    bluebent Posts: 4 Member
    160-165 would be great! 20 lbs to go. I know I can, I know I can...
  • v6s30
    v6s30 Posts: 43
    I am 138 and my goal is 130 - i am 21.
  • oconnomp
    oconnomp Posts: 2 Member
    Haha, hopefully we both hit our goal this time! :-)