going to try 1200 cal diet



  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Your profile pics denote that you know a lot about nutrition and fitness, is this a troll post or are you just doing a very aggressive cut?

    If it is for a short period and you can hit your macros successfully (which seems difficult) good luck.

    I guess you mean net 1200 cals.

    What was the inspiration for such a low number?

    no i found my avi on the internet like yours. i want to look like it though
    I have a pic in my profile pics of my stomach now and I was fat, I mean FAT when I started 10 months ago and I eat around 2300 cals a day and 2900cals once a week on refeed day. VLCD is not necessary to reach goals, patience and sustainability are the way to go.

    Are all your profile pics off the internet? that seems odd.

    u mirin pics?
  • picklefishlips
    Don't do it! I am 5 ft 2in and I have to consume more than that according to BMR

    (Basal Metabolic Rate)-amount of calories your body uses daily to function) in order to lose weight without muscle loss. goal if 1470 calories a day for me.

    Your taller than me so naturally you will need more calories a day than me so do not do it unless you wish to lose muscle weight. (Muscle weighs more than fat)
  • fishnbrah
    Your profile pics denote that you know a lot about nutrition and fitness, is this a troll post or are you just doing a very aggressive cut?

    If it is for a short period and you can hit your macros successfully (which seems difficult) good luck.

    I guess you mean net 1200 cals.

    What was the inspiration for such a low number?

    I am definitely thinking troll. Or those aren't his abs.

    if they were, would you like them?


    ironic post to my username ratio
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    I am here for you OP! You got this! You are beautiful inside and out and deserve better!

  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
  • angelzprophecy
    no corrections, i guess i am right about gluconeogensis and i am a scholar. pats on the back for me. yay
  • suziepoo1984
    suziepoo1984 Posts: 915 Member
    Good luck in your journey and if you find the guy whose pic you have put as profile pic, ask him to try it too! All those muscles are not healthy for you!

    *hoping this is a troll post, rest pls ignore the above*
  • fishnbrah
    I am here for you OP! You got this! You are beautiful inside and out and deserve better!


    what a nice person you are.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    Here's my diet plan:

    I don't eat anything, and when I feel faint, I eat a small cube of cheese.
  • VBnotbitter
    VBnotbitter Posts: 820 Member
    Ah the donut thread man.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    itll take a little time before your body will start the process of gluconeogenesis (turning muscle into glycogen) from severe caloric deficits so itll depend on how long your on this diet

    i got my information from this video


    correct me if my source is wrong

    Definition of a little time can mean 3 days. That's pretty quick. You could hit it in a day too.
    Your liver glucose stores are about what your brain needs if you sleep all day. 300-400 cal.
    3 days of doing low carb eating along with low calorie diet say 1200, not eating back exercise calories, and going in and doing a high intense spin bike session burning 800 calories almost 90% carbs.

    If you do the math, it doesn't take 0 food to accomplish this as Omar claims.

    Many high cardio folks doing not enough carbs and/or calories for their level of activity can accomplish it each and every week. 4 ozs a week, in a month you've burned off 1 lb of muscle mass.

    The math for muscle used in this manner, 600 calories per lb, compared to fat at of course 3500 cal per lb about.

    It was good to hear Omar NOT say the muscle glycogen could be used, many commenting on that show their lack of knowledge when they hit that one.
  • fishnbrah
    Ah the donut thread man.

    do you think i can fit donuts into my 1200 cal plan?