No carbs at dinner?



  • If God made it, its good!
  • ngressman
    ngressman Posts: 229 Member
    Vegetables and fruits are carbs, so yes I eat carbs at dinner. My goal is to make sure I have protein with every carb and also at least some healthy fat.
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    Also check this out-- studies attached:

    I think this is the study I was talking about. I remember the part about more satiety.
    While it is great to talk about mechanisms and nitpick every intricate detail about metabolism, at the end of the day, we have to examine whether or not any of this stuff makes any difference. Fortunately for us, a recent study published in the Journal of Obesity examined this very question (7). These researchers from Israel put people on a calorically restricted diet for 6 months and split them into two groups, a control group and an experimental group. Each group consumed the same amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat but they distributed their carbohydrate intake very differently. One group (control) ate carbs throughout the day, whereas the experimental group consumed the majority of their carbohydrate intake (approximately 80% of the total) at the night. What they found after 6 months may shock you. Not only did the experimental group consuming the majority of their carbs at night lose significantly more weight and bodyfat than the control group, they also were better satiety and less hunger!
  • BajaDreamin333
    BajaDreamin333 Posts: 267 Member
    In my opinion, when the "C" word is brought up on a bad light, it is almost always referring to refinded and processed carbs. Bread. Pasta. White Rice. If I keep my carb intake to unprocessed carbs like veggies (and in some cases whole grains) I don't feel like I have broken the cardinal carb rule. Refined carbs turn into sugar almost immediatly. You should avoid them at all times, not just dinner time. Try something like sweet potatoes. Yummy, unprocessed, and really good.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member

    Even though they are the devil of course...mama says so...


  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    I have not had carbs at dinner time for years now - Its easy to just have grilled steak , chicken, burger, or any other meat you may like add a nice salad to the side and a cooked vegetable or veggie homemade soup :) U wake up with such a nice feeling in the morning.
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    i eat carbs, morning noon and night... and also in between... had no problem losing weight...
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Hey all! My trainer today said I should not eat any carbs at dinner and that I should limit my carb intake to 100 g a day instead of the 160 g that MFP says. I can't imagine eating dinner without any carbs. What would I even make? I'm struggling with reducing carbs. I'm eating low carb breads and pastas and such, and I'm eating fruit instead of drinking juice, but I'm not sure what the heck to eat for dinner if I can't have ANY carbs. Just meat and veggies?

    What do you all think? Do you eat carbs at dinner?


    Jen :)

    You can eat anything anytime you want as long as you stay within your calorie allowance.

    Some people think you will gain weight if you eat carbs at night, or eat more at night, or whatever. None of this is true.

    Personally, I would balk any trainer who told me not to eat carbs at night and to limit anything in my diet. It's about calories in, calories out.

    I eat plenty of carbs, often some at night, and I work out everyday, and I have been losing weight.

    Did you trainer give you reasoning for his/her advice?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Vegetables and fruits are carbs, so yes I eat carbs at dinner. My goal is to make sure I have protein with every carb and also at least some healthy fat.

    People need to stop with the carbs=bread, pasta, and rice only. As she said, fruits and veggies have carbs, so if OP is having those at night, she's eating carbs (oh noes teh fatz!). Not bashing OP, more so her trainer who doesn't seem to understand carbs include a lot more than breads, pasta, and rice.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    In my opinion, when the "C" word is brought up on a bad light, it is almost always referring to refinded and processed carbs. Bread. Pasta. White Rice. If I keep my carb intake to unprocessed carbs like veggies (and in some cases whole grains) I don't feel like I have broken the cardinal carb rule. Refined carbs turn into sugar almost immediatly. You should avoid them at all times, not just dinner time. Try something like sweet potatoes. Yummy, unprocessed, and really good.
    False. ALL carbs are converted to sugar, not just refined carbs. As for how long the process takes, that depends a lot more on the rest of the meal, as rate of digestion varies with the types and amounts of food eaten.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I have not had carbs at dinner time for years now - Its easy to just have grilled steak , chicken, burger, or any other meat you may like add a nice salad to the side and a cooked vegetable or veggie homemade soup :) U wake up with such a nice feeling in the morning.
    You don't eat carbs, but you eat salad and veggies. Do you know what carbs are? Salad and veggies...
  • nerge
    nerge Posts: 52 Member
    I generally try and not eat carbs at dinner but it's the only way I find I can keep my cals at the right level. Try grating cauliflower and frying it in a pan for a few mins - voila cauliflower rice! Yum and fills you up and is basically no calories so if you have a curry or whatever it soaks it up !! yum!
  • you need carbs !!! i would avoid eating the starchy carbs at night. your body processes them better in the morning or really early afternoon, depending on your sleep schedule. try to get most of your carbs from from dark green veggies i.e: broccoli,spinach,romaine lettuce,etc..and if you do eat starches make sure they are whole wheat. that no carbs at night theory has been going around forever. its a theory based on insulin and glucose and fat storage but IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!! eat carbs anytime you want but try to eat the starchy carbs earlier in the day b/c ur body processes them better at that time
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    you need carbs !!! i would avoid eating the starchy carbs at night. your body processes them better in the morning or really early afternoon, depending on your sleep schedule. try to get most of your carbs from from dark green veggies i.e: broccoli,spinach,romaine lettuce,etc..and if you do eat starches make sure they are whole wheat. that no carbs at night theory has been going around forever. its a theory based on insulin and glucose and fat storage but IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT TRUE!! eat carbs anytime you want but try to eat the starchy carbs earlier in the day b/c ur body processes them better at that time
    Huh? Your body processes starches differently at different times? Where did you get that from? You're countering a myth with another myth...
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    In my opinion, when the "C" word is brought up on a bad light, it is almost always referring to refinded and processed carbs. Bread. Pasta. White Rice. If I keep my carb intake to unprocessed carbs like veggies (and in some cases whole grains) I don't feel like I have broken the cardinal carb rule. Refined carbs turn into sugar almost immediatly. You should avoid them at all times, not just dinner time. Try something like sweet potatoes. Yummy, unprocessed, and really good.
    False. ALL carbs are converted to sugar, not just refined carbs. As for how long the process takes, that depends a lot more on the rest of the meal, as rate of digestion varies with the types and amounts of food eaten.

    Also sweet potatoes are carbs.
  • grantdumas7
    grantdumas7 Posts: 802 Member
    It's probably ideal to eat carbs at dinner or anytime at night. Carbs cause serotonin levels to rise which relaxes you and makes it easier to fall asleep.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Are you diabetic or insulin resistant?

    Is he an actual Registered Dietitian or Nutritionist? You said you went to him originally as an RD what for?

    Oh NVM I see you say he is registered. Meh, seems fishy to me.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    Also sweet potatoes are carbs.

    Shhhhhh we dont talk about the holy grail in such disparaging words. That's like saying blueberries or quinoa is a carb.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I don't know, but I eat carbs like a champ and it hasn't hurt my progress.
  • I eat carbs a lot. I love carbs. I always been a more slim build, so I don't think they're all bad. I think if that's ALL you eat it can be bad, but you should be eating good quality carbohydrates and not processed crap. Can't hurt to try it though, and see how you feel. Personally, I think I would feel hungry if I didn't have some carbs to fill me up a little. Plus it gives me great fuel at the gym!

    Obviously I am not at all an expert just sharing my own thoughts and experience.