Need to gain 7lbs in 1 month



  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @Annette: It definitely is, but I don't like chocolate by itself. Now Reese's on the other hand rock, I have the 1/2lb cups in my freezer waiting to be eaten this weekend hah.

    @GBPack: Ahhh! I was debating about getting cookies n' cream at the store not a half hour ago, looks like I'm going back tomorrow hah. Yea I eat too healthy so junk food for this short stint won't be detrimental, thanks man.
  • SmileCozYouCan
    SmileCozYouCan Posts: 315 Member
    Chocolate, protien bars and shakes, chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate again. Eggs on bagels, lots of veggies and fruits to keep your body going even if you aren't trying to lose weight.
  • macybean
    macybean Posts: 258 Member
    Sorry about the gastroparesis, it can be tough to manage.

    Your diary looks pretty good, but maybe take out the oil spray and use butter or real oil, change the fat free yogurt to at least low fat (but regular yogurt would help even more) and change chicken from boneless skinless chicken to chicken with bone and skin.

    And Reese's peanut butter cups are my nemesis. Eat a few for me!

    Take care, eat well and enjoy your trip!
  • CKS1969
    CKS1969 Posts: 4 Member
    Wendy's Asiago Ranch Chicken Club with large fries, Double Whopper with Cheese and large fries, Big Mac with Large Fries, Pizza Hut, and Chipotle would be happy to help get the 7 lbs on. Fast food for a month is the way to go, just don't get hooked like most of us.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @Macybean: It has been a lot better ever since I got on medication for it. I use spray when I make protein waffles in my waffle maker and just use it for my eggs since I already have it out, but I'll switch to butter. Eating the skin sets my stomach off, so I have to avoid it unfortunately which is why I eat chicken breasts. The fat free yogurt makes a better texture for waffles, but when I have it after dinner I'll use the 2% that I just picked up.

    @CKS: yea I figured I'd be going towards some junk food to help me gain so much weight. Honestly, someone would have to pay me to eat fast food all the time. I just went to Mcdonald's this past Saturday for the first time in years and it was good but I was not craving it and just had it for the cals. There's no way I can get addicted to it, I love healthy food to a fault hah. Thanks for the suggestions, I'll definitely check them out.
  • Colliex3
    Colliex3 Posts: 328 Member
    Ill donate...
  • Have you tried Advocare's muscle gain. It is a protein powder that has 25 grams of protein in an easily digestible powder. Just mix with water and you have a vanilla or chocolate shake depending on preference, or mix it with plain Greek yogurt....I can get you more info if you are interested
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    Ill donate...

    Hah yea that's what my Dad said too. I'd take some if it were possible.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    Have you tried Advocare's muscle gain. It is a protein powder that has 25 grams of protein in an easily digestible powder. Just mix with water and you have a vanilla or chocolate shake depending on preference, or mix it with plain Greek yogurt....I can get you more info if you are interested

    I have Cellucor's Whey protein powder and it tastes great and mixes really well, so I'm all set there. Thanks for the suggestion though, I appreciate it.
  • No problem. They actually have a whole line (the performance elite line) that can be used to help gain weight....I know multiple people who have had success....just sharing in case you are interested.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    No problem. They actually have a whole line (the performance elite line) that can be used to help gain weight....I know multiple people who have had success....just sharing in case you are interested.

    I'll check it out in case I want to order some when I run out of my current stash of 3 2lb tubs. Thanks again!
  • pop tarts eating out at restaurants for dinner cake cheese chips anything processed :)
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    pop tarts eating out at restaurants for dinner cake cheese chips anything processed :)

    Yup, anything and everything is on the menu for this month. I'm thinking of having a whole half pound Reese's cup this weekend, close to 1,200 cals in one cup alone!
  • shunyata13
    shunyata13 Posts: 71 Member
    Totally off the food end you might try lymphatic massage which is a very light touch to flush out the toxins in your system as well as any meds that are still hanging in there. Reiki is also an option to balance out your body. With your issues you might also want to check with either a nutritionist or a naturapathic doctor that can advise you what foods are best for you physically as well as achieving your weight bulk up goal in a safe and healthy way so you don't regress to where you were.
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    Totally off the food end you might try lymphatic massage which is a very light touch to flush out the toxins in your system as well as any meds that are still hanging in there. Reiki is also an option to balance out your body. With your issues you might also want to check with either a nutritionist or a naturapathic doctor that can advise you what foods are best for you physically as well as achieving your weight bulk up goal in a safe and healthy way so you don't regress to where you were.

    I've had a massage and while it felt great, it didn't do much. I've been to a nutritionist and the only thing worthwhile that she said was to experiment. I was like "wow, glad we wasted money on you." Once I cycle off the medication I'm hoping that I can continue this momentum and at least maintain my weight, if not increase it a little more. Only time will tell.
  • How did you work your maintenance calories out? Bare in mind that if you put your details into a basic site it will only give you resting maintenance and wont take into account your normal daily activities as well as any exercise you do. If you need to gain weight and fast I would recommend aiming for 3000 calories a day.

    I currently aim for 3200 a day, which is roughly 400 above my maintenace, and it is generally clean. Add me if you want to see the foods I eat.

    If you struggle to add calories to your diet, or you never seem to gain weight. Then have a look at this.

    The gomad diet, adds 25lbs in 25 days. Obviously you dont need that much weight adding but may help to put on some extra pounds.
  • SLLeask
    SLLeask Posts: 489 Member
    Since you like ice-cream, make this one that I make, very easy and well, rather heavy on the calories, so fab for you!

    400ml (roughly) of double or whipping cream
    1 can condensed milk (I think they are about 400g)
    (Or basically, same amount of cream to condensed milk, haha)

    Whip up the cream to stiff peaks, stir in the condensed milk and freeze... it's that simple, doesn't even need stirring again. Sometimes I add cocoa powder and sometimes coffee liqueur, guess you could add anything you wanted....

    Trust me, it's realllllly good!!

    Enjoy that skiing trip, let us know how it goes!
  • jbgolf52
    jbgolf52 Posts: 210 Member
    @IonHouse: I'm not exactly sure of my BMR because my stomach disease makes me constipated so my true weight is hard to know, but by looking at trends in my weight plus how much I have eaten I am able to get a rough idea. I initially used the calculator on but once I had enough data points using the former method I switched to that. I probably do need to up my cals, 2,400 is most likely too low to gain 7lbs in 1 month. Better to overshoot my target than be under.

    What's your height and weight if you don't mind me asking? I've seen that article but like I mentioned earlier, I cannot drink milk, even lactaid milk, it wrecks my stomach. I sent you a friend request, I'm interested to see eating clean and getting 3,200 without pounding down a ton of fat. I can handle a good amount, but not loads and loads of PB or bacon.

    @SLLeask: That sounds really good! But doesn't it have a ton of fat? I cannot handle coconut milk because it has way too much fat in it. I may just stick with ice cream, thanks for the suggestion though! I will definitely let you know how the trip goes, that is if I gain the needed weight.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    @primalrunner: you have a pretty high TDEE as a woman, you must be pretty active. What are you bulking at?

    I lift heavy 3x/week, do HIIT 1-2x/week (20 min intervals on the treadmill), and do super low lever cardio (reading a book while on the elliptical) to keep my TDEE high so I can eat more :laugh:

    I have my calories set to 2200 (maintenance) because it works for my macros and then I just eat over by 100-200 calories/day.
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Nuts of any kind would be good. They are fattening.