30 Pounds By Christmas 10wk challenge Part 2!



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Good Morning All!

    I'm not good about the daily check in's but I'm exercising 30 minutes most days, staying within my calories and getting close to the water goal each day. I'm having trouble figuring out how everyone has so much time to exercise everyday? I work full-time and have three kids. By the time I get home, feed everyone, help with homework and pick up a little it's bedtime. Thank goodness my husband is wonderful and helps too or I'd be sunk!

    Any tips from other full time working moms?

    My only suggestion is that you could make it an activity with the kids? Have them exercise with you? They may not be able to do everything you do, but it will be fun trying.

    Hope this helps maybe.... I hope others give you advice as well.

  • maurap26
    maurap26 Posts: 90 Member
    I have trouble drinking enough water also. Yesterday was the most ever at 6 glasses ! Yah for me ! lol & so far today I'm on my second glass
  • Hey guys, im still missing weigh-ins from these people:
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Hi all,

    No enough water, iffy on the exercise (only ran one mile and did push ups) and the cals was way too much...that is for Thursday. one would think that having to post over calories every day that I would stop the eating...not yet.

    Happy Friday :)
  • jlbay
    jlbay Posts: 473 Member
    Looks like I'm not the only one with an injury! Despite my best intentions, i haven't had an exercise to speak of yesterday or today. My knee is sore from physio, but that is not really why I haven't worked out. I'm having a couple of down days :( I have stayed under my calories and drank my water, but I just can't seem to get going these last two days. I'm going to try to get up and at least go for a walk after this post. I'm just feeling sort of blue and unmotivated.

    I have to keep thinking of being thinner at Christmas when I see my family (I only see them once a year) and how much that means to me. I also want to buy clothes while I am in the US for Christmas, and I would really like to buy clothes in a smaller size! We are also going to Vegas after Christmas, so I'd like to be able to buy a fun outfit to wear and feel confident in it!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Looks like I'm not the only one with an injury! Despite my best intentions, i haven't had an exercise to speak of yesterday or today. My knee is sore from physio, but that is not really why I haven't worked out. I'm having a couple of down days :( I have stayed under my calories and drank my water, but I just can't seem to get going these last two days. I'm going to try to get up and at least go for a walk after this post. I'm just feeling sort of blue and unmotivated.

    I have to keep thinking of being thinner at Christmas when I see my family (I only see them once a year) and how much that means to me. I also want to buy clothes while I am in the US for Christmas, and I would really like to buy clothes in a smaller size! We are also going to Vegas after Christmas, so I'd like to be able to buy a fun outfit to wear and feel confident in it!

    I'm sorry to hear you are having some bummer days. I know all too well what you are talking about. I read your profile and we seem to have a lot in common. I am sorry to hear you are feeling this way.

    If you ever need to talk you can send me a message.

    Sincerely, Tausha
  • cmlewis86
    cmlewis86 Posts: 46 Member
    Good Morning All!

    I'm not good about the daily check in's but I'm exercising 30 minutes most days, staying within my calories and getting close to the water goal each day. I'm having trouble figuring out how everyone has so much time to exercise everyday? I work full-time and have three kids. By the time I get home, feed everyone, help with homework and pick up a little it's bedtime. Thank goodness my husband is wonderful and helps too or I'd be sunk!

    Any tips from other full time working moms?

    I wear a pedometer at work and try to burn as many calories as possible while I'm at work. You kill two birds with one stone because you exercise and get your work done at the same time.

    My only suggestion is that you could make it an activity with the kids? Have them exercise with you? They may not be able to do everything you do, but it will be fun trying.

    Hope this helps maybe.... I hope others give you advice as well.

  • Thesallyfoster
    Thesallyfoster Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone! Is it too late to join in on this? I just recently got the app for my droid once I started getting serious about weight loss; I figured I'd check out the website to see what it's like and I've fallen in love! I'd like to participate in this challenge if possible!
  • SO I did horrible for breakfast, but good for lunch and my snacks. Problem is I now don't have that many calories left for dinner.... just 484. I am going to try and exercise to get some more calories in today. Any suggestions for good dinners under 500 calories? (My calorie intake is 1850 daily)
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hi everyone! Is it too late to join in on this? I just recently got the app for my droid once I started getting serious about weight loss; I figured I'd check out the website to see what it's like and I've fallen in love! I'd like to participate in this challenge if possible!

    Of course you can still join us! We weigh in on Mondays. Looking forward to getting to know you!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    SO I did horrible for breakfast, but good for lunch and my snacks. Problem is I now don't have that many calories left for dinner.... just 484. I am going to try and exercise to get some more calories in today. Any suggestions for good dinners under 500 calories? (My calorie intake is 1850 daily)

    Maybe Subway? Or... if you need to eat at home you can do grilled chicken, grilled veggies...... ?

    I like tuna salad with light miracle whip.... and Fat free crackers?? Hope this helps..
  • SO I did horrible for breakfast, but good for lunch and my snacks. Problem is I now don't have that many calories left for dinner.... just 484. I am going to try and exercise to get some more calories in today. Any suggestions for good dinners under 500 calories? (My calorie intake is 1850 daily)
    I use slimfast recipes they are all really low, most are around 400-500 and they aren't too small you'll be hungry later, I personally like the BBQ chicken pouches they are big enough to be an one dish meal but you will have some leeway to add veggies if needed, best part I can make them diff ways for my boys!
  • 2kmom
    2kmom Posts: 12
    Big Halloween party in my class today with homemade cupcakes. I LOVE homemade cupcakes ... I stayed away from them:happy:
    So hard, but such a good feeling at the end of the day!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member

    10 Water
    50 Minutes Cardio
    15 Minutes Weight training
    Acheive your Fiber intake for the day by increasing Fruits and Veggies! I've been slacking in the fruit/veggie department. Plus, Fiber helps rid our body of extra weight we are carrying around! Win win situation!

    10 Water- 6th cup now. Trying to get there! I try to leave myself dry 2 hours before bed so i don't make repeated trips to the bathroom. :explode:
    50 min cardio- How does 2 1/2 hours of walking sound? :happy:
    15 min weight training- Sure did!! I've had 15 minutes of strength training as well, but still not very good at it. :cry:
    Fiber intake- From what i took a peek at, its gone over. It always does!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I blew it today guys!! Sorry!! Blah.... Back to the grindstone tomorrow though!

    Challenge for SATURDAY OCT 30th:

    10 Water
    50 Minutes Cardio
    15 Minutes Weights/resistence training
    Under calories
    ****STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL if going to Halloween parties. !!*** ( I know..you all are laughing at me... You will love me on weigh in day! )

    *** For those of us who do not drink, Try not to eat any of the candy at work, home, or that your child gets trick-or-treating! NO TREATS for HALLOWEEN! You will be happy on MONDAY!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    I blew it today guys!! Sorry!! Blah.... Back to the grindstone tomorrow though!

    Challenge for SATURDAY OCT 30th:

    10 Water
    50 Minutes Cardio
    15 Minutes Weights/resistence training
    Under calories
    ****STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL if going to Halloween parties. !!*** ( I know..you all are laughing at me... You will love me on weigh in day! )

    *** For those of us who do not drink, Try not to eat any of the candy at work, home, or that your child gets trick-or-treating! NO TREATS for HALLOWEEN! You will be happy on MONDAY!

    I don't drink that much, so no worries there! :happy:

    I had my chocolate bar earlier today, so thats out the way. I will do my best to watch everything over the weekend and exercise. Sunday i might take it off since it's the day of rest and I go to church that day. The only exercise I get is 60 minutes of walking..to church and then home so it's something! :smile:

    As far as any other treats/ cheat meals not until AFTER weigh in!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    I blew it today guys!! Sorry!! Blah.... Back to the grindstone tomorrow though!

    Challenge for SATURDAY OCT 30th:

    10 Water
    50 Minutes Cardio
    15 Minutes Weights/resistence training
    Under calories
    ****STAY AWAY FROM ALCOHOL if going to Halloween parties. !!*** ( I know..you all are laughing at me... You will love me on weigh in day! )

    *** For those of us who do not drink, Try not to eat any of the candy at work, home, or that your child gets trick-or-treating! NO TREATS for HALLOWEEN! You will be happy on MONDAY!

    I don't drink that much, so no worries there! :happy:

    I had my chocolate bar earlier today, so thats out the way. I will do my best to watch everything over the weekend and exercise. Sunday i might take it off since it's the day of rest and I go to church that day. The only exercise I get is 60 minutes of walking..to church and then home so it's something! :smile:

    As far as any other treats/ cheat meals not until AFTER weigh in!

    Sunday is my rest day too!! And I'm with you on no drinking! To me it's just empty calories. But, I know some do, so I am trying to help them avoid the disappointment on Monday!

    By the way, You are doing so amazing! I see you posting your exercise everyday! I'm really proud of you!
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,046 Member
    Thanks Posh! I went to the store today and got fuji apples and bananas as a good treat! So instead of candy ill treat myself to fruit! :happy:
  • Lisak22
    Lisak22 Posts: 47 Member
    Alright, so i've been drinking about 10-13 bottles of water a day....I just had a question...when you guys log your water, are you logging every 8 oz. or do you put one bottle as one on the little water glass on here?...I feel like im having a blond moment, :blushing: and i just want to make sure im keeping track of this correctly...Thanks guys :flowerforyou:
  • loveme445
    loveme445 Posts: 2,439 Member
    Alright, so i've been drinking about 10-13 bottles of water a day....I just had a question...when you guys log your water, are you logging every 8 oz. or do you put one bottle as one on the little water glass on here?...I feel like im having a blond moment, :blushing: and i just want to make sure im keeping track of this correctly...Thanks guys :flowerforyou:

    1 point for every 8 oz cup of water
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