How to keep a kitten off of the Christmas tree???



  • kawookie
    kawookie Posts: 813 Member
    I put only soft/unbreakable ornaments at the bottom of the tree. I try to bribe the kitty by putting as many soft fuzzy things around to keep her away from the tree (she loves soft, fuzzy and warm. I discovered last year if I put a fleece/sherpa blanket on a chair she would often be on that rather than under my tree. It is her blanket, and we lose the chair for use by us for the Christmas season.
  • Flab2Fab27
    Flab2Fab27 Posts: 461 Member
    Cats like climbing trees and things dangling from it are just the icing on the cake. What you could try is training with the cat to stay out of the tree by offering a more rewarding spot. Set up a cat tree/tower and reward the cat with treats every time she/he goes on it. You can continue negatively reinforcing the cat when it shows interest in the Christmas tree but it will only work when you're around to monitor it. Having an appropriate alternative with a higher reward value usually helps long term training.
  • Shikonneko
    Shikonneko Posts: 187 Member
    Best trick I have found so far :

    In an empty bottle mix
    1liter of water
    10 drops lemon essential oils
    20 drops eucalyptus oil

    Spray the tree with the mix

    This looks promising.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member

    Also, no tinsel whatsoever, it is very dangerous to them when they inevitably eat it.

    yes, good point! I forgot to mention to keep tinsel off the tree
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    Good luck, mine still wreak havoc on the tree. Fake tree and NO tinsel and non breakable ornaments!!

    This. And, we even had to resort to tying down the tree so it couldn't be toppled over (we had one big kitty who thought it was great fun to knock the whole thing over). They also like to kick everyone out of the manger set and curl up in the creche. Too cute!
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    We handled ours by making sure it's terrified of the tree. Whenever he started attacking it, we'd make a loud noise (example: popping a balloon or shaking a jar of pennies). You need to watch him for 24-48 hours for it to be effective. The key is to not let him know it's *you* doing it, so he doesn't attack it when you're out of the room. If he thinks there's some omnipresent being *kitty God? who knows :laugh: * watching that tree at all times and he expects a loud noise whenever he touches the tree, he'll stay away.
  • dizzow
    dizzow Posts: 65
    I would try the suggested mixed sprays, sprayed on the tree and all around it. Perhaps choose a small enough tree that if it gets knocked completely over, it wont take out 1/2 the living room.
    We can't really blame the furry ones for their exuberance, after all, we've brought their habitat inside and hung shiny toys on it. Its like a huge Christmas present to them!
    Oh, and relax enough to take some pics of the furry one.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member

    Also, no tinsel whatsoever, it is very dangerous to them when they inevitably eat it.

    yes, good point! I forgot to mention to keep tinsel off the tree
    Agreed. We have cloth ribbon on ours. The decorations are all plastic that folds, if they drop and the cats get to them, it's only plastic. They do tend to get to them.
  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    Don't know if it actually works but my mother swear dryer sheets, like Bounce, will keep a cat off and away from whatever you put them on.
  • sunnshhiine
    sunnshhiine Posts: 727 Member
    This is why you get a dog, your cat runs your house. Who's meowin now.

    THIS. I have a dog. my dog likes to look at the tree. my dog does not attempt to climb the tree. my dog does not try to eat the tree. my dog doesn't attack the ornaments. in fact, he sleeps most of the day... unless there's a squirrel. then he barks. or unless it's time to eat. or poop. well, you get the idea...
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    I made a cardboard (3D - ie, spokes) and stapled it to the wall, mine didn't play with it that year.

    I hung mine from the ceiling (upside down) that worked too, but was a pain getting up & down.

    Finally gave up - she eats the "fake" needles - walks 2 feet vomits them up, then goes back to try again. Or she loves the light wires - saw sparks as she was chewing and it didn't stop her. I think my damn cat got a hold of my Kanomi code as a kitten - infinite lives!
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    Best trick I have found so far :

    In an empty bottle mix
    1liter of water
    10 drops lemon essential oils
    20 drops eucalyptus oil

    Spray the tree with the mix

    I'm going to second this. Cats hate citrus and it will help teach the cat that the tree is a no-go.

    Though honestly my cats have never broken anything on the tree. They like to climb in and nap on the branches, but they don't pull stuff off. Keep your fragile ornaments on the bottom so if they are knocked off, they won't break.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    I made a cardboard (3D - ie, spokes) and stapled it to the wall, mine didn't play with it that year.

    I hung mine from the ceiling (upside down) that worked too, but was a pain getting up & down.

    Finally gave up - she eats the "fake" needles - walks 2 feet vomits them up, then goes back to try again. Or she loves the light wires - saw sparks as she was chewing and it didn't stop her. I think my damn cat got a hold of my Kanomi code as a kitten - infinite lives!
    Upside down tree sounds like a great idea hahaha.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Best trick I have found so far :

    In an empty bottle mix
    1liter of water
    10 drops lemon essential oils
    20 drops eucalyptus oil

    Spray the tree with the mix

    This looks promising.

    yeah that is a good idea. I never tried to essential oils to keep my cats away from something, but i have mixed lemon, eucalyptus & lavender in lotion and they stay away after i use it. also i have a peppermint foot spray that they do not like.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Place tin foil around the tree. The kitty won't want to walk on it.

    Not to mention it also keeps aliens away!!! guys really go through alot just to keep a cat off the tree. Glad I'm a dog person.

    Disclaimer: this does not mean I hate cats or cat people. no cats were harmed during the writing of his thread. :flowerforyou:
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member

    I use a spray bottle with my dog and it works great when I want him to get away from things. I just have to show it to him now and he runs away :happy:
  • SF2514
    SF2514 Posts: 794 Member
    This is why you get a dog, your cat runs your house. Who's meowin now.

    THIS. I have a dog. my dog likes to look at the tree. my dog does not attempt to climb the tree. my dog does not try to eat the tree. my dog doesn't attack the ornaments. in fact, he sleeps most of the day... unless there's a squirrel. then he barks. or unless it's time to eat. or poop. well, you get the idea...

    My cat poops in a central, easy to clean location, my cat doesn't drool on my furniture, my cat doesn't eat my shoes, my cat doesn't jump on my company, my cat doesn't annoy my neighbors barking at "ghosts", my cat doesn't track in mud, my cat doesn't need a baby sitter if I go on vacation, my cat doesn't whine if I leave the house for more than 2 seconds, my cat doesn't rush through the house knocking over precious objects like a lot of dogs do year round, never mind once a year holiday decorations, my cat doesn't try to break through windows to eat mailmen either, you get my point.

    *edit* I'll consider my life run by an animal when I'm out at 2 am in the rain taking it for a walk, sleepy and miserable, picking up its poop in a little plastic baggy =). That's what I call whipped.
  • vmr2811
    I saw this and thought, "did I post something and not know it???" I am dealing with this right now! I put up my pretty tree (as seen in my pic) last weekend. I have two cats, my older one has never touched it, but I just "rescued" a kitty this fall and its her first Christmas. The first few days she sniffed around and attempted to bat at an ornament, which I caught her and sprayed her with the water bottle. I ended up spraying her any time she got close to the tree after that and it seemed to work. That is until last night. She managed to get about 1/4 of it messed up and shattered an ornament batting it so hard against the dining room table legs. I came home and was ticked, but was able to reposition everything. Then I woke up around 3 am to finding over half of the tree destroyed--trimming unraveled, ornaments all over the floor. Needless to say we aren't on speaking terms at the moment.

    I just did some research this morning and found 2 things I'm going to try. 1) either place oranges around the tree or spray with a citrus scent as cats are not keen on the scent, and 2) place pine cones at the base of the tree as cats do not like stepping on them (which for a little added help spray those with the citrus scent). I'm buying the stuff tonight--I'm hoping for success for my sake and hers!
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    This is why you get a dog, your cat runs your house. Who's meowin now.

    I disagree with you on this. I have 2 cats and my house is not ruined at all. I have new furniture and rugs through out my house too. My cats have never attempted to scratch these and destroy them. Just like with dogs, cats need to be trained on what they can and cannot do. It is much easier if you do this when it is still a kitten. Just like with a dog (I have had them too), training a cat involves time and patience. It is NOT impossible and can be done. Mine are proof of it. :happy:

    EDIT: Sorry, I misread what you wrote. I read it as ruins not runs. I still disagree. My cats don't run my house either. My bird does. :laugh:
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    omG this made me laugh....i have soooooo many pics of my cute little kitten nestled in my Christmas tree. Last year my tree was white and she looked so freaking adorable peeking out of her little spot located second floor from the very top lol Obviously i have no tips for you, cause i tried them all and finally just accepted that she's not gonna stay out of it till she's older. Took me one Christmas season to realize that. So many times i came out of my bedroom in the morning and the tree was lying on the floor. Funny now, not so funny then!! So, good luck with finding something that works.
    LOL, she's not coming out of that tree haha.
    That's adorable, though. Care to share pics? :)

    never really bothered to learn how to put pics on here, but i added one as my display pic right now. Not the cutest one i've taken, but still cute haha