Still struggling to gain trying really hard



  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    The simple fact is that a bodybuilder who refuses to gain any fat and doesn’t put on any muscle between shows won’t be improving year to year. Unless they have perfect symmetry, size, shape, etc. their fear of body fat is preventing them from ever getting any better.

    And I think this is even more exaggerated for women who already have a really hard time gaining muscle.
  • obsidianwings
    obsidianwings Posts: 1,237 Member
    Haven't read whole thread, but you answered your own question in your first post, you are still not eating enough.
  • Adamzf
    I really don't like the whole if it fits your macros thing, but if eating cake or something is something that is gonna help you meet your calorie needs then yeah, it would be OK, but I wouldnt say its good, especially for helping your training. Don't make a habit of it. But if youre only eating 1200 calories for whatever reason, then something needs to change.
  • Amadbro
    Amadbro Posts: 750 Member
    The simple fact is that a bodybuilder who refuses to gain any fat and doesn’t put on any muscle between shows won’t be improving year to year. Unless they have perfect symmetry, size, shape, etc. their fear of body fat is preventing them from ever getting any better.

    And I think this is even more exaggerated for women who already have a really hard time gaining muscle.

    Bingo...thats why most people bulk during the winter because we wear coats and are less prone to taking off our clothes
  • rosemary98
    Ok, so i have posted before about my weight loss journey, but to summarise i lost around 2 and a half stone, i am now 7 and a half stone (105pounds) and around 5ft 4

    i KNOW this is underweight, hence the bulking mission

    i joined a gym, cut down cardio alot (used to run half an hour a day) i now do HIT 10 minutes or so 4 times a week, followed by weighted squats and deadlifts, also floor ab workouts. Granted, i only currently lift 20/30kg as its all i can managed at the moment. I used to not even reach 1000 calories but managing to eat up to around 1200 which is a massive step up to before even though i understand its still too little. Despite this change, (upping my diet and workout out less) i am still loosing weight

    Basically i was hoping for someone to give advice on a diet/workout plan? which would help me see gains, i have cut down the sugar in my diet and replaced it with more protein, and eat much more healthy fats (nuts etc) where as i never did before. Am i not gaining because i am eating too much healthy fat in proportion to carbs? or ..

    Sorry this post is long, i am just new to the whole thing and so lost at the moment, it would be easy to start eating a much more calorie dense diet and reach say 2000 but this wouldnt necessarrily be healthy and i would gain fat not lean tissue. Seen as i cannot afford the lean meats etc constantly to get me there i dont know what to do.

    Was your weight loss due to an eating disorder, or you just lost more than you intended and now are unsatisfied with your body and possible health implications of being underweight? just curious.
  • Katieaholloway
    the more i saw results on the scales the more motivated i was so i think i restricted myself too much, it wasnt a case of being afraid of food. i just lost too much because i became slightly addicted to exercise because it made me feel really good, but as i got fitter failed to up my intake of food to keep everything level and healthy.
    its now that im starting to get a little anxious of food simply because i feel so full and groggy when i eat a lot more

    and yes im definately concerned with the health implications, i may not be experiencing any type of illness now but i wouldnt like to in the future if i continue to loose