
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,971 Member
    evening my dears~
    I am sitting here with tears in my eyes,because I get so much support from you all:heart: each and every one of you..
    Well remember how I told you I could feel something in the air.. well got in to work today, and there was a buzz in the air,I said ewww what is this, well the financial manager got engaged.. she got a rock too but she is also the real office manager cause the other one doesnt really know what to do.so after congrats were given,she pulls me in the office and closes the door,
    Oh hear we go... they cut my hours again.. something about not enough production,told her I need full time work,
    Oh but we need you here the little things help keep us organized~ yea right..
    I feel like a cow being put out to pasture..told that to my DH and he said you are...
    I feel like a failure~ honest to God,I know where he closes a door he opens a window, but geesh.
    I am beside myself. I cant really do anything until the beginning of the new year,because we are going to florida in december..
    keep me in your prayers,cause this old broad is gonna need them:wink:

    I am so sorry. It's tough enough to feel unappreciated at work. You don't need it from your DH, too.

    I've been hearing a lot about underemployment benefits lately. Do you know if they have those in your state? It might be worth checking into. All I really know is that they are like unemployment but are for people who have been cut from full to part time employment and that you must be actively seeking full time employment. I do think the laws vary from state to state.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,192 Member
    Grandmallie = one of these times, would LOVE to meet you and Kevrit!! :love: I'm not that far away, maybe an hour or so?? DH has relatives in Berlin area and we'll be there for the annual family Christmas party.

    Jill in western MA

    We will have to set up a time soon!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,597 Member
    Hi everyone!
    Feeling a bit dozy now. I managed to get my gym in this morning and then my friend and I set out on the train for Winchester, leaving the men behind. Her husband has groin strain and could barely walk 200 yards to the pub for lunch. We went round the cathedral and I gave a guided tour! They were busy getting some function ready and certain parts were roped off, but I just carried on marching through because I wanted her to see all of it. We missed the Winchester Bible though as it was closed. I even took her down to the crypt although the door was drawn to!
    Then we had lunch in the refectory. A quick visit to a food market where I bought mince pies for the guests and then we went to the Great Hall, where there is a Round Table in commemoration of the legendary King Arthur. All good, then we caught the train back for tea and mince pies. (I had bread!)
    Phew! I do feel a bit worn out, but I haven't got to cook tonight as it's our pub outing for our anniversary. I am going to wear my new dress and furry boots! Try and glam up a bit. We are starting the evening with a glass of prosecco and cassis, known as kir royale, then my friend is driving to the pub as she hardly drinks. It's only 5 mins away anyway.
    They are off tomorrow morning and then we can just collapse! One very good thing is that they have offered a house swap for next September for a week. As they live in a beautiful part of Cornwall we are very happy about that. The husband built the house himself and it is very individual and stylish. Yes! Free holiday! We both adore Cornwall and their house is much further west than the one we rented this year. Only disadvantage is I will have to get this house spic and span!
    Right I think a short nap is in order!

    Love Heather in darkening Hampshire UK

    PS - Katla - we have an enormous freezer in the kitchen, but had to buy another, smaller one for the garage. Yikes! They are both full!:laugh:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!
    It`s hubby`s birthday.Violet and I made cards for him.:drinker: :drinker:
    Gonna go out for dinner later.
    Have a good one.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. Woke up feeling better so looking forward to going to the Y. I wanted to post to see my new ticker also!!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. Woke up feeling better so looking forward to going to the Y. I wanted to post to see my new ticker also!!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana

    I love your new ticker and just look at all that lost weight. Congratulations!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    still sick: you'll have to carry on without me! LOL Meg
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, I hope you feel better soon. Take care.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,992 Member
    thunder coming from the DH,I understand he is upset,our paycheck is smaller but the bills aren't.he is spouting off in the other room..
    I dont know what more I can do.
    im about to have a mental meltdown.. i hate when he yells, the dogs have scattered and yes I am fine..
    will check in with ya'll in the morning
  • mamma_nee
    mamma_nee Posts: 809 Member
    Checking in :( I seem to be stuck !! Nothing I do is moving the scale , Its like it cemented itself down to this weight !! so frustrating . On a good note, I went to my doctor for my regular check up and he lowered my blood pressure meds :) At lease I am seeing something positive as a result of my weight loss.I just wish it would move faster.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Nov 20th. Today I am thankful for my Brother Paul. He is the the strongest guy I have met, except my Dad. He has taken my Dads place since he died in 1998. He is the father to one, another one of the family that got mixed up in drugs, rebellion,everything a teenager can do. But he showed his son Gods love although he knew his son might never see it that way. He is now a proud Grandpa to 2 beautiful babies. He is a chaplain in a hospice, part time minister in his church, full time Grandma, caregiver to his MIL. He tries to stay strong around family and then cries in private. Plus he is just like his brother and gives the biggest hugs. He officiated for both my daughters weddings. My first daughter got married 3 weeks after my Dad died. So for that one he walked Mom up the aisle then took his place as minister for his nieces wedding. He knew his primary job was to his Mother. I think the thing I love about him the most is that he has taught me the art of just listening. Just listening. That may be all I need at that moment. He doesn't have an answer but he can listen. I love you Paul.

    Meg, so sorry you are still sick. Us nurses just don't do sick very well at all. Grandmallie I wish a bunch of us could just go get you and take you away for a lunch date. I can relate so much to all you say about your husband. Today my husband couldn't get a dial tone so his solution to it is to beat it against the coffee table. I reminded him of all the Wii-motes he has bought when his Wii table tennis game doesn't go his way. He said he knows it doesn't help but makes his feel better for the moment. He also knows that every time he has to go buy a new one I just add the amount to my money I spend at C J Banks.

    Joyce, indiana
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Grandmallie, you shouldn't have to take any verbal abuse. That's just awful! My folks yelled so much we kids called it the French and Indian Wars. (He-french, she-Indian) I think it scarred me for life. My first husband was a screamer and then some, so I sympathize. Luckily my sweet new and improved hubby never even raises his voice. Ever! I wish you had one like him. Instead of DH you should call yours PH for poopiehead when he acts like that.

    My son and hubby and I had lunch today and discussed his oldest daughter. She has some emotional problems from all the stuff she went through with her Mother and wicked stepfather. She's in therapy. She seems to have arrested development and has the emotional maturity of about a six year old. She is nine and a half. She has some serious self image problems also. She's very short for her age and a little chubby. But she does have a skill that I think we should nurture. That little girl can really sing! She's very shy about it, but she sings very sweetly and seems to have a fantastic ability to hold a tune. And, jokingly she says "do you want to hear an opera singer?" And lets out a serious operatic voice. My son says she's always singing to herself around the house. So, I told my son that he should ask her therapist if it would help to get her into voice lessons, to give her something special to be proud of. I think it would help her self esteem a lot. Hubby thinks we could find someone at the college, maybe an advanced student, to give her lessons. I told my son that I would pay for it. I'm waiting to see what the therapist said, but I'm excited about it.

    Good night ladies!

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Stopping by to share a comic I came across tonight; I'm pretty sure most wives can relate :bigsmile:

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good eve,all.Still slogging along.Hoping the scale will show a loss this wk. I'm not greedy,even a pd down would work :bigsmile:

    Been doing ok calorie wise.Wasted calories & money today when we had Chinese.Love the soft noodles,but this place needs to learn noodles need flavor.
    DH is driving himself crazy with worry because the company he worked for might move out of state.That could cause changes in our
    Medical insurance.Will be months before we know.
    We had decided not to make a big deal out of the holidays,so at least that won't be the expense it usually is.All we can
    do is wait & see.:grumble:
    Grandmallie,fingers crossed for you.You sound like a great employee & will be an asset anywhere you go. Any chance of working in Fl?
    Joyce in Ind,beautiful description of your brother.I was close to my little bro.He was a sweetheart & I miss him so much.Life is beautiful but it puts us thru hard trials too.:ohwell:
    Sorry I'm not good at posting to a lot of people. Hugs to those who need one.Hope your Thanksgiving is wonderful. Pat C in Ohio
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Meg,feel better:flowerforyou:
    Had a nice dinner with Daughter,Violet and hubby,stayed under my calories and even had a couple cheese fries.
    Good night all.
    ps love the post about what husbands hear,how true.
  • JennInTx
    JennInTx Posts: 72 Member
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Marking my spot on the new thread. I'm so far behind!
    Sue in TX
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    bump for now...skimmed the posts.

    Sue in SD – lucky you to hear a St. Olaf group! Our DS#2 went to a summer camp there when he was 14. (Mostly to survive the summer…he was miserable at 14!)

    Katla – what are you knitting?

    Anamika – happy anniversary!

    Grandmallie – Are everyone’s hours being cut? While I am not generally inclined toward litigation or making a stink, have you considered filing an EEOC charge? If everyone does the same work and everyone's hours are not being equally cut, and you can link their behavior/decision being based on your age, or that they have allowed a hostile work environment, you might have a case. I don't believe it costs anything to file the EEOC charge, you just have to file it at an EEOC office. It would likely be uncomfortable afterwards. Though perhaps not any more so than now...

    Joyce – I have a brother Paul, too! We're Irish twins - he was born late one month of one year, and I was born early in the same month the next year. :laugh: :laugh:

    Gail, metro ATL
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,987 Member
    Hello to all: Well I finally got my appointment for a CT of abdomen and pelvis. The hang up was of course the insurance company. They did not want to preauthorize the CT. Already had liver panel blood draw. Should hear results of that soon and I have an appointment with gastroenterology. I feel much calmer now that it is all set up. :smile:

    The young man who was walking my dog was hit by a car a couple of weeks ago and has been in a coma since. Just heard tonight that he is probably not going to make it. His parents are in the process of making a decision to remove him from life support. What a horrible decision to have to make for your child. We will miss him in choir.:cry:

    Grandmallie - I think you should go to Florida and enjoy some quiet time on the beach. Then come home and regroup. Co-workers often don't realize how much you do until you are gone and they have to pick up the slack.

    Meg - Hope you feel better soon. Is it supposed to snow down your way tomorrow? They are saying we will get anywhere from one inch to six here. Yuck!:grumble:

    Well must get organized. Planning on an early night as I have to get DH to hospital at 5:45 am tomorrow for esophageal dilation. Nothing serious just stretching scar tissue at the anastomosis that periodically tightens up.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with victories. Sue in SD
  • "Looking for or willing to start a weekly check in group.

    I'm looking for folks that want to check in weekly on how they are doing. I can't quite do it daily and just getting my food and exercise into the system is a lot daily " from Kelly Girl

    Kelly Girl - I would be happy to be in a weekly group. This group is wonderfully active, but like you it's all I can do to get my daily exercise and food logged in!

    Thanks everyone.