Stop Juicing: It’s not healthy



  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    I don't see a problem with picking up a couple of free windfall apples and drinking the juice, it is neither expensive nor unhealthy.

    Free windfall apples?

  • ThinLizzie0802
    ThinLizzie0802 Posts: 863 Member
    Drink milk.
    Because OJ will kill you.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
  • quit_quittingdan
    Juicing, like most things, is perfectly healthy when done in moderation. The debate over it is what becomes unhealthy, particularly when utilizing blanket statements such as "Stop Juicing: It's not healthy" and then referencing an article from slate composed of phone interviews with people supporting the author's premise. My suggestion: don't do designer versions of diets, instead read the science they're based on and come to your own conclusions. I like to have juice a few times a week, sometimes I even do three days of nothing but. I would never do the pre-packaged, ultra glitzy versions the author of your supporting argument references, but then again I don't know anyone who does, so maybe that's just the circle I travel in.
    The one thing I do like about the blanket statement, judgmental, fear based assertions found on internet message boards or twenty four hour news cycles: it certainly does get the conversation going! Thanks for the topic starter and I look forward to hearing what others have to say!
  • ingraha
    ingraha Posts: 99 Member
    I used to have a juicer and I made carrot juice with it which I like carrot juice a lot. Now my ex has the juicer and I have to buy carrot juice. It saved me a lot of money. Why do people on here hate people who like carrot juice?
  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
    I like juice. I drank apple juice this morning. It was tasty.
  • fishgutzy
    fishgutzy Posts: 2,807 Member
    Much better to Vita-mix your fruits and vegetables.
    Juicing strips away up to 90% of the nutrients.
    I put the whole apple in my vita-mix. Core and all. The seeds contain B complex vitamins and the trace amount of arsenic is actually good for you,
    Cantaloupe seeds have more protein per ounce than beef. So why throw them away when you can pulverize them?
    I also use my vita-mix to make some wicked pepper sauce with whole habaneros, salt and vinegar. Though my wife says her shake is a little spicy for a few days afterward. :)

    Personally, I wouldn't take anything published on Slate seriously.

    Facts, however, are unavoidable. Taking juice and and throwing away most of the fruit or vegetable is just not smart, nutritionally or economically. Would you ever throw away 90% of the food you buy? Then why throw away 90% of the nutrient value of you fruits and vegetable?
  • quit_quittingdan
    I make vegetable stock and veggie burgers with my pulp. But you're right, neither of those things include the fruit pulp, which I make after I've removed the stuff I want for recipes. I find the sacrifice of 90% of the fiber (it's not 90% of the total nutrients) is an acceptable trade off because I also love salads with greens and the like (getting above my fiber number everyday is one of my favorite challenges to myself).
    I envy your vitamix! Even though my ninja does everything I've asked it to I still find myself feeling urges for the bigger, better toy every time I go to Smoothie King. I would never cheat on Nina the Ninja like that but it does make me questions whether, biologically speaking, human beings were meant to be monogablenderous.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I like to juice and pulverize my fruits because i have braces and can't bite into a lot of hard stuff. But it doesn't take the place of my food :)
  • quit_quittingdan
    Oh an just to clarify: I don't lose nutrients due to oxidization because I either (a) drink my juice immediately after cleaning the machine after making (that hassle is the biggest argument against juicing IMO); or (b) put it in a sealed mason jar to be kept cold and consumed within the next 4-8 hours while at work.
  • wanderinggypsy
    I love my juicer. I get all my veggie and fruit servings in, and then I don't have to worry about the rest of the day. I'm not worried about losing the fiber....I get enough of that anyway.

    We also have a vitamix, which my boyfriend prefers over juicing, but I love juices more than smoothies. To each his own!

    Regarding the link in the OP....anyone who replaces food with a liquid is setting up for a disaster. BUT I don't think that because juicing cleanses may be unhealthy, that that means juicing itself is unhealthy. It's like saying drinking 5 gallons of water in one sitting will kill you, so you just shouldn't drink water. BAH!
  • zensugi
    The issue on the linked post is not drinking juice—juices are nice, healthy, etc—but basing the whole diet on juices, with the expectation that they'll magically work because one in 'cleansing' the body.
  • Diamond05
    Diamond05 Posts: 475 Member
    Why isn't it healthy to consume fruits and vegetables in liquid form? I don't see the problem.

    They bring you vitamins but you lose all the goodness that fibres bring.
    That's why they recommend to eat your fruits instead of drinking them.

    I am not one for juice fast... Plus our body can get rid of toxins by itself. I don't see nothing wrong with adding juicing to your diet but to live on juice....Hummm:frown: I think if someone really want to go with that thing, why not try green smoothies? You get to at least keep your fiber, plus you can add nuts, yogourt or whatever you like in them...

    I think people need to learn how to eat, not how to starve themselves and then probably binge or develop eating disorders.
    Good for posting this, hopefully some people will read this and learn a few things
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    in...for the juicers....

    oh and this is more than likely a troll thread, but I want to see where this goes...
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    Who are you to say what's healthy and what's not? If someone wants to juice, let them. Not your business. :angry:
  • salladeve
    salladeve Posts: 1,053 Member
    you're not the boss of me, don't tell me what to do :frown:
  • SteveStedge1
    SteveStedge1 Posts: 149 Member
    Why isn't it healthy to consume fruits and vegetables in liquid form? I don't see the problem.

    It isn't either more or less healthy than eating them, because teeth, enzymes in siliva and stomach acid.

    Except you lose all the fiber.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Why isn't it healthy to consume fruits and vegetables in liquid form? I don't see the problem.

    It's possible that juicing removes some fiber which would otherwise slow the inevitable blood glucose spike when you drink a bunch of juiced fruits and veggies. Too much sugar being dumped into your body at one time. That's why some think it's unhealthy.
  • lewandt
    lewandt Posts: 566

    LOL...Love that show!

    I think it is a matter of preference. I prefer to eat my fruits and vegetables instead of juicing them but if it helps others get their fruits and veggies that way more power to them.
  • laurenz2501
    laurenz2501 Posts: 839 Member
    :laugh: LMFAO @ the "windfall apples" picture that's exactly what I pictured when I read that!!