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Does Anyone Else Weigh themselves Every Morning??



  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    I do...I dont log the weight until I weigh in on Sunday mornings. No change will see me step it up a little, loss sees me motivated to keep going. I admit the first couple of weeks it was bad for me as i hadn't learned that the daily, even hourly fluctuations can mean nothing. But now I think its helping me. If you get depressed only seeing a quarter pound difference then daily is not for you but otherwise do it as you want
  • sjaudio
    sjaudio Posts: 52
    I weight myself everyday first thing in the morning. It's more about establishing a baseline than anything else. My weight can also fluctuate from day to day so I don't believe any weight loss until I see it on the scale for a few days in a row.
  • kate205gti
    kate205gti Posts: 84 Member
    i weigh myself everyday - unless i've had a bad day the day before! but I only record my weight when it goes down :p its more a habit, and to check im on the right track or if i need to put in some extra effort at the gym!
  • I weigh myself as soon as I get up. Again in the afternoon and then before I go to bed. I compare each weight to that of the same time of the day before to make sure I'm staying the same or less.

    When I didn't weigh myself everyday I woke up 320 pounds. lol
  • i personally weigh daily. its a numbers game to me. i LOVE to see how what i have been eating, if we ate outside our home, how much i moved the day before, how much i exercised, how much i rested....it's all a game. i should have been an actuary! i LOVE stats.

    with that said. if you are one that uses the scales as a monitor to see what you should eat, what you CAN eat, what you won't eat, how many calories you will/won't eat that day. or if you are using it to see if you should/should not go to the gym....THEN you should NOT weigh daily.

    if the scales control you, then put them at the neighbors and only visit them every week or so. if you laugh at the scales (even with a 3 pound gain) then weigh daily.

    don't let them control your healthy lifestyle. eat healthy, well balanced meals. exercise moderately. rest every night and the scales will take care of themselves.

    cheering you on!
  • I weigh myself daily. I find it keeps me on track. I think the best thing to do is whatever works for you personally, some people that's weighing daily and some people it's not.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Every morning before I eat anything and after I've gone to the bathroom I weigh myself. I've been doing the same thing every day for the past 6+ months and it seems to work well for me. :) It helps me stay on track and gives me a heads up when I'm not doing something right. For me waiting an entire week doesn't seem like a good idea (again, for me not other people). It all depends on the person. Some people would go nuts if they saw the crazy weight fluctuation that happen from day to day. Other people realize it for what it is. Water weight and other factors can cause the scale to fluctuate by even as much as five pounds (or more or less depending on how much body mass you have). So, for me, gaining weight over night isn't unusual. I fact it's very common. Waking up to being 2 lbs heavier than yesterday can be frustrating, but in a day or two it drops off, just as fast as it came, along with even more weight.

    If you tend to freak out, like lot of people do, when they see the scale go up I recommend only weighing once a week. However if you know and accept the fact that the scale will and does fluctuate dramatically from day to day and that it often has jack to do with actual fat gain, then once a day works well. :)

    Personally I love weighing myself every day, it helps me a lot.
  • YeaILift
    YeaILift Posts: 580 Member
    Every morning, post workout, naked.
  • joan41
    joan41 Posts: 170 Member
    I weigh myself EVERY day! I'm sorry I want to know my progress, but the main reason I do it is so I will know how different foods that I eat affects me. Whether I stay within my calories or not, there are some foods that I eat, and I will gain weight. Especially some of those 100 calorie snacks. I can't eat them or I will gain weight. I'm still trying to learn what foods I can get away with! So I weigh everyday!
  • schnarfo
    schnarfo Posts: 764 Member
    Yup I weigh myself everyday! :) Have done for years. I dont see any harm in doing so. It lets me know I am on the right track whether thats loss, gain or maintain. I have to remind myself of the effects of my period or exercise can have on the scale though so it doesnt get me down
  • dieselveins
    dieselveins Posts: 65 Member
    Yes I to weigh myself every morning after the bathroom.. it really helps keep me in check to make sure I get my butt in gear..
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    yep, i do and like many people posted it keeps me on track. i don't get upset or too happy what the scale says. if i am up i try to remember what i had eaten the day before and if i swayed off on my meal planning. i officially log in once a week, usually on wednesdays. if you tend to get to hard on yourself over the number i would not weigh in everyday.
  • aproc
    aproc Posts: 1,033 Member
    I normally weight myself on Mondays and Fridays. Right now my scale is broken though...so I'm getting one tomorrow. Its been a while since I've had an accurate weigh-in..
  • rcsewell
    rcsewell Posts: 18 Member
    I weigh once every two weeks. I like the suspense! (And hate any disappointments). My weight fluctuates too much from day to day, so it works better for me to weigh less often.

    The important thing is to be consistent. I only weigh myself in the mornings, straight out of the shower, after drying my hair, and before breakfast. That's the best way to make sure I'm only weighing me, and not clothes and breakfast.
  • Every day. Glad to know there are so many others who also weigh every single day. I have always read not to but I cant seem to help myself. I also feel it helps keep me motivated. I only count Friday weigh ins. I never let myself post or tell anyone how much I lost until "weigh in day" and that can be super hard especially if Im excited about it.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    I used to but I don't anymore. When I was weighing myself everyday I was also (unknowingly) in starvation mode so I wasn't losing weight. If my Wii Fit showed that I had gained weight, even .2 pounds, it would put me in a really bad mood and would ruin my whole day. Now that I'm eating enough food and going to the gym 5 days a week I'm tempted to weigh every day, but I don't want to obsess. I weigh myself, and my kids, every 3-4 days or so, sometimes just once a week.
  • ninnysgirls
    ninnysgirls Posts: 16 Member
    Yes, I weigh myself every morning. If i gain I run to the mirror. If my upper eye lids are all puffy I know it is just water retention! If not I know I need to be more careful about what I eat!
  • I have the scale practically tied to my feet everyday! These days it is my closest friends and we have a mutual love/hate relationship. Me and my scale are going places! lol

    I wouldn't worry to much as long as it isn't becoming a severe obsession. For me it is a reminder everyday to keep on going. If it is bad then it is a challenge to keep me motivated and when it is good then it is a reward for my constant motivation.
  • goingtobefit2015
    goingtobefit2015 Posts: 408 Member
    I weigh every day also multiple times a day in fact. But it helps keep me on track and when I see I've dropped some it keeps me motivated! Keep up the good work and you'll see progress!
  • ottawagirl613
    ottawagirl613 Posts: 112 Member
    I think it depends on the kind of person you are. As long as a gain or no loss does not discourage you (there are many valid reasons to go up or stay the same from day to day without having made mistakes) then I think it is a great way to stay motivated and on track. I weigh myself every day and interpret gains or no loss days as evidence that I am losing slowly but surely which is the healthiest way to lose weight and keep it off.

    I am going to continue to do it this way when I hit my maintenance stage as I don't believe there is a better way to be sure that you are maintaining the same habits and the same weight (that you worked so hard to reach in the first place!!!). I'm also going to continue to use my online food journal.

    I say as long as you have the right attitude about it (and don't get obsessed or discouraged by the numbers) then go for it!!!