Still gaining on 1200 calories, 500-800cal workouts



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    you need to eat 1500 calories to start with....good luck

    Really? Where did you come up with that magic number? Because it's not working for me.

    *kicks dirt*
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member

    However when the body starts to go into serious lockdown to conserve cals, there are some very real and very major repercussions, unless you are totally irrational (IE, have an ED or are otherwise not of sound mind), it is kinda obvious. For example if you have a functioning reproductive system (females get periods, males aren't perma-limp), you aren't in "starvation-mode".

    When very lean the body can big time downshift metabolism. It can't overcome a large deficit to totally stop loss, but it can get fairly close, and it an wipe out what most would consider a deficit. Long term ED sufferers can survive on freakishly little food and not lose weight.

    The only time you even run the risk of bumping into it though is if you have an ED and very thin or you are chasing a sharper 6 pack (meaning you already have a 6 pack). Then the body can and does employ extraordinary measures to conserve cals, which drops metabolism quite a bit and has a bunch of other obvious side effects.

    Functioning reproductive system is an easy test to answer the "am I in starvation mode" question. If dudes can get wood, nope. If women get their period, nope. If the reproductive system is non-functional (and not for other reasons), there is a possibility; the reproductive system is calorie expensive and not vital for survival.

    When you say "ED", you are NOT referring to "erectile dysfunction" are you? ;)

    Eating Disorder
  • candiceh3
    Jesus can eat 1200 calories and gain weight.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member

    Your profile says that you joined in January 2012. What's been going on between then and now?


    The troll is strong with this one!

    Mine says way earlier than when I started losing weight. Does that make me a troll as well? Just cause someone does not post as son as they join means not one thing.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    Over training - burning muscles and not eating enough. Your organism is storing everything as fat as you are depleting all energy sources and no feeling them back up!
    Want to start seeing results? reverse-dieting is what you need!

    Good luck
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    It's hard to say. If everything you say is accurate, your body is violating basic laws of science. You say you are consuming much less energy (calories) than you are burning but you are still gaining mass.

    This right here. It is actually impossible to make something from nothing. You cannot get excess from a deficit.

    Truth is, you are eating more calories than you burn.

    not necessarily. The above is true if the gains are due to fat or muscle. However the weight gain could be water. To give a theoretical example, if someone has kwashiorkor or similar, they'll be losing lean mass and fat due to the inadequate diet while gaining a lot of water weight due to I can't quite remember the biochemistry of it, but gaining weight in a deficit is possible (emphasis on the word weight as opposed to the words fat or muscle), but generally not a very good sign (there are various medical issues that could cause water retention in a deficit).

    Although personally I think the most likely explanation is that the OP Is eating more than she thinks (even if logging carefully it's still possible due to inaccurate nutritional info on the foods, volume measurements, confusing raw and cooked weights/data, etc) and burning less than she thinks. Especially the burning less than she thinks because those calorie burns seem OTT,

    Also, forget kwashiorkor, that was more of an academic example, but go back to water retention. If she's coming up towards her period, she could be retaining water from that, which is offsetting the weight loss from fat/lean body mass due to being in a deficit, meaning she's 1kg heavier while her lean body mass and fat levels have gone down.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Troll's have a really slow metabolism it comes from living under bridges in the dark!

    Try eating the odd goat or two as the cross your bridge, this might help!

    And watch out for the sun :smokin:
  • Leonaelkins
    I would say your not eating enough carbs.. if you exercising that much then your body is using a lot of carbs that your not eating enough of.. also I would change you active stats and add more calories because your body isn't getting enough to help you lose.
  • fangmouse
  • candiceh3

    why why why?
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member

    why why why?
  • reeserox
    reeserox Posts: 55 Member
    1200 cal and 500-800 cals burned 5-6 days a week?
    If this is accurate you've definitely got metabolic damage. Your net calories isn't even enough for proper organ function.

    I'd increase my calories if I were you. Then you will probably start losing weight. Doesn't sound right I know but that's how it works.

    Gotta fuel the fire.

  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    Troll's have a really slow metabolism it comes from living under bridges in the dark!

    Try eating the odd goat or two as the cross your bridge, this might help!

    And watch out for the sun :smokin:

    :laugh: I love this. I wondered and hoped that it was a troll. How can someone eat 400-700 calories a day and wonder why they're not losing weight?