LADIES ONLY*** IUD input to switch or not to switch



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I have used a copper IUD for about 15 years so far (not the same one!) . And far from having heavy bleeding, it's actually reduced my monthly blood loss and cramping, I had been VERY heavy before and had severe cramping to the point where I would faint. SInce having it fitted my periods have been 'normal' and cramping minimal.

    Really? I'm so afraid to try it because I know it can go either way, but I'd love something non-hormonal because of my weight issues since getting Mirena. I love everything else about it.

    I need to talk to my doctor. But then I know people who had their tubes tied and it made their periods better while for others, they got worse, so I'm nervous to try anything like that.

    It's so frustrating.
  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    FYI I was worried about the "mini abortion" thing too. I found both the mirena and psraguard are the same in this regard. They both "make the lining of the uterus thinner" which prevents implantation. My doctor (who is a big time specialist and is called in by other doctors) said thats the case with any hormonal birth control too... All do several thing snd that is one of then
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    My Mirena is up in a year, I was just going to get a new one put in. I haven't had any issues with it, but now I am curious to see what people have to say about the other kind of IUD
  • Mischelina
    Mischelina Posts: 29 Member
    I've used Mirena since 2006, as soon as I could after my DD was born. Got the new one put in last year. I've had no issues with weight gain, and I actually had no problems losing my baby weight gain that first year. My gyn had told me that it's not that kind of 'hormonal' that affects weight. I do not have the irritability I had when using the pill.
    I don't know how the other IUDs are, but I just love love love not having periods at all anymore. No more tampons in the house! It's the main reason why I wanted to keep using it.
  • morgansmom02
    morgansmom02 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I've had a Paragard in for a year now and it hasn't messed with my cycle duration at all. It did hurt during placement but it wasn't too too bad; I did take a double dose of ibuprophen an hour before.

    My periods themselves are inconsistent with their flow, which is usual for me and not the fault of the Paragard. However I did notice a HUGE increase in clotting after having the Paragard placed.

    I'm actually having the Paragard removed soon and having a tubal ligation instead because the Paragard causes me a lot of DEBILITATING pain. Usually around the time of ovulation I will get pain out of no where, fall to my knees and brace myself type pain.. it comes and goes for a couple days. Then in the week leading up to my period I get debilitating cramps to the point where I have to lay down flat, not move, and cry. The only thing to make the pain subside is a double dose of ibuprophen AND a strong perscription opiate pain killer. I literally am not able to function for close to a week and the pain is comparable to labor cramping.. non.. stop... labor.. pain.. UGH!

    Everyone is different though! That's just my experience :)

    Well that just made up my mind! I am sticking with Mirena
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I have Mirena and have had it for about 3 years now. The weight gain I experience was not from the Mirena, trust me lol. And once I started putting an effort into loosing weight the Mirena did not hinder me.

    Personally I don't think putting copper inside my body sounds very appealing so I would stick with the Mirena!
  • cushygal
    cushygal Posts: 586 Member
    I have the Mirena, and for me the insertion was extremely painful. My blood pressure dropped so severly that I almost passed out, so needless to say I remained in the doctors office for well over an hour until my blood pressure rose to a normal level.

    My Dr. had done hundreds of those procedures and not one person had the same reaction I did - I have not had any kids, so that could be a reason why it hurt more for me and I also have a low tolerance of pain.

    As for weight gain/loss I haven't really noticed a different either way as I have been taking some form of a hormone for BC since I was 13(due to extreme bleeding and cramping, and I am now 44. I love the fact that there is no period with this Mirena and once it is removed in 3.5 years I will NOT be getting another one. I should by then be well on my way into the Change :laugh:

    All the best to you in your decision.
  • I've had a Paragard in for a year now and it hasn't messed with my cycle duration at all. It did hurt during placement but it wasn't too too bad; I did take a double dose of ibuprophen an hour before.

    My periods themselves are inconsistent with their flow, which is usual for me and not the fault of the Paragard. However I did notice a HUGE increase in clotting after having the Paragard placed.

    I'm actually having the Paragard removed soon and having a tubal ligation instead because the Paragard causes me a lot of DEBILITATING pain. Usually around the time of ovulation I will get pain out of no where, fall to my knees and brace myself type pain.. it comes and goes for a couple days. Then in the week leading up to my period I get debilitating cramps to the point where I have to lay down flat, not move, and cry. The only thing to make the pain subside is a double dose of ibuprophen AND a strong perscription opiate pain killer. I literally am not able to function for close to a week and the pain is comparable to labor cramping.. non.. stop... labor.. pain.. UGH!

    Everyone is different though! That's just my experience :)

    Well that just made up my mind! I am sticking with Mirena

    I probably should have noted that I have just general uterine issues, possibly even endometriosis, so my debilitating pain is definitely NOT the norm.

    The other odd side affect is that my menses usually have a fairly strong metal smell to them - not the usual iron-like smell but well, I'm assuming it's a copper/iron mix, lol.
  • sbroadus
    sbroadus Posts: 41 Member
    I've had the Paraguard IUD for a year now and I have nothing bad to say about it. It did hurt some to get it put in but the doctor said it's because I've never had a baby therefore my cervix has never been stretched before. My doctor told me I would go back to having periods like I did before I went on the pill. I've always had heavier periods so I didn't worry me too much.

    I HATED the pill and could not think about putting more hormones in my body. That is why I didn't go with Mirena. With the pill I was a hormonal zombie. I wasn't myself and i hated it. I was just about to get married and I had the sex drive of a dead person. It was miserable. We also are going to try getting pregnant in the next 6 month so I didn't want any residual hormones in my body when we decided that the timing was right.

    When it's time to put the IUD back in after we have a baby I'm going right back to Paraguard!
  • Hello Everyone,

    I have the paraguard IUD now for 5 months and honestly don't have any compliants. The first three months were the heaviest with alot of cramping but nothing that a pain reliever can't fix. Now I will say it did not hurt me at all to have it inserted a mild cramping afterwards but nothing severe. I took motrin 1.5 hours before insertion and the dr prescibed a medication to make the cervix dilate a bit. I will say I researched this and even killed myself by watching the videos of how it is placed that I went into panic mode, freaked out and told my doctor I couldnt do it. He assured me it will be quick and he was right that I was in shock once it was inserted and said that's it? I am 32 with 6 children and decided to take a long term non hormonal b/c since I do not want anymore children but do not want tubal ligation. I can tolerate pain obviously 6 natural births so I honestly feel that if you can take some cramping for the first months this is for you. BTW on my 4th month my period went from 8-9 days to 5 days. So I am happy with this b/c it may not be for everyone but I am content.
  • lissadavis
    lissadavis Posts: 20 Member
    I recommend not getting Paraguard if you have ever had a metal allergy or specifically nickel. I've known folks who got eczema, stomach pains, and even panic attacks and obsessions due to Paraguard. Personally, I have Mirena and have had a great experience with it as I gained weight on oral BC in the past and my very very heavy periods are now just lightdays.
  • I've had both and I would pick Mirena over Paragard any day. I had Paragard for 7 years and my periods were miserable. After having three kids, my doctor recommended the Mirena, I've had it for two years and it's so awesome (as you know). I did gain a little weight after I got the Mirena but if I'm honest with myself (not saying you're not, I'm just answering specifically to my IUD with regard to weight gain), the IUD is not what made me gain weight. It was the twice-weekly stops at the frozen custard stand down the street. :) Even then, I only gained around 10 pounds over a year or so.

    I have the Mirena, I'm 34, I've had four kids and I can tell you that I have to work very hard to lose weight. Six meals a day, 1,200 cals, lots of protein, 4-6 hours/week of vigorous exercise, minimal fast food and no diet soda. I basically got rid of all my favorite things! But that's a trade I'm willing to make because I wanted to be healthier and lose weight. HTH
  • BonnieDLG
    BonnieDLG Posts: 30 Member
    The first 1 and a half, I did gain and was able to lose. After that no matter what i did i could not lose. It caused me many other issues. I had it taken out
  • shayoni
    shayoni Posts: 43 Member
    I was on hormonal birth control from age 16 to age 22. When I was graduating college and unsure what my health insurance status would be for the next few years, I decided to get an IUD. I chose Paragard for a couple reasons.

    1. I wanted children in the next 10 years and didn't want any extra hormones playing with my fertility
    2. Because you can keep it for so many years with no extra work

    Because I had been on hormones for so many years, my body reacted strangely to the lack of them and I actually went for about 6 months with no period after the changeover. I don't remember what my periods were like before the patch/pill, but I do have more cramping now than I did while I was on them.

    Insertion sucked, but I have a pretty high pain tolerance. When I got there she asked me, "So, did you take 4 Ibuprofen?" and I was like, "Um, you only told me to take 2 o.o" Hahah, that was not reassuring. My OB warned me that sometimes women feel faint afterwards, but I actually felt fine long enough to ride my bike (I didn't own a car then hahah) the 3 miles home before collapsing in bed for an hour or two. For the first week it seemed like I could feel it in me, but I've had it for 3 years now and still love it.

    Being hormone free is definitely worth the extra heaviness or occasional spotting I experience for me. And knowing that as soon as I want kids I can take it out and instantly have my full fertility back is reassuring.
  • blueeyedteacher
    blueeyedteacher Posts: 2 Member
    I switched from oral contraceptive to the copper iud in Sept. due to clotting issues. I have yet to get my period yet.
    Anyone not get their period on the copper iud???
  • sweetpea129
    sweetpea129 Posts: 755 Member
    No, mine is like clockwork. Have you taken a pregnancy test? Were you always regular before?
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    I am old. I had one back in the 70's and was not impressed. Hence one of my favourite songs.

    The I.P.D.
    •(Sue Edmonds / Lian Tanner)

    It's the I P D, the I P D
    It may not feel too good to you but it's not hurting me
    So every time the pain begins to fill your eyes with tears
    Remember I put up with it for years

    I'll sing you all a song about a wondrous new device
    The nation's latest contraceptive plan
    That funny little object they call the I U D
    Has recently been changed to fit a man

    They tested it on whales and they tried it out on mice
    They used it in the poorer parts of town
    It's the cleverest invention since the automatic lift
    Guaranteed to never let you down

    It was proven to be safe for the average human male
    Though testing showed some minor side-effects
    There were two died from infection and six were sterilised
    But only ten per cent were too depressed - from

    But you know, some people are never satisfied
    So scientists are working once again
    They've got something even better than the good old I P D
    It's called the morning-after pill for men

    Final chorus:
    It's the pill, it's better than the I P D
    It may not be too safe but we'll just have to wait and see
    So put away your worries and put away your fears
    And remember I put up with it for years

    (as sung by Judy Small)

    Unfortunately I haven't been able to find an audio version of this on line.
  • I lost 15 pounds with the mire a implant when I got it taken out I gained 30 so odd!
  • blueeyedteacher
    blueeyedteacher Posts: 2 Member
    Test came out negative. Just wish I'd know if/when I would get my period. So frutstrating.
  • septembergrrl
    septembergrrl Posts: 168 Member
    I had a copper IUD for about three years between babies. For me it was amazing. I wasn't actively trying to lose weight during that time, so I can't speak to how it would pay into a diet. (I will say I didn't *gain* any weight.) But I was definitely way, way less hormonally crazy than I was on the pill or the shot. I honestly didn't notice much difference with my cramps -- they might have been a little worse at first, but nothing a couple Advil couldn't take care of. I'd recommend it to anyone.