Any Whovians here?



  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I'm interested to see how Capaldi pulls off the whimsical side of the The Doctor. Every role I have seen him play has been very serious, and I think that having that side of whimsy is an important part of the Doctor's personality.
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    I enjoyed it hugely. Any fans of the Classic Doctors should watch The Five(ish) Doctors too. Peter Davison wrote a spoof based around himself, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy trying to get cameo roles in the anniversary special. Hilarious!

    NOOOOOOOOO! We can't watch it in the US! That is so wrong. Maybe I can find it on another site.

    Get the Hola unblocker extension for Google chrome, then you can unblock BBC iPlayer and watch it
  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I wish Eccleston would have been there too.

    I think David had to be a little more serious to show the contrast between himself and Matt. Also David was with Elizabeth the first right before he saw the Ood. He was more serious at that point after all that had happened. Which means it fit.

    I did think some of the re-used phrases, like "I don't want to go" was a bit much. However, overall I love the episode. I liked them twist and some of the over stepping.

    Favorite parts - the Scarf and then Tom Baker showing up as the caretaker. Tom was my first Doctor and you never forget your first :)
  • EmilyJackCO
    EmilyJackCO Posts: 621 Member
    I thought it was really well done. It opened up a whole new web of questions and answers to be found. But honestly, I think it was time for a major shift. Not because it was getting old or anything, but because I think there needed to be a defining break from the River Saga.

    I loved all the neat little touches and tributes that they put in wherever they could. If I am not mistaken or crazy, I THINK that the school that they opened with Clara in was the same school that the Eighth Doctor (McCoy) fought the Daleks in... but only because I JUST watched his special on Doctor's Revisited. And the TARDIS being on the path where they shot the opening of An Adventure in Space and Time. Which, if you have NOT watched, zomfg, SOOOOOOO amazing.

    I'm sad that there won't be any new episodes until Christmas, and if we have to wait til March for the season? I'm going to be soooo upset.

    I noted something in the news bits last week though. It looks like Russell T. Davies is getting back into the television game. There may be hopes yet for a new Torchwood run.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I really did love it. Though I was disappointed that David Tennant and Billie Piper didn't have any interaction. I know most people don't agree but they were my favorite together! I was also a bit sad that David Tennant didn't have more of a roll. He is by far my favorite Doctor.

    Though I am really excited about the new choice! Now I can't wait until the Christmas episode.

    Do you even tumblr?

    But seriously, Rose/the Doctor OTP. That being said, I haven't seen any Matt Smith Dr. Who yet so I will remove myself from what is probably already a very spoilery thread.

    Lol no I have never been on tumblr. I was going off of my friends and facebook feeds. Maybe all my friends make up the population of that thought haha. Matt Smith is great though. I had to take a break after watching the Tennant episodes before I got into the Matt Smith ones because I loved him so much. I have literally cried 3 times in movies/tv shows and the main one was when Tennant regenerated. I really didn't want to see him go! One of the others was when Rose got locked in the other dimension. :(
  • LauraElectric
    LauraElectric Posts: 51 Member
    I've always said that Matt Smith's Doctor is too similar to David Tennant's Doctor (with Tennant being better, but god, did that work well in this episode! We were belly laughing at all their scenes together.

    I loved the special, but it just reignited my sadness at missing David Tennant's serious dark and twisty avenging Doctor. No one does the wrath of the Doctor like him.....just ask that Rabbit :)
  • SweetLilyR
    SweetLilyR Posts: 283 Member
    I haven't read this because I haven't seen it yet - waiting to watch it with my boyfriend...but there are at least two Whovian groups that you can join on here. See you there!!
  • Echo_Dan
    Echo_Dan Posts: 312 Member
    and of course figuring out how they get past 13.

    River gave up her regenerations to bring the Doctor back to life. They will simply claim that she gave her's to the Doctor thus giving him a further 10 or 11 regenerations.

    Or of course as the last Time Lord he will seek out how they gave the Master new regenerations as he was originally on his last regeneration when he was introduced so there are ways and means :)

    Great special edition though. Especially the inclusion of a certain former Doctor. "Who know's" :wink:
  • ruthlesswr
    ruthlesswr Posts: 114 Member
    I LOVED it! I've watched Dr. Who for ages - "my" Doctor for the longest time was Tom Baker and I was completely unspoiled about the special so you can imagine my reaction to seeing him at the end. I got a little teary. From the reboot Tennant is "my" Doctor so I was delighted he was there and thought the interplay between him and Matt Smith was adorable. I do wish Eccleston had been in it though. I dislike the reboot series' tendency to make the companions in some ways more important than the Doctor, so I was not thrilled to see Billie Piper's name come up on the credits but I thought she was wonderful in the non-Rose role she played. I suppose though it was a 50th anniversary special, it was still basically a Matt Smith/Clara show so it makes sense that they didn't clutter up the cast with every living Doctor and companion, but I would have liked that.
  • VeganAmandaJ
    VeganAmandaJ Posts: 234 Member
    Yes!! I saw you leave a comment on a mutual friend's post, your username gave you away splendidly haha.
    I loved it! I will be going to see it in a movie theatre tonight with a friend, I'm super psyched! It should be fun to see fellow Whovians all decked out, I only sadly own one TARDIS-related shirt and I do have some bow tie earrings as well as some "gallifreyan" looking earrings, some fake converse plaid shoes, plus I have red hair, not quite like Amy's, nonetheless it's reddish so I feel I have a little bit of a costume going on ;)

    I can't wait to see it again, plus I'll be interpreting it into ASL (American Sign Language) for my friend who is Deaf (actually hard of hearing but mostly uses sign) so that will be fun! I'd like to see it again to fully review it..
    What did you think of the 50th anniversary show?
  • FitJulian
    FitJulian Posts: 27 Member
    The reference to "The Curator" is double clever - In "The bells of St Johns" (where we first meet Clara and she doesn't die) there is a book seen called "Summer Falls" written by Amelia Williams (this is of course Mrs Amy Pond) - "Summer Falls" is available as an E-book from the Beeb and has a very "Doctor like" character in it who has retired and become a "Curator" of a Museum ...

    edited to say - I loved the anniversary - I though John Hurt was "Brilliant" and Billie Piper as NOT Rose also excellent - Not going to be deleted from the PVR for long time yet

    Role on xmas - hoping they do Re-gen early in Prog so we get to see Mr Capaldi in action before march next year ..
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I was so unimpressed that I had to go and dig up my old "Five Doctors" movie to make up for it. There were so many holes, and the fact that the current crew thinks its their responsibility and right to go back and change 50 years worth of canon is annoying. They were supposed to be celebrating 50 years, yet they refused to let the previous actors beyond the last 7 be in it (Ok. Tom Baker Cameo'd. Blah, blah.)

    Yes, the other actors were offended.

    It was fan-fiction.
  • leannems
    leannems Posts: 516 Member
    and of course figuring out how they get past 13.

    River gave up her regenerations to bring the Doctor back to life.

    gave the Master new regenerations

    These are my theories too!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    So does anyone know if they will re-broadcast it. My youngest loves the show and recorded it on the DVR, but the oldest "accidentally" deleted it. And now baby girl is devastated, and my house has become a war zone...

  • Thomasm198
    Thomasm198 Posts: 3,189 Member
    and of course figuring out how they get past 13.

    River gave up her regenerations to bring the Doctor back to life. They will simply claim that she gave her's to the Doctor thus giving him a further 10 or 11 regenerations.

    Or of course as the last Time Lord he will seek out how they gave the Master new regenerations as he was originally on his last regeneration when he was introduced so there are ways and means :)

    Great special edition though. Especially the inclusion of a certain former Doctor. "Who know's" :wink:

    This was posted in a group on Facebook last week.

    "If you havn't seen Night Of The Doctor starring everyones lost Doctor Paul McGann spoilers.

    So "8" dies in the crash. The Sisterhood of Karn bring him back for only 4 minutes. They give him elixers that will give him abilities to regenerate. The on he chooses is the John Hurt serum making him the technical 9th War Doctor. Math incorrect. In the 4th Doctor era in the Brain Of Morbius, the Sisterhood in the episode explains that William Hartnall is not and I quote "NOT" the first Doctor. He was the 9th. Tom's was 12. But, the Sisterhood gave him a serum that healed him and broke Timelord laws allowing him to break free of the 12 regeneration thing so everything after Tom is actually miscounted. It goes exactly...
    21.Peter (capaldi)

    Therefore, The Doctor would have regenerated 20 times (19 atm)

    "Ahead of that, Steven Moffat has been teasing things a little, while speaking at the Cheltenham Literature Festival. And he said of the Doctor that "he can only regenerate 12 times", adding that "I think you should go back to your DVDs and count correctly this time. There's something you've all missed"."
  • battybecks
    battybecks Posts: 147 Member
    They were supposed to be celebrating 50 years, yet they refused to let the previous actors beyond the last 7 be in it (Ok. Tom Baker Cameo'd. Blah, blah.)

    Yes, the other actors were offended.

    It was fan-fiction.

    But, looky! If the other doctors were offended, they did a very good job of turning it into comedy!
    I enjoyed it hugely. Any fans of the Classic Doctors should watch The Five(ish) Doctors too. Peter Davison wrote a spoof based around himself, Colin Baker, and Sylvester McCoy trying to get cameo roles in the anniversary special. Hilarious!

    NOOOOOOOOO! We can't watch it in the US! That is so wrong. Maybe I can find it on another site.

    ETA Woo Hoo! Found another link for it. It is hilarious.

    ^^ One UK link, and one US link. I think you'd enjoy this a lot, based on your post!
  • hmaddpear
    hmaddpear Posts: 610 Member
    I loved the special, but it just reignited my sadness at missing David Tennant's serious dark and twisty avenging Doctor. No one does the wrath of the Doctor like him.....just ask that Rabbit :)

    Then you've never seen Tom Baker eat jelly babies with menaces!

  • Lunnunis
    Lunnunis Posts: 71 Member
    You're not the only one who preferred Eccleston. Such a shame he wouldn't do more.