What do you love now that you've lost weight?



  • blessings123
    blessings123 Posts: 3 Member
    Haha! Thanks I was trying to figure out what I did wrong!:laugh:
  • Ideabaker
    Ideabaker Posts: 514 Member
    I love that minor annoyances (like having to walk a distance to get something I forgot on the first trip) now feel like free opportunities to work out!
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    Haha! Thanks I was trying to figure out what I did wrong!:laugh:

    You needed to add [ img] and [ /img] at the ends of the URLs. :) (minus the spaces)
  • jmreich30
    jmreich30 Posts: 23 Member
    I love that I can play hockey again. I tore my ACL 5 years ago when I was playing goal and weighed 310lbs. I thought I would never play again and was told by my physical therapist I would be crazy if I tried to play again. This past August I started playing again at 239lbs and feel even better now playing at 221.
  • Lunaluna01
    Lunaluna01 Posts: 21 Member
    I love that today I went to the toilet and pulled my jeans down without undoing the button and zip, thought I had jeggings on! Those jeans used to be too tight. :)
  • Linli_Anne
    Linli_Anne Posts: 1,360 Member
    I love how strong I am.
    I love my muscle definition - especially my arms/shoulders.
    I love how far my body can carry me on a run.
    I love all the good food!
  • hstoblish
    hstoblish Posts: 234 Member
    Great question!! I love that I feel like I have my own face back. That might sound really strange, but it was puffy from a combination of water retention and excess weight, and now I see myself in the mirror again!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Big or small accomplishments, everyone here is AH-MAZING!! Congrats to all!

    My absolute favorite thing is that I love my increased self confidence. As it was said early in this post, I am now much more outgoing than ever before and I feel like I'm that much more fun because of that alone. I'm not afraid to look friends or strangers in the eye any longer and smile and say hello. :heart:

    Love this post!!

    I was one of those people who thought I was pretty confident even at my heaviest (99 lb ago) but I have seen my attitude and the way I carry and present myself completely change. Actually I think that's one of the biggest changes I have seen. I feel like before, even though I felt pretty good about myself there was this edge of "apology" in my body language, like "ooh excuse me for being so large" and even though I'm still a big person and still 208 lb, that apology is gone. I don't feel sorry for taking up space in the world, and that's an amazing feeling.
  • raegrove
    raegrove Posts: 37 Member
    I love looking in the mirror and at photos of myself and feeling proud, not ashamed. I love feeling truly flattered instead of uncomfortable when someone compliments me. I love how energetic I feel and how easily I can run and climb mountains and stairs. I love wearing clothes that actually speak for who I am rather than wearing whatever fits out of necessity. I love feeling at peace with myself instead of at odds.

    This!!! I still have a little ways to go, but this is a great answer! I don't even have a true "before" picture b/c I have been avoiding the camera for quite awhile! I feel like I walk a little taller and have more confidence!
  • Miss_Krissy87
    Miss_Krissy87 Posts: 214 Member
    How I look in my clothes!
  • 9bars
    9bars Posts: 40 Member
    I love .....
    My BP is now normal.
    I no longer live in Jersey trousers.
    I don't have to walk down the bus sideways.
    My parents telling me how proud they are as they had been so worried about my health.
    Getting rid of clothes as they get too big.
    I don't feel self conscious any longer.

    Well done to everyone, really motivating to read your posts :o)
  • I love that when my husband hugs me now, his arms can go all the way around me! <3
  • Fiore_
    Fiore_ Posts: 33 Member
    I love being one of THOSE people, you know, the ones that actually eat healthy, workout, and make smart choices about their bodies. Never thought I could be one of them.
  • andysmom
    andysmom Posts: 61 Member
    I love that since getting my Fitbit for mother's day six months ago, I've walked 500 miles! Maybe someday I can walk the Way of St. James (aka El Camino de Santiago). It feels like anything is possible now!
  • MzBeckie
    MzBeckie Posts: 207 Member
    I can feel my collar bones and hip bones.
  • colortheworld
    colortheworld Posts: 374 Member
    I love fitting back into old clothes and feeling truly sexy again. :blushing:
  • juliasays77
    juliasays77 Posts: 92 Member
    Pictures!! I WANT people to take my picture and I don't want to hide behind my kids anymore.

    Also, shopping. It's been a long time since I had any real interest in how I looked, other than my clothing being situationally appropriate. Now, I'm looking for cute, colorful clothes that really look good. Unfortunately, nobody paid me to lose weight, so I'm just picking up a piece here or there. :)

    ETA: I just remembered that at a hockey workshop I went to, I had someone hide behind ME when a picture was taken- and she even said, "I'm getting behind the skinny girl." I almost cried!
  • Broejen
    Broejen Posts: 414 Member
    Pictures!! I WANT people to take my picture and I don't want to hide behind my kids anymore.

    Very true!! I haven't taken so many selfies in all my life as I have these past few months. =)
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I love feeling confident enough to wear skinny jeans and tall boots.
    I love having muscle definition.
    I love having energy!

    Oh and being able to fit into a bathtub is amazing!
  • kirschkuchen
    kirschkuchen Posts: 29 Member
    I'm in love with running and lifting weights.
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