Countdown to Thanksgiving--let's do it!



  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone! Hope everyone gets through the weekend unscathed.

    oops.... fell off the wagon a little bit today. My mom made a big family dinner with mashed potatoes, corn casserole, ham balls (it's a midwest thing) and cake. I have a history of feeling defeated and giving up if I fall off the wagon one or two days in a row. I'm guessing I'm not alone in that. I'm hoping this site (and this challenge) will help me overcome that pitfall. I'm anxious to get back to counting calories tomorrow, so that's a good sign. Weighing in on Mondays is a good idea!

    I look at it more like every minute is open for change just because I had something bad doesn't mean the whole day, week, month, etc is lost. Just as long as your eyes are open and you try not to repeat history but go forward you will be fine.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Weighed in......... Now I'm 150. It's a gain instead of a loss but I'll get through it-hopefully. It was a crazy stressful weekend.
  • BK120
    BK120 Posts: 107
    Weighed in - 269.5. Lost 2.5 pounds this week.
  • funnygirl0940
    TOM is expected to arrive...I was up 2 pounds this a.m. and have stuck strictly w/the program :( 162...hopefully, I'll show better numbers by next Monday ;0)
  • funnygirl0940
    I guess last Monday I weighed 162.5 so I'm actually reporting a 1/2 a pound loss from last week :D
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    1. Current weight: 269

    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 267-262 (Any where in between!)

    3. Something you're struggling with: Motivation. :(

    4. Something you're really proud of: I've already lost 23lbs!

    5. Your basic plan of action: Getting back on track with working out and eating more and better! I have a problem with getting enough calories during the day.
  • monkeyfood
    My weigh in this morning was 215.8 Making it a loss of 5.1lbs this week :)
    only 5.1lbs til my Thanksgiving goal. Good luck everyone!
  • leanlindajean
    This is a GREAT motivator! Thank you for starting it! It will truly HELP to be accountable!!!! Ok, here goes...

    1. Current weight: 146:noway:

    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 135:flowerforyou:

    3. Something you're struggling with: Motivation and going to the gym/exercising after working all day at a desk!:sad:

    4. Something you're really proud of: I've kept 40 pounds off for 3 years! (but still need to lose about 20 more!):laugh:

    5. Your basic plan of action: Keeping track of EVERYTHING I consume and to get SOME kind of exercise every single day... take the stairs (never the elevator) and go to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Fridays and work out with weights in front of television!:bigsmile:
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    Weighing in tonight...wish me luck!!!!!
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I weighed myself in this morning for another group I was 272 last week and now I'm 267.4!
    So I guess now it's just another five-seven pounds as my goal.
  • doublexhelix
    doublexhelix Posts: 199 Member
    i weighed in at 192 today. :( a pound higher than last monday.
    i've been oscilating between 190 and 194 for the past two and a half weeks... whyyyy!!!

    i did go over my calories on saturday - and probably wasn't accurate adding them in, because the party i went to had lemonade vodka punch which i do not know what it was made of...
    but i didn't think i went over that much! and friday and sunday were fine. gahhh.
    oh well
    i'm doing better this week
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Weighed in today at 174 down 5 lbs!

    It seems everyone is doing a great job!
  • NikkiJ17
    NikkiJ17 Posts: 295
    WooHoo!!!!!!! My first weigh-in, down to 207.4. A loss of 8 pounds since 10/18/10!!! So stinkin' excited!!!!!!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    It's two for Tuesdays. Two hours at the gym tonight, one hour with my trainer and one hour of cardio. My trainer got on me last night saying I need to take 15 minutes out of my cardio and make sure I am doing my ab work. I am only doing abs about twice a week and she wants me doing them 5 days a week.
  • juliefeirer
    juliefeirer Posts: 5 Member
    Weighed in at 159... down a pound!:happy:
  • orange_avocado
    i weighed in at 192 today. :( a pound higher than last monday.
    i've been oscilating between 190 and 194 for the past two and a half weeks... whyyyy!!!

    I hear ya. I joined MFP and my gym at the end of September. It's been over a month now and I've just been losing and gaining the same 5lbs over and over. I know I've gone over calories some days, and this weekend especially I went waaaay over. But I'd say that 8 out of 10 days I'm eating on track and exercising, which is 8 days more than I used to! So why no results yet??? Guess I just have to stick with it and trust that my weight will catch up with my healthier lifestyle.

    That said, I did *not* weigh in this week. No point driving myself crazy when I know the scale is going to be through the roof! Going on a sodium cleanse (sticking to water and caffeine-free tea all week, and watching my sodium counts!) and hoping that will have me feeling less bloated next Monday.
  • Kerry1023
    If it's not too late please Count me in! This is Great :)

    1. Current weight: 199.8

    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 189

    3. Something you're struggling with: Getting back on track from vacation....

    4. Something you're really proud of: Today's Dr's appt that resulted in a 15lbs loss and blood pressure and cholesterol levels are now normal ~ YEAH!

    5. Your basic plan of action: Sticking to meal plan with meals every 3-4 hrs and working out at least 30 mins (60 if possible) 5 days a week

    6. Dinner is with my parents then my in-laws for dessert. Bringing healthy dessert option and being aware of what I eat at dinner. No mindless eating.
  • nomoremuffintopness
    If it's not too late please Count me in!

    1. Current weight: 155

    2. Goal weight for Thanksgiving: 150

    3. Something you're struggling with: sweets, working out (i have a new baby, which takes up most of my time)

    4. Something you're really proud of: losing 29 pounds so far and still nursing after 4 months

    5. Your basic plan of action: logging calories, improving diet greatly, exercising at least 3x a day for 30 min

    6. Being aware of what I eat at dinner; I will enjoy what I eat but wont over do it and will try to increase my exercise time the day after
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Welcome to Sarah and Kerry. It is never too late to join.
  • nomoremuffintopness
    thank you :)