Calling all my Coppertop comrades - ginger? redhead? auburn?



  • midwestmixtape
    midwestmixtape Posts: 66 Member
    I've some ginger in my multicoloured beard. Surely that must count for something?

    The ginger beard is the finest of beards, you are welcome in our ranks!
  • goldarae
    goldarae Posts: 85 Member
    Brunette here but I am laughing at this post. My husband's a ginger <3

    Major pet peeve of mine also, women with dyed red hair who are all "lookit me I'm a REDHEAD!!!" No you aren't. You have colored red hair which is fine but nope, it's not the same thing at all.

  • BoxingChick
    BoxingChick Posts: 124 Member
    Pure ginger right here!!...I even have freckles :)
  • ideang
    ideang Posts: 95
    Checking in as a natural redhead, and parent of a natural redhead.
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    The ginger beard is the finest of beards, you are welcome in our ranks!

    Yes! *fistpump*
  • Aquamum9
    I am a ginger 5000, and was truly hoping my daughter would be one too but alas, her hair is more like her dad's! Feel free to add me. Us gingers really do need to stick together :bigsmile:
  • redsnapper8
    redsnapper8 Posts: 31 Member
    100% Ginge :)

    Redheads unlike any other hair-colour seem to either be totally loved or totally despised through history. In some cases, adored for carrying the 'royal' genes, in other cases hounded as witches, if your interested in a brief history I would recommend the Little Book of Red Hair.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    My dad was a ginger, my son is a ginger (day-walker, actually). I had strawberry blonde hair as a kid and I carry the gene, too.

    Am I in?
  • mortuseon
    mortuseon Posts: 579 Member
    Hi! Used to be blonde, hair is slowly becoming redder in my old age. Feel free to add me :)

    (I'm not a 'true' ginger I'm afraid - although my hair is naturally reddish, I lack the ginger eyebrows & freckles that characterise so many of us. Green eyes though? I gain acceptance?! haha).
  • jessiej1980
    Ginger here with green eyes and freckles.............With two ginger children (and one non-ginger...pesky brunettes)...yeah really Irish..and proud!
  • jessiej1980
    I've some ginger in my multicoloured beard. Surely that must count for something?

    The ginger beard is the finest of beards, you are welcome in our ranks!

    ginger beard????? YES PLEASE! My hubby has a red mustache....hahahaha yeah....a 70's porn stache.....clearly I pick my battles
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    Ooooooh, me! Me! I'm a ginger! Complete with super pasty, easily-burned skin, green eyes, and (when I've been in the sun, or looked at the sun, or thought about the sun) freckles...

    These days I wash it in a goop I make myself out of powdered indigo plant, which should make it dark brown or black, but on me it just turns darker red...
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    Lol. Not a post I expected to see lol. I think the pasty skinned people have special needs in the fitness world! We can't tan and show off our muscles as much. The reflecting sun minimized the definition of our fabulous physiques. :P Plus we need to eat more anti oxidants to combat sun damage.
  • jessiej1980
    Ooooooh, me! Me! I'm a ginger! Complete with super pasty, easily-burned skin, green eyes, and (when I've been in the sun, or looked at the sun, or thought about the sun) freckles...

    These days I wash it in a goop I make myself out of powdered indigo plant, which should make it dark brown or black, but on me it just turns darker red...

    Never a more true Ginger statement has been the sun I become one huge freckle
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
    My dad was a ginger, my son is a ginger (day-walker, actually). I had strawberry blonde hair as a kid and I carry the gene, too.

    Am I in?

    Daywalker lol. I was going to write that but thought nobody would know what I was talking about. of course! ha.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Ohhh I have naturally auburn hair, I embrace it now! I have Freckles and my skin is very fair too :)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Ooooooh, me! Me! I'm a ginger! Complete with super pasty, easily-burned skin, green eyes, and (when I've been in the sun, or looked at the sun, or thought about the sun) freckles...

    These days I wash it in a goop I make myself out of powdered indigo plant, which should make it dark brown or black, but on me it just turns darker red...

    I pretty much have ginger skin. I spend the summer with my left arm perpetually sunburned from my car window.
  • The_GingerBeard_Man
    I am as ginger as ginger can be! We really do need to stick together because they say we are going extinct.

    We all need to start linking up more, and saving redheads for generations to come!

    Feel free to add me I am always in for more redheads, or fans of redheads. :smile:
  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    My dad was a ginger, my son is a ginger (day-walker, actually). I had strawberry blonde hair as a kid and I carry the gene, too.

    Am I in?

    Daywalker lol. I was going to write that but thought nobody would know what I was talking about. of course! ha.

    Lolol. I'd've got it too... Plus even though I live in rural California these days, I'm from Colorado, so it's more or less mandatory that I watch that show. :laugh:

    And speaking of non-gingery relatives, I'm the only one this generation that got it. One parent of swarthy eastern european ancestry, one of mostly irish ancestry, but the last ginger in my line before me was my grandad...
  • 2013Jenn2013
    2013Jenn2013 Posts: 38 Member
    ME :) I use to hate my red hair because I got picked on a lot for it. My mom swore if she ever had a redheaded baby, she'd dye it's hair...that's how much she loved redheads! She ended up with two of us!

    Now that I'm older and know that we are a rare population (somewhere around 2% of the world's population), I embrace my red hair and blue eyes! I'm rare and proud of it!! :wink: