30 Pounds By Christmas 10wk challenge Part 2!



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    SW: 167
    10/25: 162
    11/1: 160

    Halloween weekend got to me! But I'm still happy with my loss. I didn't skip a work out this weekend so I'm glad that I'm keeping the habit of exercising. Also, I'm having a side competition with a friend to see who can lose the most weight in 2 weeks, which I hope will give me some extra motivation!

    Quick question: What is the best way to start running again? I absolutely dread running especially on the treadmill, but I want to change up my work out. Any ideas? I ran 2 miles outside last week at a very slow pace and I was exhausted.

    Great job this week everyone! Keep it up :)

    About the running, I have heard LOTS of people having success with the Couch to 5K program. You can google it. It's basically walk, for so long, jog for so long, etc. It's a great way to still get a work out, burn calories, and still push yourself without burning out quickly!

    Hope this helps!
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Weigh In
    SW: 188.8
    CW: 183.4
    Loss this week: 0
    Total loss: 5.4

    So I did'nt have the best week, I am happy to have stayed the same and not gained! and I can't even blame Halloween because we don't even really do that here in Aus :grumble: its just having a really busy week with not so much time for exercise and I think the big thing was not getting to drink the water.
    Oh well this is a new week and I too have joined the 50 push up challenge, girly ones at this stage - I tried to do the real ones and made it to about 4 before I felt like I was going to die :laugh:

    Congrats everyone who has lost weight this week, you are all doing so well :smile: Really gives me so much motivation. Thanks!
  • skeetpea
    skeetpea Posts: 241 Member
    Checking in!
    challenge sw: 257
    challenge cw: 247
    woo hoo 10 pounds!!

    I am interested in joining that push up challenge for november. I too cannot even do one regular one!! I've been looking at the website hundredpushups.com and have been intrigued. I'm going to look for that thread now!

    hope everyone had a great weekend :)
  • Eric_Geary
    Eric_Geary Posts: 41 Member
    Well this last week was actually a kind of disappointing week for me. I made some bad choices with what i ate and actually put on 2 pounds, but no biggie i need to work extra this week to take off those two pounds plus another like 2 or 3 pounds to get back on track for my goal. So this weeks weight is 273.5.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Checking in!
    challenge sw: 257
    challenge cw: 247
    woo hoo 10 pounds!!

    I am interested in joining that push up challenge for november. I too cannot even do one regular one!! I've been looking at the website hundredpushups.com and have been intrigued. I'm going to look for that thread now!

    hope everyone had a great weekend :)

    Hey girl...wanted to let you know.. the thread is titled something like "November Challenge" Hope this helps! Started my 50 Wall push ups today! haha!! Small steps....
  • cef957
    cef957 Posts: 86 Member
    checking in....lost 2.4 pounds last week! (6.6 for the month of October)
    Adjusted my HRM weight (down 11 pounds from the last time I adjusted it)
    Lost 0.2 over Halloween weekend - which I am happy about since there was a birthday party and Halloween festivities!

    Feeling good - almost ready to take the "bigger clothes out of the closet and replace with the smaller size"
  • feisma
    feisma Posts: 213 Member
    still at 182...no change for this week :-( on the scale
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Missed weighing in this morning but i was thinking can i post my weigh in's from my wednesday challenge instead for this one?

    Last week i had gained over the weekend then by wednesday i was down.
  • barefootbabe
    barefootbabe Posts: 271 Member
    SW: 162.4
    Today's weight: 161.3

    I lost 1.1 pounds :smile:

    Great work everyone!

    Also, Posh, I know you are very busy with dong such a WONDERFUL job with this thread, but is there any chance you could possibly post the challenges a couple days ahead? We are already into 10am Tuesday morning here in Aus and I would love some goals to shoot for today! :flowerforyou: Thanks for all you do!!
  • 2kmom
    2kmom Posts: 12
    So, I had a bad news/good news day. Weight stayed the same: 180lbs, no loss, no gain. The better news is that I was able to wear a pair of really cute pants that haven't fit right in a long time :happy: I can definitely tell things are shifting, now just gotta get the numbers to keep moving down.

    Great work, everybody!
  • -1lbs loss this week, woulda been 2 if i didnt eat so much of my daughters halloween candy! will work extra hard this week!
  • My goodness YOU ALL ROCK!!!!!! Woo hooo to the girlie who lost like 17 POUNDS!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! wow... what did you do? I need to do that! haha.... I guess if you keep it up you will lose your 30 pounds before Christmas!

    I'm soo very proud of all of you! Thank you for everyone sticking in there with me! You make me proud and motivated. Hey, I also joined a 50 pushups a day thread for the month of November.

    Having said that, I cannot yet do 50 pushups, but the poster said we could start with wall push ups or even girly pushups. So, if anyone wants to join me in that challenge I would love to know. It's embarrasing to me that I can't even do 1 real push up anymore! Come on!!!

    lol.. I used to play sports and do hundreds weekly....sheesh...now I'm the stay puffed marshmallow queen! haha... Ok...so off to stare at a wall for 50 times! lol... Wish me luck... I may even have to break it into 5 sets of 10 at a time!! hahaha...

    BUT...I want to be able to do 20 REAL ones by the end of the month!!! Who's with me?? We can do it...it will probably only take like 5 minutes to do the wall ones!!!

    I joined that push up challenge last night. I saw you were on there too! Yeah, I definitely have to do the wall ones!
  • checking in....lost 2.4 pounds last week! (6.6 for the month of October)
    Adjusted my HRM weight (down 11 pounds from the last time I adjusted it)
    Lost 0.2 over Halloween weekend - which I am happy about since there was a birthday party and Halloween festivities!

    Feeling good - almost ready to take the "bigger clothes out of the closet and replace with the smaller size"
    i dont have you star weight for the spreadsheet, can you post it or message me?
  • Ntdrkyet
    Ntdrkyet Posts: 64 Member
    Just checking in for the week. No loss :( but no gain either.. it's that darn Halloween candy..oh well
  • hey yall checking in...

    sw : 280
    cw: 275
  • Ok, so i didn'd read all the posts all the way from the start, but I"M IN! i need re-motivated and i think you all can help me!! i have lost 55 pounds since last october but have recently lost my motivation and the inches are coming back! HELP!!!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    SW: 162.4
    Today's weight: 161.3

    I lost 1.1 pounds :smile:

    Great work everyone!

    Also, Posh, I know you are very busy with dong such a WONDERFUL job with this thread, but is there any chance you could possibly post the challenges a couple days ahead? We are already into 10am Tuesday morning here in Aus and I would love some goals to shoot for today! :flowerforyou: Thanks for all you do!!

    YES I can do that ! Sorry!! I've been slacking a bit in the challenge area the past few days!

    OK... Tuesday challenge:

    12 cups Water
    50 minutes Cardio
    20 minutes Weights
    Under calories

    ** Try some free weights today if you haven't yet. I've been on machines only, so over to the free weights it is. If you are doing mainly free weights, try some new LEG machines. I like the Abductor and Adductor machine! I'm always conscious of men walking by though. haha... I feel I'm being a bit vulgar! lol... Let me know how it goes! I love when everyone checks in with daily challenges.


    50 Minutes cardio
    20 min weights upper body
    10 cups Water

    *** Pick a prize for hitting your halfway mark of 15 pounds lost! What will you buy, or do? I'm looking forward to hearing everyone's prize!
  • janeam
    janeam Posts: 16
    So where is the calculator to calculate how many calories I burn using crutches all day. lol that is a workout in itself.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Yes Tuesday has a 12 cup challenge!! I think I'm going to start calling it H2O Tuesdays! lol... Yeah I'm soo creative I know! lol...

    Check in for today:

    20 minutes treadmill, 5 minutes wall push ups, 20 minutes weights lower body, some extra exercise thrown in ...

    12 cups water! Woo hoo!

    Under calories!! And yes.. I had 3 pieces of dang candy! lol.... I'm taking it to my church youth group wednesday night though!
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