What keeps you going?



  • lilalief
    lilalief Posts: 76 Member
    wanting to look slim(mer) when moving to Paris in January! :)
  • malabosanka
    malabosanka Posts: 2 Member
    good for you!
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    Women and money. (I'm not exaggerating to say that there is job discrimination against the morbidly obese).
  • TamaraKat
    TamaraKat Posts: 533 Member
    I found it tough to get into exercising but then started getting to know people at the gym and I started getting addicted to fitness and health. The people there keep me motivated as does everyone on here as well as my goals!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I think what helps me is instead of looking at the amount I have to lose/lost as a number is looking at it as a percentage to goal. What helps you stay motivated?

    Sometimes trying to tackle the entire beast at once can be overwhelming. What I am doing is to set interim goals for myself. For example, I have about 4 lbs to lose until I hit my interim goal. Once there, I set another goal that eventually gets me to where I want to be.

    I've lost over 80 lbs this way.

  • Danimri84
    Danimri84 Posts: 262 Member
    Watching the number on the scale drop.
    Not having a damn thing to wear because everything I own is huge.
    The compliments from people, "Wow you look fantastic!" "How much have you lost?!?"
    Having less self-hatred than ever.
    The desire for my body to be as hot as my face lol.
    And, I've been lucky. I've lost 49 lbs in just about 4 months. I have zero willpower, so the instant gratification thing started me off and kept me going, and now that the rate of loss is slowing just a bit, I'm finding it easier to accept than if I would have started off and only lost a pound a week.
    I've got 40-45 lbs to go, and I know I can do it.
  • What helps me is instead of looking at the big number I need to lose, I break it into smaller numbers. 1kilo a weight as opposed to losing 22 kilos =)
  • seed_of_wonder
    seed_of_wonder Posts: 202 Member
    i look at pictures of where i want to be and that definitely helps.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    I'm in this for the long run. I can't wait to reach my goal wait and I'm an impatient person... but I want to be healthier anyway. Stopping now won't get me to a healthier place and DEFINITELY won't make me smaller. When I feel discouraged or really want to stray off my calorie plan, I keep reminding myself that one day I'll be totally used to this and those feelings will go away. SOMEDAY in a few months I'll be a healthy weight but only if I stick with it. I'm surprised by how easy this is for me.
  • MzzFaith
    MzzFaith Posts: 337 Member
  • Yeah. like yourself small goals motivated me. I was originally 237lbs. and now 196lbs. Each goal was about 10lbs. A bit thing for me was hitting 99kgs (218lbs), because it was double digits.! It took me 4-5moths to come this far. I never thought about the time and effort to get what I wanted, only the reward. I think that is what keep me on the straight and narrow.

    Plus my nike attitude now, JUST DO IT,
  • For me, it varies on the day.

    Sometimes I keep on pushing because I know its best for my daughter. I'm all about leading by example, and I want to be able to run around with her outside and keep up with her and my husband. I also know that losing this weight and getting healthy is something I need to do before I get pregnant again. I lost 50 pounds before I got pregnant the first time so my baby could have the best healthy start I could give her. I won't settle for anything less for my second.

    Sometimes I keep going for spiritual reasons. My grandfather, the most amazing relative I've ever had, passed away, yet I still want to make him proud of the person I am. I want him to see me make better choices regarding my health than him, so I'm not gone at 68 like he was, after being sick as hell for a decade.

    And sometimes I keep on keepin' on for the vain reasons. To be hot as hell and make the skank that thinks she can get my husband even more jealous than she already is. Cause its funny. :P
  • teamAmelia
    teamAmelia Posts: 1,247 Member
    My progress keeps me going, and the fact that I don't want to start over again in a few days, weeks, or months keeps me going (primarily the latter).
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I watched my grandfather slowly die from Alzheimer's. I don't want that to happen to me. I want to be as healthy as I can and I want to die knowing that I lived my life as best as possible (no matter when I die.)
  • airdiva1
    airdiva1 Posts: 198 Member
    What keeps me going is three things. The shame that I feel, the pain that I suffer due to my weight, and not being able to enjoy my travels as much due to my weight.
    I will admit that I gotten to the point that I was ashamed of myself. I used to love taking photos,but when I saw how obese I was in pictures, no longer the case. When going somewhere or at family gatherings, I would take the photos or hide somewhere. Never placed a photo on FB either. I also got to the point hating to shop for clothes. Hated going into a store and praying that the 3X would fit and maybe, just maybe, it would look cute. Going shopping with others who could pick out alot of items,while I would head to the purses or shoes to be able to somewhat enjoy myself.
    The pain that men just look through you like nothing. Being the purse holder and trying to look like I'm enjoying myself. Not recalling the last time someone ask me out or for my phone number.
    But the biggest reason, I love to travel! But my weight was at a point where I couldn't really enjoy. I went to Peru and visited Machu Picchu in April. While I loved the trip, I couldn't fully enjoy myself because of my weight. It was so hard to walk the hilly sites, While on a tour in the Scared Valley, I was too tired to enjoy several of the sites. I wanted to hike the Inca trail, but not able to do so. Too heavy to zipline or go horseback riding also hurt. Flying and asking for a seat belt ext, seeing the look of "I hope she's not sitting next to me" look when going to my seat.
    The times when I don't feel like walking or when first starting my new outlook wanting to eat something fried and salty, I go to that hurt and pain. That gets me through.
    The way I got into my weight loss may not work for everyone, but it does for me. I know it took years to get this heavy and not looking to be small in a month or two. I know that a size 4 or 6 will not be for me. Due to my body, I know that being a 10 or 12 is a goal.
    But I know in the end, the changes that I'm making will let me live longer and enjoy life! That's why in 2016 I'm heading to Chile and doing a five day hike on the "W" trail at Torres del Paine, going horseback riding and ziplining. And will post pictures of myself!
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    F**K Motivation its overated...

    Sheer Will and Determination

    I like you.
    It isnt hallmark, but I like it.