PLEASE Give Me Your Opinions And Advice?



  • hicksang121
    hicksang121 Posts: 19 Member
    My thoughts...

    Exercising: Agree with the gym with the pool or public pool, stationary bike, and talk with a physical trainer who can suggest some strength building exercises you can do. Resistance training is essential to losing and keeping off weight.

    Juicing/Diet: All calories are not created equal - i.e. one scoop protein powder in water vs. one twix bar - both are about 100 calories but... The isopure will help your body build muscle and stave off hunger. The twix bar will make your insulin surge (then you'll crash) and you'll be hugrier than ever - probably making you more susceptible to overeating (and probably the wrong things). One banana, one 8 oz. glass of orange juice contains a day's amount of recommended sugar (~24g). My suspicion is that although homemade and natural, juicing is putting too much suger (carbs) in your diet - maybe add some unflavord protein in those juices and cut back to one a day. It may not hurt to talk with a nutrionist. Best of luck!
  • KittehPuss
    I agree with a lot of what's being said here. Be VIGILANT about counting your calories! Track everything and start making those key lifestyle changes to stay on track. That's the thing about weight loss, it's a lifestyle, not a short time deal. Once you figure out what you like and what makes you happy stick to it and keep doing it, even once you've lost the weight.

    If you have a lot of pain try joining your local YMCA and going to water aerobics. I would not worry about someone making fun of you at the gym, especially if you join a Y, I've never seen or experienced anything close to that.

    I like juicing myself, but if you're going to end up being hungry all day from it, then do it wisely. You don't want to be miserable or make this harder than it has to be. Maybe use the juices for snacks instead of meals. That might really help you out.

    Smart snacking, smart food choices, and go get in that water!!! You can do it! :-)

    The last movie I was able to sit through was the first Lord of the Rings film. I get REALLY uptight in a crowd or a pool. That's why I got the bowflex and the resistance bands. I'm sitting in my recliner now. I have a 55" HDTV that is not only my home theater, it's my computer monitor as well. The only other thing on that wall is the bowflex. It isn't pretty, but it's hard to ignore.

    Again, I'm not going to be juicing, the Nutribullet is for making smoothies, it PULVERIZES even seeds. Or so the infomercial claims. I've found I'm lazy when it comes to making meals. So something I can prepare in just a couple of minutes and take with me might be helpful.
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    From the OP
    And as I'm going to have my remaining lower teeth removed shortly and a denture made I figure soft foods, drinkable foods, are going to be a plus for a while.

    And your response
    You DO NOT need to juice to do this. Here's the wonderful thing. You can eat whatever you want!!! You just need to eat at a calorie deficit. There is no magic way to do this. No juices, no pills no anything. Just a deficit!!! You can do it if you do it right!!!

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Most of your weight loss will come from changing your food intake. Exercise is great and I'd encourage you to do as much as you can, but calories are the biggest factor in losing weight.

    Log accurately, with your scale. You should only use measuring cups/spoons for free-pouring liquids. Everything else should be weighed. Enter your own recipes. Look for the database entries with no asterisk-- those are the most accurate.

    Juicing is a great way to work in more fruits and veggies, but as long as you have a calorie deficit you'll lose weight no matter what you eat. That said, you'll be a lot happier and healthier if most of your calories come from nutrient dense foods.

    Good luck to you.
  • KittehPuss
    If you want to keep the weight off, stop looking for fad diets and quick fixes. Log everything you eat and eat less calories than you burn each day. Eat at a moderate calorie deficit and in a way that you can honestly see yourself eating for the rest of your life (I.e. if you don't think you can do two smoothies a day forever, don't do it now).

    That is EXACTLY what I'm wanting to do. It's what I did previously when I lots 50 pounds or so.
  • tigerblood78
    tigerblood78 Posts: 417 Member
    Skip breakfast on a REGULAR basis.
    First meal at noon.
    Don't worry about calories or exercise.
    Things will sort themselves out.
    You'll see.

    this guy......he gets it
  • KittehPuss
    Most of your weight loss will come from changing your food intake. Exercise is great and I'd encourage you to do as much as you can, but calories are the biggest factor in losing weight.

    Log accurately, with your scale. You should only use measuring cups/spoons for free-pouring liquids. Everything else should be weighed. Enter your own recipes. Look for the database entries with no asterisk-- those are the most accurate.

    Juicing is a great way to work in more fruits and veggies, but as long as you have a calorie deficit you'll lose weight no matter what you eat. That said, you'll be a lot happier and healthier if most of your calories come from nutrient dense foods.

    Good luck to you.

    Thank you!! ARe you familiar with CaloreiKing? I liked using their app to keep EXACT track of my intake. Isn't there something similar on this website? I like the people here a LOT better!

    I need a new scale. I saw some on this site somewhere that really looked cool for a guy that thinks of himself as a geek.

  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    OP, people are very accepting at gyms. There are people from all walks of life. Another poster suggested joining the ymca for water aerobics. But if you're not comfortable in crowds, try a home routine with your machine. Best of luck.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Most of your weight loss will come from changing your food intake. Exercise is great and I'd encourage you to do as much as you can, but calories are the biggest factor in losing weight.

    Log accurately, with your scale. You should only use measuring cups/spoons for free-pouring liquids. Everything else should be weighed. Enter your own recipes. Look for the database entries with no asterisk-- those are the most accurate.

    Juicing is a great way to work in more fruits and veggies, but as long as you have a calorie deficit you'll lose weight no matter what you eat. That said, you'll be a lot happier and healthier if most of your calories come from nutrient dense foods.

    Good luck to you.
    Thank you!! ARe you familiar with CaloreiKing? I liked using their app to keep EXACT track of my intake. Isn't there something similar on this website? I like the people here a LOT better!

    I need a new scale. I saw some on this site somewhere that really looked cool for a guy that thinks of himself as a geek.

    Go to the FOOD tab at the top. That's where you can search the database. I'm not sure how similar it is to CalorieKing but once you get the hang of it it's easy to use. If you're entering eggs, search for "whole raw egg" to get the USDA entry. If it's fruit try "Banana raw" etc. If you're not seeing a USDA entry and it's a whole food, try something like "tomato usda" to pull up the user entered entries that were pulled from the USDA. If it's packaged food then just double check the calorie count against your package the first time you use it.

    Once you've used a food it'll be in your Recent Foods and you can add it quickly and easily.
  • littlelexical
    littlelexical Posts: 146 Member
    Personally i'm an 'anti-juicer' as it removes a lot of the goodness of the fruit - you are talking about blending, so assuming you are putting the whole fruit in there - thats not such a huge issue - however, i think eating each of the things you put in the blender as a whole ingredient is far more beneficial - chewing is an important part of eating & blending/juicing gets rid of that entirely.

    Chewing through a meal takes time - your body takes time to register fullness - so - chewing through those ingredients is going to give your body more time to register it is full than glugging down a drink will.

    Saliva is created by chewing (not exclusively, no - but - i'm being 'broad' here) and contains enzymes which help break down food - now - having it pre-blended already helps in digestion etc through the intestine - but - it doesn't promote the same saliva reaction - so - thats a down side. Saliva contains lipase (one of many enzymes) which helps process fat FYI :)

    If however throwing some fruit/veg in the bullet and drinking is your 'quick fix' instead of reaching for something from a packet much higher in calories and lower in nutrition - and it still fits in your daily calorie limit and conforms with what your body needs (hormonal/metabolic issues etc) - then I applaud your healthier choice :) You could use it as a step towards eating these things whole, or in a more solid form in the future.
  • saree2013
    Do what you got to do to be where you got to be. I'm going to bed. You people exhaust me.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Skip breakfast on a REGULAR basis.
    First meal at noon.
    Don't worry about calories or exercise.
    Things will sort themselves out.
    You'll see.

    this guy......he gets it

    Yep...if 'it' is a prize for terrible advice.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Do what you got to do to be where you got to be. I'm going to bed. You people exhaust me.

    Random random.
  • KittehPuss
    Currently I have 5 teeth. Shortly I'll have none. So chewing is something of a problem for a while.
  • littlelexical
    littlelexical Posts: 146 Member
    Sorry, i missed that bit of information :)
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    If you look on youtube ( and search for 'chair cardio workout' a lot of them come up - have a look and pick one(s) you like if you wish to do cardio on top of a routine with your BowFlex.
  • 141by2016
    problem fixed it's self.
  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    All you need is basic arithmetic.