Most akward/embarrassing moment you've had on a date?



  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    Found out the lady was into swinging. Her husband told me when we went back to her house for after dinner drinks.

    Hahahahaha epic *win
  • melb_alex
    melb_alex Posts: 1,154 Member
    I had a roommate back in my single days with a first name that was very similar to mine. She and her mother had some joint credit card accounts (I didn't ask why), so her bills would come with her and her mother's name on the envelopes. There is a point to this, so hold on.

    I was dating a girl and we were *ahem* hanging out at my apartment. I excused myself to use the rest room, leaving her in the living room alone. When I came out, she said in a very snippy manner, "I'm ready to go home." I shrugged and got her coat for her, and off we went. On the way back to her place, she asked to see my phone. I said sure... and as soon as I did, I started to think "My God, she's going to call the police and say that I'd kidnapped her or something, isn't she?" Because that's how my brain works. She proceeded to find her name and number in my contacts and promptly erased it, then gave the phone back to me... much to my relief.

    When we pulled up to her place, after a long and silent 15 minute drive, she turned to me in all seriousness and asked me what my wife Linda thought of me cheating on her.

    I blinked. I stared. I may have even snorted some laughter-like noise. "What the h*** are you talking about? I'm not married."

    "I saw the credit card bills with your names on them. Don't lie to me."

    I thought to myself, Are you serious right now, lady?, and said again, "I'm not married." Then, I realized that she saw my roommate's mail. So, shaking my head in disdain, I told her that my roommate's name is very close to mine and that she has accounts with her mother; that's whose names were on the mail (*as an aside, we were apparently not yet on a last name basis... and apparently she was confused about what my first name was).

    She went silent, then burst out with nervous laughter. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" she said over and over. I thanked her for an interesting evening and sped away.

    Three days later she e-mailed me to ask for another date, since she didn't have my number anymore. I told her I had plans with my fake wife.

    Hehehehehe !!! Good recount of the story too; great commentary!
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    When I was presented with a relationship contract on the third date. It ranged in topic from how many times he expected me to go down on him to naming our children... I still have the copy for Lols.

    The same summer I has a date with this guy at a tea shop, he thought it was weird that I liked f1, so had to 'check' that I wasn't a guy. Yes, he groped my vagina IN A TEA SHOP. I loved that place... But I just can't go back... :sad:
  • pawnstarNate
    pawnstarNate Posts: 1,728 Member
    Not really sure if it's awkward, embarrassing, or just plain stupid but, when I was 20, I went to a frat party with a girl....we ended up taking her and her two friends in my 4x4 blazer to the local train tunnel (it was the cool thing to do). I didn't drive because I had a few too many. My date drove and she got my blazer stuck so, being the manly man I am, I jumped in the drivers seat, locked it in 4 wheel drive and decided I would just back all the way out to the main road before letting her drive again. Ya know, I didn't even notice that little bridge when we first drove beside the tracks to the train tunnel. Long story short, I flipped the blazer, I flew half way out drivers window and when the blazer landed, it landed on me...pinning me with my face partially submerged in water. I could barely breathe with the blazer pinning me...girls were climbing out the passenger window and screaming "He's dead!!! He's dead!!" Took fire department 45 minutes to get there and get me out. spent 3 days in CCU with bruised heart and collapsed lung. 7 total days in hospital. Never even got a visit from her in the hospital. I suppose it was a valuable lesson though because I was 20 then and 44 now and I haven't gotten behind the wheel of any vehicle even after a sip of alcohol since then.
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    Not really sure if it's awkward, embarrassing, or just plain stupid but, when I was 20, I went to a frat party with a girl....we ended up taking her and her two friends in my 4x4 blazer to the local train tunnel (it was the cool thing to do). I didn't drive because I had a few too many. My date drove and she got my blazer stuck so, being the manly man I am, I jumped in the drivers seat, locked it in 4 wheel drive and decided I would just back all the way out to the main road before letting her drive again. Ya know, I didn't even notice that little bridge when we first drove beside the tracks to the train tunnel. Long story short, I flipped the blazer, I flew half way out drivers window and when the blazer landed, it landed on me...pinning me with my face partially submerged in water. I could barely breathe with the blazer pinning me...girls were climbing out the passenger window and screaming "He's dead!!! He's dead!!" Took fire department 45 minutes to get there and get me out. spent 3 days in CCU with bruised heart and collapsed lung. 7 total days in hospital. Never even got a visit from her in the hospital. I suppose it was a valuable lesson though because I was 20 then and 44 now and I haven't gotten behind the wheel of any vehicle even after a sip of alcohol since then.

    Holy *kitten*.
  • farmgirlrrt
    farmgirlrrt Posts: 168 Member
    Went on a date with a guy I had been dating for three months. I'm into country swing dancing and had been teaching him. We had really become quite good. One night we were out with probably 10 of my co-workers from the hospital. He had flipped me into the air (candlestick) and instead of bringing me back down to the ground he let me go from that angle. I landed wrong and told him that I thought I broke my knee. He thought I was kidding. I began to feel dizzy and asked him to get me laid down. Had him to grab a co-worker to help get me to the car. Went to ER where he was texting somebody while I laid on the gurny (something he said he didn't do while with his friends because he thought it was rude to text when he was with them). ER thought it was sprained but when it wasn't getting any better I went to see a specialist. MRI revealed a complete tear to the ACL, a tear to the MCL, medial and lateral meniscus along with impaction fractures to the tibia and femur plateau. I told him this and his reaction was, "Sorry to hear". He said it like he wasn't even there. He never once apologized and "sorry to hear" doesn't count as an apology.

    I'm probably the only girl who broke up with a guy because he didn't apologize.
  • FatHuMan1
    FatHuMan1 Posts: 1,028 Member
    I was in college. I brought a girl back to my basement apartment, where I lived with my dog George, a very large German Shepherd. While we were out on our date George had gotten into the pantry. He chose to eat a large can of powdered Nesquik, most of a pound of sugar, and a box of oxo chicken cubes. Upon our return the evidence was scattered around the floor and George was lying in the corner looking rather woozy. I filled his water bowl and cleaned up the mess he had made. He sucked back the water in record time so I filled his bowl again. He finished the second bowl off almost as quickly, so again I filled it. This time he had a few sips and then lay down again. By now his stomach looked to be the size of a basketball. I felt sorry for him, but my sympathy was mitigated by the fact that there was a willing and able coed in my apartment, so I turned down the lights and we started to get busy on the couch. After about five minutes, George suddenly climbs up on the couch and into my lap, which he is now sharing with my date. He then proceeds to evacuate his stomach, from both ends, simultaneously, all over me, her, and the couch.

    Needless to say the rest of the date was not nearly as fun.
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I had a guy propose to me...I don't know, two hours in to our first date. He wasn't joking either.

    Your personality must be off the charts :tongue:
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    When I was presented with a relationship contract on the third date. It ranged in topic from how many times he expected me to go down on him to naming our children... I still have the copy for Lols.

    The same summer I has a date with this guy at a tea shop, he thought it was weird that I liked f1, so had to 'check' that I wasn't a guy. Yes, he groped my vagina IN A TEA SHOP. I loved that place... But I just can't go back... :sad:
    I thought only Crocodile Dundee did the "sheila check"
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    I was young. He came in to pick me up and told me when we got into his car that my mom was hot. Ewwww! (love my mom, but....) It was over for me before it began.
    And now "Stacy's Mom" is playing in my head...
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    It was when I was told by her mother that the girl couldn't go out with me that night because she "was grounded". Girl in question happened to be sheriff's daughter and had claimed to be 19 to me. This was a pretty dead giveaway someone was lying. No more dates after that. (I was 23 if I recall correctly). Not sure why the 'rents let me go out on the first couple dates...either I looked younger to them or she was lying to them about MY age.
  • bikercowboy
    I had a guy pee his pants....I was mordified, embarrassed for him and myself. I ended up taking the bus home....

    Note to self.... wear a diaper when with this pretty girl..... :-)
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    When I was presented with a relationship contract on the third date. It ranged in topic from how many times he expected me to go down on him to naming our children... I still have the copy for Lols.
    Out of curiousity, what is the going amount these days for fell**io?

    I think the biggest surprise is that he was thinking ahead to kids :bigsmile:
  • adorable_aly
    adorable_aly Posts: 398 Member
    When I was presented with a relationship contract on the third date. It ranged in topic from how many times he expected me to go down on him to naming our children... I still have the copy for Lols.
    Out of curiousity, what is the going amount these days for fell**io?

    I think the biggest surprise is that he was thinking ahead to kids :bigsmile:

    About 3 times a week for 20 minutes apparently :huh:
    Lol kids... I almost died... I can't deal with that kind of talk :sick:
  • ZombieGeezUs
    Never been on a date
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I fell UP the stairs in front of my now husband (then date/not even boyfriend). It was winter and I was wearing boots that were easily a size too big. Biffed it and fell on my face. He laughed.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    i find it interesting that that most of the awkward moments that women describe are things that the other person did and most of the things guys describe are things that they did themselves.

    most. not all.

  • tiddles_yeah
    tiddles_yeah Posts: 117 Member
    Someone tried to pretend they were a surgeon to be impressive, and then continues to say how they were lecturing in surgery at our local university.

    Unluckily for them i study medicine/surgery at that university so completely caught them out!

    Haha the look on their face when i said i studied there!
  • NightKeepr
    I always spill my drink. No matter what.

    If I go on a date, which I haven't done for years, I will, inevitably, spill my drink. It's probably a law of the universe or something.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Kept warning the guy I was on a first date with how much I sweat because we were at an arcade. He was very confused. He's still my boyfriend. <3