What does your family say when you lose weight?



  • cdahl383
    cdahl383 Posts: 726 Member
    Mum: 'there's cheesecake for dessert
    Me: 'no thanks mum, I'm trying to loose weight'
    Mum: 'one little slice wont hurt, its a treat'
    Me: 'honestly no thank you, I shouldn't'
    Mum: Do you want some Ice-cream then?
    Me: 'Bloody hell mum, I said no and I'm trying to loose weight, stop asking me if I want dessert!
    Mum: 'Oh sorry, don't get arsy with me Clair, I'm only trying to be nice.
    Me: What flavour Cheesecake? :D

    Sounds like my mom. Do you want some Reeses Cups? No mom. I got you some of your favorite Doritios at the store since they were on sale! Ok thanks mom. I also got you your favorite candy too, you're losing too much weight, you dont want to look sick! Haha!
  • LeighRaeW
    LeighRaeW Posts: 42 Member
    My brother is supportive (and genuinely happy for any weight loss I have). When I visit he always serves a health, balanced and fairly low calorie meal. :smile:
    My mum says supportive things, but the last three times I've visited (I live about 5 hours away) has served Chinese take away, Indian take away and lastly, honey and brown sugar glazed roasted gammon with potato dauphinoise (sliced potatoes cooked in cream and topped with a LOT of cheese) and buttered carrots with trifle for desert.
    She also asks how my diet is going, but quickly changes the subject when the answer is 'great, I've lost a few more pounds, thanks'. I call her my 'supportive' saboteur.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Pretty much everyone around me was super supportive. I love my family and friends :smooched: :heart:
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    If I tell my dad I've lost some weight he says "Look behind you" One time I told him I was planning on looseing 50 pounds and he asked if I was sure that was enough.

    My mom will comment on me losing but I am mortified because she also tells me how much fatter I am than she is. I don't ever want to bring it up anymore as I usually gain back any amount I lose anyway. They make me hate myself.

    My husband and kids are like gold. Nothing but supportive.
  • celina6062
    celina6062 Posts: 7 Member
    My dad and step mom saw me for the first time after I lost 50 pounds and my dad was concerned that I was losing too much. Mind you I still had another 20 pounds to go but he hadn't seen me this thin since I was 17 so he was concerned. It was very sweet and I told him that I was fine, being monitored by my doctor and that I felt great and was so happy. So my parents bought me a new wardrobe and my husband one as well since we were both losing weight.
    Everyone is supported and I never heard a bad thing. I'm blessed
  • celina6062
    celina6062 Posts: 7 Member
    If I tell my dad I've lost some weight he says "Look behind you" One time I told him I was planning on looseing 50 pounds and he asked if I was sure that was enough.

    My mom will comment on me losing but I am mortified because she also tells me how much fatter I am than she is. I don't ever want to bring it up anymore as I usually gain back any amount I lose anyway. They make me hate myself.

    My husband and kids are like gold. Nothing but supportive.

    So sorry to hear that! That's a passive agressive behaivor and its destructive to your goals and well being. My mother used to be that way until I told her exactly how she was treating me and that I didn't like it and it showed her insecurity in herself that she had to give me a compliment only to take it away and I wasn't going to take it anymore. So since then whenever she would start having that attitude I'd tell her what she was doing and that I was going to walk away now or hang up the phone.
    Now we have a great relationship and she realized what she was doing.
  • karlospiklington
    karlospiklington Posts: 143 Member
    I didn't mention to my family that I was trying to lose weight initially. After 4 months and 19lbs lost my mum and dad both commented on the fact I looked like I had lost weight a few days ago. It was a bit of a boost; although it took them long enough to notice!
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 437 Member
    My family has been very supportive throughout the whole process. They knew me before I gained the weight, so there is a ninternal picture of the range. They gave me a heads up when I lost too much and the pictures confirmed it, reinforcing the trust I have in their eye.
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 437 Member
    If I tell my dad I've lost some weight he says "Look behind you" One time I told him I was planning on looseing 50 pounds and he asked if I was sure that was enough.

    My mom will comment on me losing but I am mortified because she also tells me how much fatter I am than she is. I don't ever want to bring it up anymore as I usually gain back any amount I lose anyway. They make me hate myself.

    My husband and kids are like gold. Nothing but supportive.

    Sorry to hear that! Your ticker says 41 pounds - that's phenomenal! What a fantastic job!
  • KimberlyinMN
    KimberlyinMN Posts: 302 Member
    My mom keeps asking me when I will stop losing weight. I told her that I haven't hit my goal yet. Kind of funny though, I gave my dad a pair of my pants (men's jeans that I had gotten from a friend) that were now too big. Well, the jeans never really DID fit me right as I definitely have hips and a waist - I'm not built like a guy. Anyhow - they fit my dad just right! I think they were a size 40/30 (if that means waist/inseam).

    My in-laws just tell me they are proud of me. :) The hubs also says that I'm doing an amazing job. When we eat out, he understands that I prefer to eat at restaurants where I can "eat clean". Well, at least know what it is that I am ordering and that I can things made the way I want them.

    We went to my niece's high school graduation reception. The only person, other than my parents, who said anything to me was my brother's ex-wife's third husband. (He's a super nice guy.)

    I think that since I really haven't seen a lot of family members "in person" for awhile, no one really knows what a change I've made. I did see a couple of aunts last Mother's Day. They both kind of said "So, are you losing weight?" They were nice about it as they all know the struggles of keeping weight off. This Christmas Eve will be the first time that I'll be around some of my cousins and their families, so it should be kind of fun to see their reactions. We're friends on Facebook, but I don't talk about my weight loss there and I don't think I have any full body photos.
  • NeIIaBeIIa
    NeIIaBeIIa Posts: 31 Member
    Haven't seen the extended family for nearly 2yrs - I'm terrified! Last time was just after my baby was born, and I wasn't in shape, although my weight went even higher for a while there. I could easily blame the baby. But she is 2 now - so I can't do that anymore!

    My husband is totally supportive, although doesn't say much, he is confused why i need to count calories and weigh food. For him, he just loses weight easily and in a different way. I don't have that sort of self control ;) But he hugs me and says 'your belly isn't there anymore' which i love of course :)

    My parents are super fit for their age and it embarasses me that I am not, and that I feel like a giant next to my Mum (she is tiny, a very different build to me and about 1/2 foot smaller). And i think only now I JUST weigh less than my super slim 6'2" dad (mortifying...). So they will probably not say anything about my current weight, or the gradual change, and will feed me salad (which is fine! and all you can get at their house anyway ;)

    My parents in law are overweight and will tell me immediately to not lose any more, because they think they can't. Can hear it already. I am 5'8" and 176lbs, I need to be around 160 in my mind.

    I am halfway to my goal. I will be spending the next 4 weeks (OMG.....) visiting the lot of them on the other side of the world, nothing any one them say will make me change my mind. Determined. But terrified...
  • Spreyton22K
    Spreyton22K Posts: 323 Member
    Dear OP - hope you don't mind me adding in my 2 cents worth.....I don't have any of my family about so the only family members that have any input are from my husbands side and our grown-up kids.

    Hubby is great....we went on this whole weight-loss thing together so we have always been each others biggest supporters. My daughter as much as I love her and she is a gem - she has gotten a little miffed that I now weigh less than her....no matter that I'm healthy her comments are always beginning with "You look sick", "You need to eat more" closely followed by her bemoaning the fact that she is struggling to control her weight due to the wonderful round of dinner parties and lots of drinking which is kind of the norm in the professional circles her and her husband rotate around.

    But, I can deal with loved ones....even brush aside the 'mean' spirited comments from obese members of my husbands family......it is so tiring to be asked how did you do this - over and over - watch their eyes glaze and then they follow up with *kitten* such as "Well you know that statistics show that 90% of people that lose weight will put it all and more back on within whatever time frame". Or the other gem of me counting calories + exercise will never work for me......after the last 2-3 years I have just learned to keep my mouth closed.

    But.....sorry if this is long and rambly I would like to ask everyone's advice on how to deal with the sort of negativity and personal comments from others over "being skinny". It is just getting beyond a joke now. No-one ever said a damn thing when I was fat. But now it's open season.

    I am slim. I have a small frame. But people are relentless, usually they are bigger.....much bigger and I am starting to feel as isolated and unattractive as I did when I was 20 stone. I get really tongue-tied when this happens....I can't think of any response.....Smart, funny or sarcastic as the need be. Does anyone have any tips or self-protective ideas to help me. Please

  • ElizabethFuller
    ElizabethFuller Posts: 352 Member
    Nothing! I've lost 11kg (24lb), dropped 1-2 dress sizes and no-one has said "Have you lost weight". Even my husband had to be shown my 90 day weight loss graph before he was impressed. It's a bit sad but I am doing this for me and I definitely feel thinner and certainly feel fitter. I must have carried my excess flab in a tidy way :smile: Maybe in another month, and I really hope another dress size, my friends and family will be wowed. Here's hoping.
    OK, to update, my sister finally noticed that I've lost weight! Did she say "Wow, Lizzy, looking good!" No, she said in a very accusing tone "You've lost weight!" I agreed but didn't say how much (now over 30lb). "Well how did YOU do that then?" The emphasis definitely on "you". I said I was moving more and eating less. She said Oh and then went back to talking about her shopping trip.
    To go back to my original post, I am doing this for me, I feel so much better and healthier, but it would be nice to get a couple of "Wows". I have about another 10lb to go before I reach my target, then I'm going shopping, I think pretty, fitted clothes in the next size down will help my image .........Yay, can't wait!

    (Edited to make sense!)
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    "Are you still doing that thing?"

    Since, as we all know, fitness is something you should just "do" for a couple of months and then stop. :explode:

    Exactly! I get that one a lot as well.

    When they heard I was trying to lose weight.... Oh that's good cause you're "SO BIG" > from a family member with a bigger pants size.

    When asking about my goals .... Oh that's just way TOO much weight to lose you'll look awful <and> a what!??! at your age with how many kids??? I said I wanted to get down around 120-130 and see how I felt/looked and measured because the number on the scale is a guideline not the end all be all magic number. And I want to be back in a bikini.... with 4 kids and I turn 35 in Feb lol.

    I've also gotten "Oh you're losing weight in your face/neck, now you just need to lose it from <insert body part>" if it were that easy lol.

    My husband though, amazing support. He keeps telling me I CAN DO IT. He knows how unhappy I've been and has loved me from 95# up to 209.5 and only ever said anything when I Really was too skinny. Dropped too much, too fast after having one of our children while on active duty and I had to gain some weight and fix it. The kids keep telling me good job and giving high fives so my immediate family keeps me going.
  • newlife888
    newlife888 Posts: 83 Member
    Great question! My husband keeps saying I look great at whatever size. He likes my fit self better I think because exercise makes me happier and less anxious. So very encouraging. My mom thinks I need to "stop with the weight loss". She's pretty overweight and I think she's just saying that so I eat all the giant quantities of food she has around... so that can be a challenge. Thanks for posting!
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    My dad and step mom saw me for the first time after I lost 50 pounds and my dad was concerned that I was losing too much. Mind you I still had another 20 pounds to go but he hadn't seen me this thin since I was 17 so he was concerned. It was very sweet and I told him that I was fine, being monitored by my doctor and that I felt great and was so happy. So my parents bought me a new wardrobe and my husband one as well since we were both losing weight.
    Everyone is supported and I never heard a bad thing. I'm blessed

    That is nice. I'm glad you are supported.

    And thanks.....