Just don't GIVE UP!!



  • pjammer10
    pjammer10 Posts: 38 Member
    Read this this morning after deciding last night to just completely quit the whole get healthy lose weight thing. I've been working out and trying to eat right for months and haven't seen any results. No weight loss no inches lost. Its been extremely discouraging. It is extremely discouraging. But what is quitting going to get me? Thanks for the extra boost of confidence and motivation!
  • MireyGal76
    MireyGal76 Posts: 7,334 Member
    thank you for this.

    It took me three years. Yes. THREE YEARS for go from this:

    to this:

    But I did it by making small shifts in my eating and exercise patterns so that it became a new lifestyle.

    It does take time. Dedication. Sweat. Frustration. and Determination.

    But it can be done if you

    Just don't GIVE UP!!
  • doonelm
    doonelm Posts: 4
    Awesome post, I have been plateaued for a week now, I have increased workouts, and am using weight, and salt is my enemy and I LOVE it. My healthy ways are going to catch up to the scale eventually, patience is my lesson. ;)
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Bump again, for those who just may need a little help!!!! :smile:
  • daveymac1
    daveymac1 Posts: 784 Member
    Just bumping again for someone who may need it.

  • I needed it too thank you :flowerforyou:
  • Lifeisgood4
    Lifeisgood4 Posts: 120 Member
    Bump! Thank you for this!! :smile:
  • NeIIaBeIIa
    NeIIaBeIIa Posts: 31 Member
    Thank you for bumping again! I needed to read that this morning. :smile:

    I think I am too hard on myself, I have set a weekly goal and sometimes it just doesn't work... duh! Sometimes I achieve better than the goal, but I rarely congratulate myself, if at all ... too much negativity.

    I am halfway to final goal, I should be over the moon! It's taken me so long to get going. So thanks to your post, I have decided that today I WILL be over the moon and celebrate what I have achieved to date :drinker:

    Thanks Davey.
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    this topic is pro and the OP is a beast!!!
    Agreed it takes time and I was guilty of this too. Having that idealogy leads to failure all the time. Expecting all of your weight to dissappear after a few weeks or a month is simply unreasonable. it takes time, lots of it and you have to be willing to stay the course you have to be willing to dedicate yourself to it. Cause if you dont not only will you fail, but it will return with a vengeance. DONT GIVE IT THE SATISFACTION!!!!


  • ElectricDragon
    ElectricDragon Posts: 60 Member
    I use to be very negative: "oh only one pound lost I'll never get to where I need to go!" kind of thoughts. I never take a pound for granted now, that one pound is one less than what I had before and one step in the right direction moving me forward to a better tomorrow.
  • LovelyMarie774
    LovelyMarie774 Posts: 49 Member
    Something in my head snapped one day, and I realized, hey, I am a fat *kitten*. What am I going to do about it????

    Haha! I know that feeling :) It's like an ice water bath of reality.