5'5'' and 143 lbs. Is that good?



  • janatarnhem
    janatarnhem Posts: 669 Member
    That's chubby. 30 more pounds and you can be obese.

    Depending on how much of that is muscle, she is no where near "obese." Have you seen her picture? Plus, that's in 30 more pounds. I don't think she's looking to gain 30 more pounds, so that's not even something to worry about. That's like me saying, "Well, I'm considered a healthy body weight because I only have 40 more pounds to go." Not everybody can get to 115 pounds healthily. In some cases it's dangerous. She also mentioned her stomach is flat and she works out everyday. I don't think she's chubby.

    I agree...obese at + 30 lbs!!
    Where did this post go?!
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Ive been on 1200 calorie diet for about a week and ive done zumba rush full class ever single day. and I lost 3 lbs in a week. I don't have one thing of junk food in the house. just milk eggs yogurt, veggies. I just feel like I want to look like killian michaels or something lol

    From your profile photo you are a pretty girl and seem to be at a good weight for your frame. But if you want to look like Jillian Michaels, you will have to do a lot more than Zumba class a few times a week. Strength training/women's body building is what is needed for the type of look you describe. Start with the website Bodybuilding.com, but be ready to work, work, work very hard, be dedicated and relentless, and be patient as changes of that magnitude take time. Good luck to you!
  • Thanks so much for the feedback =) Ill just continue to get healthier and be happy =)
  • Oh and that picture was an older picture from last year or so lol. I just updated my photo from last week around Thanksgiving time 2013. =)
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    I hovered around 145 lbs through most of high school after being closer to 130 when entering, and although I wasn't disgusted by my body, I wasn't particualtily happy with it either.

    I'm currently down to 129.5 lbs with a GW of 125 and I can see now that it would have been very beneficial (if not MUCH more) if I just started lifting/strength/resistance training and focused on that more than losing weight, because all those "problem areas" are still there.

    If you are not happy with the numbers you see, then sure, try and lose some weight! But you are in a healthy range right now, and unless you do some strength training you may stay "skinny-fat" and still be unhappy with how you look.

    Good luck OP! :flowerforyou:
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    you look fantastic!!! if i were you i would focus on continuing to get healthy and the rest will follow :)
  • whitebalance
    whitebalance Posts: 1,654 Member
    I do zumba, I run often with my puppy.I don't feel that great about myself. my tummy is pretty flat and I also lift weights. I think Im just wanting to look a certain way that u only see in the magazines lol.
    Then you should learn to use Photoshop. :wink:
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    I've been on 1200 calorie diet for about a week and I've done Zumba rush full class ever single day. and I lost 3 lbs in a week. I don't have one thing of junk food in the house. just milk eggs yogurt, veggies. I just feel like I want to look like Jillian Michaels or something lol

    That's water weight. You didn't lose 3lbs of fat unless you were in a weekly deficit of over 10,000 calories. It's a great motivator to see the numbers drop like that, but it's not going to continue like that. Once the water gets flushed out, the numbers move a lot slower, especially if you start retaining water again due to missing workouts for a week, having a carb/sodium heavy day or whatever.

    If you wanna look like Barbie, like whitebalance said, learn to use Photoshop.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    depends on how you look. No one sees the number on the scale, who cares what it says whether or not you're in "the range" Do you like how you look?
  • Cali_Chica
    Cali_Chica Posts: 895 Member
    I think you look amazing! That's a very healthy weight for your height. You wear it well so own it. Congrats.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    after a close examination of your pictures, i'd like to offer my scientific analysis...

    i'd hit it.
  • ChrisR0se
    ChrisR0se Posts: 1,855 Member
    You look great. The rest is details...
  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Ive been on 1200 calorie diet for about a week and ive done zumba rush full class ever single day. and I lost 3 lbs in a week. I don't have one thing of junk food in the house. just milk eggs yogurt, veggies. I just feel like I want to look like killian michaels or something lol

    If Jullian Michaels is your goal body- then 1200 calories is not going to get you there. A combo of diet and exercise might get you close, but really it takes serious strength training to get your body fat % down that low. That look isnt about a scale, or pounds, or being skinny enough-- its all about getting your body composition to change so you are more lean body mass and less fat. Good luck. Knowing your goal is a good place to start. Your goal would dictate your plan in this case. Zumba isn't going to get you that level of toning, sorry. If thats what you really want, toss the 143lb number and focus on the body fat % number.

    And everyone else is right- its all about how you feel at that weight and how your health is. Sounds perfectly healthy to me.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    If you look good and feel good, who are we to tell you?