Little things to lose extra calories during the day



  • I understand and accept if people don't agree with some of the methods that I use for my own body (which methods affect you in no way), but, this topic wasn't to advise, or to push my methods on anyone. The premise was to hear what you do, if anything.

    ^^I've been trying to figure out how people decided complaining about how you like to do things was part of this. I love love love that you posted this!! Please don't give up on the forums because of stupid people being butt heads. There can be some really good information in here, and you seem like a great addition to the normal people side!! You have a lot of great, useful information!!
  • For all of those wondering about the shivering. You can burn up to 400 calories an hour by simply shivering.

    It's a bad idea. Suggest you read the original article:

    Glycogen depletion and carb use without fat burning trains your body to keep an extra layer of fat, apparently.
    In one study, nine male subjects cycled for 90 minutes in different temperatures: -10 degrees Celsius, zero degrees Celsius, 10 degrees Celsius and 20 degrees Celsius. During the two colder temperatures, there was a higher respiratory exchange ratio indicating that more carbohydrate was used for fuel and less fat was oxidized than during the warmer trials (1). In another study of eight male cyclists, subjects rode to exhaustion in four different temperatures (approximately 4, 10, 20 and 30 degrees Celsius). The longest time to exhaustion was found at 10 degrees Celsius and the shortest was at 30 degrees Celsius. This research showed a relationship between temperature and exercise capacity with the best exercise able to be performed in the moderate ranges with the lowest capacity on either end of the temperature extremes. (2) These two studies suggest that working out in moderate to warm temperature is best for burning fat and exercising longer, so more calories are burned overall.

    Just because you burn more when Its hot out doesn't mean you can't still utilize the cold for the calories when you have no access to the summer weather...
  • Thank you. I've decided to grow some thicker skin and make good use of the "Ignore User" button lol.

    I've made some great friends on here so far and they've been so supportive that I really am much more comfortable now than I was before.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like to.
  • Run.
  • Amazing how rude some people can be in their comments... I personally love this forum posting and find it useful to hear about how others manage to sneak in some extra calories throughout the day. I park on the opposite side of campus at my unversity, so I am forced to walk a good mile and a half extra. Sometimes, I just dance in my bathroom before taking a shower for a good 15 minutes to get some extra cardio in.
  • lrivhod0508
    lrivhod0508 Posts: 4 Member
    I could do the shiver thing if I was still living on the coast but now in the midwest I cannot stand outside and shiver. My Mississippi blood is still thin. ;)