Why am I so hungry?

I normally exercise after work but didn't do anything today, not even some light yoga. I've been ravenous all evening. Could it be because I didn't exercise?


  • hwoeltjen
    hwoeltjen Posts: 199 Member
    It could be a long list of factors. What did you eat for breakfast and lunch?
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    Breakfast was plain yogurt and coffee. Lunch was an apple, banana and a handful of almonds. That'd standard for me. I don't usually eat much during the day.
  • XTSH
    XTSH Posts: 129 Member
    "To eat or not to eat" question is always on my mind on my non-gym days. I conclude it's beacuse I was bored and there is nothing to keep me occupied. Exercise also surpress my hunger signals, very well, in fact.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    Hmmmm. The bored thing might have something to do with it. I usually exercise after work and end up eating dinner later. Maybe it was because I ate a couple of hours earlier than normal then sat around.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Breakfast was plain yogurt and coffee. Lunch was an apple, banana and a handful of almonds. That'd standard for me. I don't usually eat much during the day.

    Um, because your body is screaming for food?
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    I eat plenty of food. Are you in the "eat all your calories at breakfast" cult? I'm not a member.
  • Otterluv
    Otterluv Posts: 9,083 Member
    Breakfast was plain yogurt and coffee. Lunch was an apple, banana and a handful of almonds. That'd standard for me. I don't usually eat much during the day.

    Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing it's because all you've eaten today was yogurt, coffee, an apple, a banana and a handful of almonds? So, we are talking around 600 calories? My guess: you are hungry and should probably eat.
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    I eat plenty of food. Are you in the "eat all your calories at breakfast" cult? I'm not a member.

    So what did you eat for dinner?
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I eat plenty of food. Are you in the "eat all your calories at breakfast" cult? I'm not a member.

    So what did you eat for dinner?

    Yes, OP. Could you make your diary public? Maybe we could give you a bit better advice that way.
  • kayakhire
    kayakhire Posts: 1 Member
    I find that the day before my red flag starts flying I could devour anything in my path. I have absolutely no will power and my hunger goes through the roof. This is normal. Maybe it's that time of the month for you?
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,779 Member
    Great thread. And great question.

    What is hunger?

    Hunger is NOT the body screaming for more calories. Your body has enough calories to last for weeks, especially if you are obese.

    Hunger is the STOMACH crying out for more food, with a large psychological component as well.

    That is WHY diet-only programs all fail.

    That is why all exercise programs fail when the participant stops exercising.

    Hunger has not been dealt with.

    And controlling hunger is the KEY to weight loss, along with being honest with yourself.

    How can hunger be controlled?

    One way is through forcing yourself to eat small meals. This gradually lets the effective volume of the stomach decrease.

    A very effective way is to simply skip breakfast. The stomach not only shrinks, but you get used to the sensation of working with an empty stomach- the psychological adaption aspect.

    no, no, no.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I eat plenty of food. Are you in the "eat all your calories at breakfast" cult? I'm not a member.

    No, I'm in the 'you should eat food' club.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    If you worked out yesterday, or even the day before that, your body could still be trying to replenish the energy you burned. The body isn't on a strict 24 Hour clock just because we are. But without any further information I really can't give any qualified (or unqualified) advice
  • suprzonic
    suprzonic Posts: 68 Member
    Great thread. And great question.

    What is hunger?

    Hunger is NOT the body screaming for more calories. Your body has enough calories to last for weeks, especially if you are obese.

    Hunger is the STOMACH crying out for more food, with a large psychological component as well.

    That is WHY diet-only programs all fail.

    That is why all exercise programs fail when the participant stops exercising.

    Hunger has not been dealt with.

    And controlling hunger is the KEY to weight loss, along with being honest with yourself.

    How can hunger be controlled?

    One way is through forcing yourself to eat small meals. This gradually lets the effective volume of the stomach decrease.

    A very effective way is to simply skip breakfast. The stomach not only shrinks, but you get used to the sensation of working with an empty stomach- the psychological adaption aspect.

    This is good :)

    With one caveat - the stomach is crying out for food because your hormones tell it to. Feed your hormones properly and they work with you - not against you :) If you eat more nutrient dense things on your non workout days, hormones will be happy - and leptin and ghrelin monster hormones will probably stop whinging for food. Coffee and a couple of bits of fruit aren't going to cut the mustard for you - you're losing weight and healthy - a healthy body needs more nourishment. I been relying on info from http://bailorgroup.com/ and http://www.zoeharcombe.com/the-knowledge/

    heaven help me ;)

    Best of luck! Hope you show that stomach who's boss :)
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    exercise decreases appetite, so yes. I ten to get hungrier on rest days... but then again I am always hungry

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Breakfast was plain yogurt and coffee. Lunch was an apple, banana and a handful of almonds. That'd standard for me. I don't usually eat much during the day.

    Going out on a limb here, but I'm guessing it's because all you've eaten today was yogurt, coffee, an apple, a banana and a handful of almonds? So, we are talking around 600 calories? My guess: you are hungry and should probably eat.


    ...seems plausible.
  • pinkiemarie252
    pinkiemarie252 Posts: 222 Member
    *shakes head* Some of the people on this site really have no comprehension of how the human body both varies between individuals and works in general. I'll reiterate that I eat plenty of food. I'll point out that I ate plenty of food during the day with a large dinner, as per usual. My question pertained to why I was abnormally hungry on a day when the only difference was the lack of any exercise.

    Thank you to those of you who took time to think about my question in the proper context and without undue, unnecessary and uninformed judgment. I appreciate the input :)
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member
    *shakes head* Some of the people on this site really have no comprehension of how the human body both varies between individuals and works in general. I'll reiterate that I eat plenty of food. I'll point out that I ate plenty of food during the day with a large dinner, as per usual. My question pertained to why I was abnormally hungry on a day when the only difference was the lack of any exercise.

    Thank you to those of you who took time to think about my question in the proper context and without undue, unnecessary and uninformed judgment. I appreciate the input :)

    youre like "why am I hungry, I only ate 600 calories today"

    everyones like "whut? maybe because you only ate 600 calories today"

    youre like "pffff. I had dinner too, duh. thanks for jumping to conclusions, you should know what I'm thinking"

    I'm like "you sound like my ex girlfriend"

    moral of the story is, you didn't inform people with the necessary information, ergo the response wasn't as you would like. but you did infact ask for it.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    *shakes head* Some of the people on this site really have no comprehension of how the human body both varies between individuals and works in general. I'll reiterate that I eat plenty of food. I'll point out that I ate plenty of food during the day with a large dinner, as per usual. My question pertained to why I was abnormally hungry on a day when the only difference was the lack of any exercise.

    Thank you to those of you who took time to think about my question in the proper context and without undue, unnecessary and uninformed judgment. I appreciate the input :)

    Hi, I have a very strong comprehension of physiology and nutrition.

    You didn't really point out that you had a large dinner until this post, and never really stated how many calories you're eating per day either. If you could open your diary to the public, we could probably be a lot more helpful.

    And no, I'm not part of the eat a large breakfast club.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member