advice for getting up early to work out



  • ohellotheresa
    I am already in the habit of getting up early just because I got myself into the habit of waking up extremely early but there are some useful tips in this thread to make it easier!
    I listen to music to help me wake up :) and start off with lots of stretching
  • davidsonl13
    I get up twice a week at 5:20 to start my run at 5:30. I set my first alarm for 5:00 laze around for 20 mins in bed then it's up and out the door.

    My workout clothes are laid out each night ready to I just need to stick them on, grab my phone. earphones, dog lead and we're off. Even if I really don't want to, I just do it.

    The dog helps, he knows if the alarm goes off it's walkies and won't let me rest!
  • runner_bear
    I get up at 5am each morning to get to the gym before work. I'm also a night owl. Here's how I do it: get everything organised the night before to make getting up as painless as possible. Before you go to bed, make sure the DVD's in the player. Clear space to work out so you're not having to move furniture around. Have your workout gear laid out (down to pants and socks if needs be!) ready, or sleep in your workout gear. Get breakfast ready as much as possible and on the countertop/in the fridge waiting.

    Also, if you're like me and enjoy sleeping in a little - plan for it. Set your alarm for 15 minutes before you need to get up, so that you wake up and get 15 minutes of lazy waking up time before you need to actually get out of bed.

    Another thing - make sure you're getting enough sleep. It's easy to think "oh, it's just an hour" but those hours build up into a large sleep deficit, which will only make you tireder and less inclined to get out of bed.

    Ultimately, the biggest thing you need to do is have the inner motivation to do it - all the tips and tricks in the world won't help if you *really* don't want to get out of bed in the morning.
  • alechua
    alechua Posts: 224 Member
    hahaha! this is nice!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I have to change my sleep schedule. Get up at the same time every morning, no matter what time I went to bed. took me about 2 weeks to change my sleep schedule. Getting the actual motivation to workout.... pending :laugh:

    I think this is KEY.

    That and just not talking yourself out of waking up. I am good at that.

    I need one of those puzzle alarms that pop and it won't go off till you put all the pieces together!!!
  • wildirishrose162
    wildirishrose162 Posts: 12 Member
    I no longer workout before work because I now work really early hours but when I did I would lay out my stuff the night before and make sure everything was ready to go so I could just mindlessly get ready.

    Also now that I work early mornings I find to get up I get everything ready the night before, I set multiple alarms for before I need to get up because I tend to turn them off saying I'll lay there for five more minutes and then fall back to sleep. I also have to agree with people who say go to sleep early enough. When you're doing early hours that makes all the difference in the world.

    I'm a night person but with time you do get used to the early mornings.
  • QuincyChick
    QuincyChick Posts: 269 Member
    I put my phone (which I use as an alarm) across the room on mornings I want to go work out, so I actually have to physically get out of bed to turn it off.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    also this

    I'm so bad about waking up- I've walked to the kitchen (my BF will call me sometimes to help me wake up) on the phone with him- and he hung up as I waklked back to my room and I got back in bed and woke up 45 minutes late.

    yeah- I'm HORRIBLE at waking up and GETTING up.
  • msmonique46
    msmonique46 Posts: 80 Member
    Wow! A real sleep junkie. (smile)
  • sazzyanne14
    sazzyanne14 Posts: 77 Member
    I have changed my gym routine to early morning workouts because I enjoy being in the gym more when it is quiet. This was hard for me to do because I love sleeping in (and as a student that is easy to do).

    Getting up early after years of sleeping in was very tough.

    The only thing I can suggest is getting plenty of sleep the night before and getting up as soon as your alarm goes off. DON'T SNOOZE IT !! If you enjoy pressing the snooze button place your alarm clock on the other side of the room
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    1. Get up early
    2. Work out
    3. Repeat until habit is formed
    4. Profit

    Yep, this is pretty much it.

    You can do all the tricks in the world. But, if you're not actually committed to doing this, you'll find (read: make up) excuses to not just do it.
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    There are two things that really help me

    1. Set multiple alarms about 5 to 10 minutes apart. The alarm on my second third settings is more annoying than the one before it.
    2. Go to bed earlier. Sometimes I just waker up if I have had enough sleep.