holiday booze challenge



  • KateGifford
    KateGifford Posts: 2,398 Member
    I appreciate the intention behind this challenge, but not in a million years would I want to join. I loooove my alcohol-especially a good glass of red wine! If I'm going to drink, I almost always make sure it fits into my calories for the day. I don't mind eating less or exercising more, if it means I get my wine!
  • AmyJoShanks
    AmyJoShanks Posts: 40 Member
    :drinker: LOL...yeeeaaah not gonna happen for this wine-o :drinker:
  • ksy1969
    ksy1969 Posts: 700 Member

    LoL, fully agree here. Not Gonna Happen!!!

    For the last three years I have put on a little weight around the holidays, and it could be from drink, but it is worth it. Then come January 1st I kick it back in gear and by April I am less than I was than when I started into the Holiday Season. Keep doing that and I will eventually be my ideal weight and I still get to enjoy the holiday's :drinker:
  • shaupt87
    shaupt87 Posts: 5 Member

    Hahaha. Ditto.

    I did add a section to my Food Diary for Liquid Calories to try to at least monitor a little. But none altogether? Bwahaha.
  • WhiteGirlWasted13
    WhiteGirlWasted13 Posts: 178 Member
    In for the booze! this isn't about how to have the most holiday booze? Dang it. ::puts jello shots and rum balls back in fridge::